Is that the only location you are at - from 40/42 area how far is that and what day and times do you have classes
I have signed up at the Clayton community center. BUT ice yesterday and MLK next Monday, we are never going to get to go!
I also teach Zumba in the Circuit at Curves at 40/42 but you have to be a member. I teach Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 6:45 at the Church. It's about 7 miles from 40/42.
I take Zumba at the SRAC on Tuesday mornings, but they also have a Wed and I think Friday night class. On Wed they have Zumbatonic (for kids) then zumba for adults. She also does Aqua Zumba in the pool on Wed mornings (which is a bit gentler on your joints although its slower, the focus is more on using the water as resistance during the routines). The instructor there is Pretz and she's an older lady, but she really knows how to rock it.
Zumba! Hey there, I've been looking for Zumba classes for the longest time! First, Marie, how do I find out about signing up for your class. I have to go back and read which days/times you offer it. My kids have sports, etc on Monday and Tuesday evenings, so time is crunched. I planned to look at Curves, too, since I'm not a member anywhere. How does it work in the circuit? Also, for the person signed up at Clayton Community Center, do you have to be a member there to take the class? I live at 210/40 almost at McGee's Crossroads, but work up at 40/42. Any information you guys can give me would be much appreciated! I lost about 40ish pounds on Weight watchers online, but haven't done anything about exercise, and now I'm backsliding... Ugh. Time to get back on track! Thanks a million!
You do not need to be a member, but non-members and non-residents pay more for class. Zumba is offered Mon. morning, Mon. evening and Thursday evenings. $20 for members and residents, $35 for non. Six week session.
I teach Zumba in the Circuit on Monday evenings at 5:30 and 6:00 and Wednesday mornings at 9:30 and 10:00. You use the circuit machines for one minute and then Zumba for one minute. It is a 30 minute class. The members really seem to be enjoying it. I teach Zumba classes on Tues and Thursday evenings at 6:45. You can always send me a pm if you want some more information.
1 minute of zumba with 1 minute of equipment work? Can't even get a full song in a minute unless it's like the CuppyCake song. However, I see it being good to keep your heartrate up while you're going through the circuit to burn more calories while on the weight machine. I'd be interested in observing it to see if its something I could incorporate as I move from machine to machine at the gym. right now, I do 2 sets of reps on 2 machines then spend about 2 to 3 minutes on a tread/bike/or eliptical to keep my heartrate up. I just can't justify paying curves and my current gym that my whole family is part of.
Hi, With the Curves program they are usually on the machine for 30 seconds and then the recovery pad for 30 seconds. With Zumba in the Circuit they stay on the machine for one minute and Zumba for one minute with the total class time being 30 min. The music continues and when you hear the que you change stations. The Owner gave me a couple of free one week passes which will include one Zumba in the Circuit program. Let me know if you want one.
If you ever start offering it in Smithfield, I'll have to take you up on it. 40/42 is the opposite direction of where I go on those days/times.
so can you give some reference point to what the church is close to? Is it before or after McGees Xroads?
the church isn't near McGee's Crossroads....its on 42, after you cross old stage road, heading towards Fuquay, its a bit down on the right. If you get to the next light, Hilltop Road, you've gone too far.