What a decent man Todd Michael Fair

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by FFF, Dec 26, 2010.

  1. FFF

    FFF Member

    A former school resource officer at West Johnston High School was charged Thursday with having a sexual relationship with a minor.
    Todd Michael Fair, 40, faces two counts of disseminating obscenities to a minor and one count of taking indecent liberties with a child.
  2. 2not2

    2not2 Well-Known Member

    REALLY...could you not just let this go and let the man and his family get on with their life as best they can? Did this affect you personally in some way, 'cause you sure do seem to have it in for Mr. Fair?

    While I agree that he knew better, he IS NOT the only guilty party involved...that "child" knew it was wrong, too! And now she has been shipped off to another school; can't wait for this to happen there, too.
  3. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    Maybe Todd was supposed to have an affair with FFF but he changed his mind and went a different direction.
  4. lori-beth

    lori-beth Well-Known Member

    We all agree that what Officer Fair did was wrong and used poor judgement but let's not forget all the good he did at WJHS. I know of one student that he helped get out of an abusive situation at home, made sure she had everything she needed while at school and spent many school days counselling them. When I discussed this situation with that student she was very upset and angry that he put himself in that position but she knows that without him she would not have made it through to graduation and for that we all thank him.:cheers:
  5. Niese

    Niese Well-Known Member

    FFF you apparently have a grudge and this is not the forum to continue to beat this subject to death. Everyone is perfectly aware of the story and have discussed this for weeks and have their own opinions.

    But my goodness - drop it and move on with life.
  6. Tom Servo

    Tom Servo Well-Known Member

    Put FFF on ignore. They are the kind of poster whose only purpose is to stir the crap in the sandbox. All FFF wants to do is anger people. It's the reason I put The Toxic Twins on ignore, and now FFF is added to that list.
  7. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    Was he coaching WJHS Football too??
  8. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    An example of another post that does not need to be made...

    After a cup or two of coffee in the morning, I usually get my poop on.
  9. momtofive

    momtofive Well-Known Member

    REALLY?!?! The "child" as you put it, is a MINOR and therefore not an equal to a 40 something year old! How can you put blame on the "child" and continue to heap praise on this man who, regardless of what "good" he may have done, used his age, life experiences, etc. to his advantage. I'm amazed at how people will defend child molesters and rapists.
  10. blessed

    blessed Well-Known Member

    No one is praising or defending HIM, RELAX. And this "child" as you put it is a minor, BUT a minor that is of the age to know right from wrong too. So YES. This "child" does have some fault here whether YOU like it or not. Old enough to be dangerous...........
  11. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

  12. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member


    And to add....I am absolutely appalled and hurt by what Officer Fair has done...he is WRONG BUT...the "child" in question has a history...I will leave it at that. Let the flaming begin....
  13. VolleyGrl

    VolleyGrl Well-Known Member

    EVERYONE (the officer and his family, the girl and her family) in this situation needs counseling at this point. Period. Right down to FFF who has obviously been effected some way as well. I'm sure there are low cost alternatives or someone at the high school that can help you dude..
  14. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Well-Known Member

    It is those attitudes that make it hard on prosecutors to prosecute rapists. Unless the victim is a virgin....some want to play "let's blame the victim...she probably deserved it".
  15. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Well-Known Member

    Very much agree. But when statements are made like:

    "This "child" does have some fault here whether YOU like it or not. Old enough to be dangerous..........."

    "This "child" does have some fault here whether YOU like it or not. Old enough to be dangerous..........."

    Then the victim is being blamed and that is a dangerous mindset.
  16. Josey Wales

    Josey Wales Well-Known Member

    FFF, where did you get "sexual relationship" from? Please post a link or explain. We still don't know what the pictures were. FAIK, crude or vulgar jokes could fall under "disseminating obscenities" to a minor or "indecent liberties with a child". If I'm wrong, explain the law for us.
    From what I heard (legal disclaimer: accuracy unknown), this "child" attempted to blackmail the officer and only reported the inappropriate behavior as a very selfish act of revenge, not because she felt victimized. The officer could have followed her demands, kept this hidden, and kept his job. Instead, he did his duty to the rest of the students at WJHS and is now paying the consequences.
    There were two victims in this case. We're just discussing who we think was victimized more.
    As a man, if I were a teacher I would request she be assigned as far from me as possible.

    No one denies what he did was wrong, but the good far outweighed the bad.
  17. bostonredhead

    bostonredhead Well-Known Member

    Now THAT's just crazy! It's like saying, "...but Officer, the priest only molested ONE little boy..."

    Fair screwed up - doesn't matter if he did it once or many times. Do you really want someone who thinks like that about a high school girl around YOUR daughter? I don't.
  18. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Well-Known Member

    Sorry Josey...usually agree with you on most things....but I don't think gratifying oneself sexually with a 14 year old makes you a victim even if she tries to blackmail you later.
  19. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Well-Known Member

    Ding, Ding, Ding......we have a winner!!!
  20. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    He's supposed to be in court Monday. Should be interesting if there is a plea deal or not. I'm sure by then more details will be provided by the media.

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