Has anyone fought a ticket issues by Cary Camera?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Melynda, Jan 21, 2011.

  1. Daredevil

    Daredevil Well-Known Member

    Fight it. I'd say....prove I didnt loan it to a homeless person to ride around & get warm. They had a licsense, but I didnt catch his name. Dont I have a right to face my accuser under the law ?
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2011
  2. LovingLife10

    LovingLife10 Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure what would be so difficult about telling the friend that she got a camera ticket. After all, she did run the red light by not coming to a complete stop. It sounds like you just don't want anyone to have to pay for it, which is your right to feel that way. By claiming that the cary police aren't doing their job by catching the right person, you might as well be saying that your only guilty of something if you're caught. Because they didn't get the right person, no one should have to pay. You certainly shouldnt have to, because you weren't the driver. If you tell your friend about it, hopefully she would just offer to pay it since she did do it.
  3. kevinsmithii

    kevinsmithii Well-Known Member


    This is what we are teaching our kids. It is okay to break the law, Adults don't need to be held accountable. Any way we can out of breaking the law we'll do it.

    As long as we teach our kids there is some way of getting out of breaking traffic laws we will keep losing them. COME ON PEOPLE IS THIS WHAT WE WANT OUR KIDS TO LEARN.
  4. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Rarely, though, does a motorist simply 'get out' of a ticket if they are guilty. They may plea to a lesser charge, but there is almost always a fine, court costs, DL points, insurance points and attorney fees. Plus, the state allows for leniency in minor traffic infractions as with other types of misdemeanors. People make mistakes and therefore, the law often is tolerable of those errors in judgement. Usually, there is more financially accountability for our mistakes rather a complete loss of privileges and freedom. However, erratic and continous behavior behind the wheel such as DWI charges, reckless or aggressive driving or such violations as passing stopped school buses are certainly where less or absolutely no tolerance is warranted.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2011
  5. Ima Sheltie

    Ima Sheltie Well-Known Member

    There was a video? I thought there was just a picture of the back of the car. In any case, it appears that you can confirm that this non-irresponsible person ran a read light as you have stated in your comment. So, I guess you have three choices: pay the ticket, don't pay the ticket, or ask your friend to pay the ticket.
  6. Ima Sheltie

    Ima Sheltie Well-Known Member

    That's kind of a dumb stance to take don't you think?
  7. hrcnsfan

    hrcnsfan Well-Known Member

    Sounds like this is an individual who shouldn't have a problem accepting responsibility for the ticket.
  8. Yes2day

    Yes2day Active Member

    These red-light cameras are not hidden. There is plenty of signage that they are there. You have stated it wasn't you, your husband or your children. If this person is so responsible, why can't they pay the ticket?
  9. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    Give the ticket to the driver and ask them to pay the fine and join this class action suit against the Town of Cary if they feel it was not warranted. "Red Light Robber"

    "Come join the cause!

    On November 30, 2010, we filed a class action lawsuit against the Town of Cary, North Carolina for illegal operation of red light cameras. We are in search for witnesses willing to testify their experiences with Cary's red light cameras in court. If you have received a red light camera citation in the Town of Cary, We need You. It doesn't matter when or where you were ticketed. We need you to join us in our fight against short yellow lights and the unsafe conditions they create at intersections. All you need to do is download the link below, and get in touch with one of the people in the document.Your voice matters and it really could make all the difference!"

    Last edited: Jan 22, 2011
  10. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    Bottom line to me, if you make a mistake, you have to own up to your actions. Obviously it was simply a careless error but we must accept responsibility for our actions. That being said, if I willingly loan my car to someone then I still think it is partly my responsibility to know what happens in my car. Maybe that's just me and I'm good with that...just the way I was raised. Good Luck!
  11. Vinalexnc

    Vinalexnc Well-Known Member

    I don't like these red-light cameras. These cameras are just a way for the town/city to raise money.

    But these tickets are like parking tickets and insuance they follow the vehicle. For example if your friend was involved in a wreck your insurance would pay.

    You can try to fight it but it would end up probably costing you more then making your friend pay it.

    Your principles are right about having to do the Town of Cary's job but that doesn't matter with a lot of things involving local government in today's world.
  12. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    I don't have a problem with such cameras being used at dangerous intersections. My beef is with it being privatized out to a company making most of the money off of the violation. Furthermore, I have noticed that at some of these lights, the green-to-red cycle is much shorter during prime drive time. Obviously, this will provoke more impatient drivers to attempt to scoot under the yellow. From what I remember, you're supposed to be safe as long as your front wheels have passed the line. If not, it triggers the camera.
  13. bosoxfan

    bosoxfan Well-Known Member

    So you're the one who was in my way on the Clayton by-pass, where the speed limit is 70. :jester::jester:
  14. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    Sorry for my long winded post … not the first time I’ve been guilty of this J

    As I mentioned before, my husband did get ticketed by one of the cameras in the past ... and we paid that because he was at fault and should pay for his carelessness. I just don't like the idea that I am being forced to either pay up or tattle on a friend for a mistake that didn't put anyone in danger.

    If the driver came to a rolling stop at a crowded intersection and jumped out in front of approaching traffic, I would have been very disappointed with the driver & would definitely have a word with them about driving my car dangerously. Instead the video shows that the driver slowly approached an empty intersection in the turn lane, came to a rolling stop and proceeded to turn right on red.

