Joco schools dismissing at 10...?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by DMJmom, Jan 10, 2011.

  1. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    The message I heard from Croom was that the buses would do HS first, then middle, then elementary. They share the buses, so they can't do them all at once.
  2. Savealot

    Savealot Well-Known Member

    So do elementary kids get out at 10am and have to hang out waiting for the bus to pick them up if their parents can't get there? Wonder why they just didn't get out 2hr early like wake?
  3. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    I thought they would do it on a time schedule type thing not a hurry up as you get to it type thing. The chaos doesn't agree with me. Order I say! lol
  4. Jenna's Mom

    Jenna's Mom Well-Known Member

    I agree, they could have made the decision earlier. Then again, I saw like Cumberland County canceling school yesterday and thought it may be a little early, but they already had it sticking to the grassy areas early this morning. They are south of us. I figured a early dismissal, serve lunch early and get the kids out as soon as possible around noonish. I think Wake made their decision to avoid the headaches of an inch of ice a few years ago. I remember driving 10 miles per hour on 440 and feeling like it was an abandoned car graveyard with everyone just pulled/slid off on the side.
  5. Savealot

    Savealot Well-Known Member

    It's just my pet peeve when simple things get so screwed up. Just could have called people last night. I would have hated to have rolled up at school this morning dropping my kids off and then planning on going on to work. I know some parents were in a panick when they saw that the kids got out at 10am.
    Sorry, but like I said it's just a pet peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeve of mine when things like this happen, ask my friend kdc!
  6. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Girl..............don't drag me into this, LOL. I'm still licking my wounds for daring to suggest they let us poor parents know if the bus is broke down, LOL.
  7. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    For those with kids at Neuse Charter. They're getting out at 11:30 (HS/MS) and 12 for K-4..


    I thought that the schools had to stay open until at least lunch before early dismissal because of some weird law.
  8. LovingLife10

    LovingLife10 Well-Known Member

    This is a pain for elementary kids and parents, but ifitweren't for the staggered bus system all students would be getting out at 12 which makes for a longer day. Because of the bus system, they have to start releasing at 10 to get everyone home by 1 pm. They should have had a staggered release time just like every other day for car riders and bus riders that way the younger kids would have had as long of day as the high schoolers. I'm pretty sure they won't have to make it up though.
  9. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    This is a pain. BUT no matter what they did, it woulda caused b i t chin and chaos. The good news is TODAY DOES COUNT and they do not have to make it up.

    while the rest of us are alightly inconvenienced, the bus drivers are really the only ones that SHOULD be fussin'.....after today's routes (which my boys BD drives all three routes, HS, MS and elem) they'll have been in that bus for about 6-7 hours. :?

    and I can assure you, the kids could care less what's going on. all they know is they get to go home.
  10. Savealot

    Savealot Well-Known Member

    must have missed that one kdc! Let's all not pick up our kids until 3pm, what can they do to us! just joking.
  11. Savealot

    Savealot Well-Known Member

    yes, it would suck to be a bus driver today. They drop the kids off and almost turn around and pick them back up, crazy!
  12. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    It looks like the school system made the best decision it could with the information and resources they have. I recall a year or so ago they called off school the night before and we didn't get a bit of snow on the ground. No matter what decision they make and when, someone is not going to be happy. If they could control the weather I'm sure things would be done differently :) At least there should not be a required make up day....

  13. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    There will not be a make up day. If you go, it counts. I remember these situations arising when I taught in JCS, but it was usually snowing at the time the call was made to dismiss early. Give 'em a bag lunch and send 'em on their way so the day counts. I will say a few years ago, when everyone was stuck on the beltline and 40 for nine hours or more, dismissing at 10:00 was almost too late for the road conditions here. I think they could have waited until 11:00 or noon, but it is a hard call and I may not have all the facts on when the snow is supposed to arrive. Hope we all keep power through this!!
  14. 2not2

    2not2 Well-Known Member

    Thought the whole thing was kind of weird this morning...I would have rather seen them go and be dismissed 2 hours early like some other counties were doing. Why 10:00??? My oldest was supposed to have an exam at 9:00, so he wasn't going in until about 8:30, but as soon as they announced the decision I got him up and he went on in. I did not make my younger ones go at all; one of them was already staying home sick and another had been coughing all night, which only left one more. Wasn't gonna try to get any of them in for less than 1 1/2 hours.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2011
  15. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I had no problem the schools closing early, but 10:00 is crazy. I do understand why they did it, but just wish they had at least stayed until 12 or so, to make it worth it.
  16. momtofive

    momtofive Well-Known Member

    I am not a fan of Croom or the Board of Ed but I really do feel for them in situations like this. No matter what their decision is or when they make it, they are gonna get all kinds of complaints.

    That being said, I did not get a call before packing all my kids up to take my older two to school. One is in MS and the other in Elementary. At the MS, teachers were out telling parents of the 10:00 dismissal. I personally was happy as I had planned on picking my kids up early anyway. When I got to the elementary school, teachers were out telling us that if we wanted, we could take our kids home and they would still be counted present as they had gone onto school campus. So that one went home with me and my husband picked up the older one on his way home from work. So it worked out for us and now I have a loud, fun home today! :)
  17. jjganny

    jjganny Well-Known Member

    I know lots of folks don't understand the hour or so of school but it is a day that will not have to be made up either on spring break or teacher workday.
  18. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    Rec'd email from JoCo Board of Ed....schools closed tomorrow for students and staff. ALso on WRAL now.
  19. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    ooo! An email would be nice! How do I get on the list?
  20. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    taking bets on School or not on WED???

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