The state mandates that we must carry liability insurance in order to license a vehicle. Yet we must listen to numerous commercials on the radio and tv for insurance companies using part of the revenue we are required to pay as their advertising bucget. Not only with cable tv do we have to pay to listen to ads, but we have to pay to listen to ads that we pay for! Sorry if I've offended anyone in the advertising field.
The more people buying insurance from your carrier the cheaper their costs are to insure you. Not to mention the more competitive the insurance market, the cheaper your premiums.
I have a question on the content of all the insurance commercials? If I go to Geico and save $400 +/-. and then take that to Allstate and save $375 +/-, and then go to Nationwide and save $350 +/-, will the next one owe me money for insuring my car? And what's the price if my last name is "Mayhem"? And if MasterCard only charges vendors 3% on charges, how can they give 5% cash back on purchases? Truth in advertising = If in under 5 seconds, you can read a paragraph of blurred fine print flashed on a screen, you've caught them telling the truth.
where they're competing on prices is in the collision part of your insurance. the liability side doesn't vary as much. most people are required to have collision by their lenders, so at least that much of it has nothing to do with the state requiring liability.
This is why you should get your insurance through independent agents. The prices are 10-15% less because they don't do much advertising. PM me if you need more details.
No if you have a military connection, CAll USAA. Honorably discharged veterans of all ranks, military of all ranks, unremarried spouses of deceased veterans, familiy members of military and veterans as well are possibly eligible for membership and insurance thru USAA. I've been with them since 1978. Less expensive, better service. toll free 800-531-8722
I had USAA until I started looking around. I found out that they were not less expensive. Can't say about the service since I haven't needed to file any claims.
I didn't say that independents don't advertise at all. There are a number of companies that don't advertise as much and offer much lower premiums, all things equal, than Nationwide, Allstate, State Farm, etc. Does everyone here know that you can get Nationwide through an indep? It's sold under the name of Allied. You still get the blue box logo, you just pay a lot less for it.
So if choose a company that advertises heavily my rates should be cheaper. 1. Higher advertising costs=lower profits. 2. Lower revenues per customer=lower profits. Are the insurance companies going to be non profit organizations like Wake Med? Hence the remark about health care reform.
Using that logic, why does anyone advertise? You could as easily argue that lower advertising = lower revenues by virtue of not getting any customers. One can't assume there will always be a finite amount of customers regardless of advertising.
so a $ spent on advertising doesn't go to the bottm line. Less dollars for them to be taxed on. So why cant our insurance premiums be tax deductible. we are paying for the advertising