    When my son was younger he had a habit of tattling on others every time they did something they weren't supposed to do. In kindergarten he was once devastated because he was issued a tattle tale tally for this habit. My son just wanted to make sure everyone was following all of the rules. For instance, once he told on a child for eating a hot pocket on the bus route to school. Yes - the rule was no eating on the bus - but no, the child hadn't placed anyone in danger. My son lost a chance to ever befriend the child due to the incident. As expected, the driver was aggravated with my son for tattling, rather than the child who was simply trying to eat his breakfast. It was really tough to teach my son when it was important to tell & when it was not. In the end, we told him if he didn't feel threatened in any way & the child wasn't hurting himself, anyone or anything ... then maybe there wasn't really a reason to tell.

    Would I prefer everyone drive safely? ... yes. Do I always "try" to drive safely? ... definitely. Do I feel like it's my job to tattle every time I see someone else violate a traffic law? ... No.

    I have called the highway patrol on more than one occasion through life to report individuals who were driving so recklessly that they were endangering themselves or the lives of others. In cases where someone may get hurt, I do feel like it's my responsibility to tattle. A rolling stop, before making a right on red, at an empty intersection, on a bright sunny day, just doesn't feel like a situation where I should be forced to tattle or pay up. If I lend my friend my car to drive to the grocery store and later learn that the friend ate a grape at the produce counter before it was weighed, does it become my responsibility to go to the grocery store and report my friend? Further, if a private citizen followed my grape eating, lawbreaking friend out to the car, copied the tag# and reported the infraction to the police, should I then be forced to face shoplifting charges & pay up, or chose to report my friend?

    Although I do try to drive carefully at all times, I was stopped by an officer in Smithfield a couple of years ago. I had mistakenly made a right on red ... although a sign that I had carelessly overlooked stated right on red at that intersection wasn't allowed. I had stopped & looked both ways to make sure the coast was clear before I proceeded on with the turn. The officer stopped me, informed me of my mistake & after consideration, issued me a warning. I learned my lesson & proceeded on. I was grateful for the time the officer took to explain my mistake. Maybe I should have begged him for a ticket ... because after all, I did break the law? I guess what I'm really saying is that when an officer stops someone for a driving infraction, its not soley a money making venture. I think most of them love their job & want to protect the public. Sometimes, they issue tickets ... other times, just a warning. I think they look at the situation, talk with the driver, determine if the driver put anyone in danger and then issue a ticket or warning based on their experience & knowledge. The private company issuing these tickets cares about one thing ... making a buck.

    In the future, if I see a car come to a rolling stop, is it my responsibility to get their tag# and report it to the police? After all, they did break the law. Maybe manufacturers can start equipping all cars with dash cameras ... and anytime we get lucky enough to catch someone running a red light on video, we can send the video in so the violator can be forced to pay us a fee. We can help the homeless who pass their days holding signs at the stop signs & traffic lights. The beggars can trade in their cardboard signs for video cameras and make extra money mailing out traffic tickets. Does a private citizen ... or company have the right/responsibility to report others for minor traffic violations in return for payment?

    First, I don't think it's ever right to intentionally break the law. I doubt my friend truthfully realized they didn't come to a complete stop at the light. The fact that my friend didn't realize they broke the law doesn't make it right ... but I just don't think it's my duty to tattle on them.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2011
  15. Yes2day

    Yes2day Active Member

    Bottom line, your friend broke the law and the video shows it and you have said that as well. Your car was used. I don't understand why you have such a problem with this. To tattle or not is just BS. Either you pay the ticket, tell your friend to give you the money to pay the ticket (you wouldn't have to tattle then) or try to fight it. You are lucky that your friend did not cause a wreck. I have seen several wrecks when I worked with EMS that on nice sunny days someone rolled through a stop sign and didn't see a car or truck coming until it was too late. That is why they call it a Stop sign, not a Roll On Through Sign. I have come close myself to hitting someone in the side because they decided they couldn't take two extra seconds to come to a complete stop. It scared the H__L out of me especially when I say children in the backseat on the side that I almost rammed. Trying to defend her by saying you don't think she realized she did not come to a complete stop and you don't want to tattle on her is ridiculous. Don't worry, if she doesn't realize she not stopping completely now, she will do it again and again and eventually her luck will run out.
  16. Ima Sheltie

    Ima Sheltie Well-Known Member

    Why don't you just call Cary and say that nobody in your family was driving the vehicle, and you don't feel that it is your place to be a "tattle tale" since nobody got hurt? I am sure they will gladly tear up the ticket.
  17. Daredevil

    Daredevil Well-Known Member

    Yeah, the constitution is dumb & we should let the police do whatever they want. We know the police are NEVER corrupt, right. Its meant to portray how flawed this perticular system is. I happily pay my tickets when I deserve them, but when LEOs bend the rules, I consider it my job to stand up to it. The constituion states we have a right to face our accuser & the burdeon of proof is of them.
  18. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    LOL. Someone driving your car broke the law. Just pay the fine!
  19. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    seriously, a grocery store analogy? Lol. Were they driving your car thru the produce section while snatching a grape?

    This is a classic mountain out of a mole hill deal. Plain and simple your car your responsibility.
    So everyone often thinks about whats happening to the country, well here it is, lack of responsibility and accountability by those and there are many who are looking to others to blame.
  20. Navycut

    Navycut Well-Known Member

    I say rip out those money making cameras and let the cops do their job instead of eating doughnuts all the time. Who cares if rapists, robbers and murderers run free? Or double the police force; Cary can afford a slight increase in taxes.

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