Comedian mocks Wake schools' assignment controversy
There isn't one shred of evidence supporting bussing. It's simply another bust by the left in the name of moral superiority over those opposed to it.
Brilliant! While I agree with he community schools aspect from a logistics and cost cutting point of view, I don't think it will ever work for reasons Colbert pointed out. There are so many other things we could be doing right now for those schools. The Wake schools thing is a total freaking mess. Thanks Tea Party!
Check yourself. John Tedesco (and other Wake Board members) were Tea Party backed candidates and have spoken at Tea Party rallies. stupid can you be? Blaming the Tea Party for this is just a feeble attempt to pass blame onto someone else which you happen to oppose. I'm sure members of the Tea Party would agree with a lot of my politics but that doesn't mean they affect me in any way shape, form or fashion. People have been opposing bussing since the day of its inception which pre-dates any semblance of The Tea Party.
When John Tedesco was elected in Nov. 2009, was the Tea Party in Wake County even making endorsements yet?
Spin it however you want. The dude is affiliated with the Tea Party and he shares Tea Party beliefs. The Tea Party supports him. He is a Tea Party backed candidate. I dislike bussing as much as the next guy, but due to the climate we live in this will go nowhere and will be litigated to death. It is a lose-lose situation that will only continue to get worse. The Colbert piece only served to show how absurd the situation has become. It takes a comedian to cut through the crap!
You're an idiot. I support neighborhood schools if for no other reason than the cost savings it will realize. Cost savings that could then be pumped into disadvantage schools.
This whole thing has been blown out of proportion thanks to the NAACP. It has nothing to do with getting "poor" on you. It costs time and money to bus children all over hell and half of Georgia. It is not working. Charlotte-Mecklenberg used to do this, they switched back to Neighborhood schools, and guess what? Their graduation rates went up, they are higher than Wake County's. I am not a fan of NCLB, but this is why it was created is it not? Your students don't pass, you get no funding and possibly shut down. You don't skirt it by bussing so you can collect more money for the cafeteria.
No disputing that he is Tea Party now, he has spoken at several of their rallies. But at the time of the election, no one was hearing of his Tea Party sympathies as they were not endorsing yet and I don't think he was publicly involved with them.
Yea, I'm the idiot while you're the genius attaching The Tea Party to something that has been around for decades.
Why is Johnston Co not criticized for having schools that are 98% white? Why isn't Barber demanding that JoCo bus for diversity?
blacks graduate at overall rates in the 60% range, hispanics in the 50% range. the current system is not helping them, only shuffling them so as to hide them amongst overall statistics. these self-proclaimed enlightened compassionate liberals are arguing to continue to keep minorities down. who are the real racists here? the numbers don't look so bad when you mix them up and hide the poor performing students (although if you break them down, they are a CLEAR FAIL for minorities), liberals get to feel good about themselves since they get to claim that their kids go to school with minorities and poor people (so they can learn compassion for the great unwashed, eh?), and then they get to throw the whole thing in somebody else's lap by hollering "racist!". oh, look. 4 fingers pointing back at you....
which brings up another point: if neighborhood schools results in segregation, what does that say about the whole city/county and their planning and their segregated housing? how is that the school system's fault? we're gonna have a hissy fit if we put them back in their closest school, but nobody says anything about the bigger picture?