Dr. Bobbie A. Brooker, rural Health Integrator for the Durham VA Medical Center, will host an enrollment event on February 22, 2011, at the Johnston County Land Use Center, in Smithfield, NC, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The VA Medical Center will have 3-4 enrollment clerks, with computers, who can enroll Johnston County Veterans in the VA Health System. Veterans will need to bring their DD Form 214 and their enrollment will be completed electronically.
Thanks for posting this, DH has been talking about taking a day off and going to Durham to enroll. I'll have to put it on the calendar for him!
Need more info for my 80+ y/o Korean Vet DD. DD Form 214 is what? and where do you get such? He (& I) need to attend this meeting.
How long do you have to have served in order to qualify? I don't think that it has to have been during war time but I'm not sure :? Thanks!
He may have a copy of it with his important papers. If not, he can get it from the personnel records center in St. Louis. http://www.archives.gov/st-louis/military-personnel/ There used to be a veterans service officer at the JoCo Courthouse, if that office is still there, he might be able to help you, as well.
If you want a good glimpse at government run health care, stop by your local VA hospital.....and then run.
Founds Dad's DD-214 this am, still folded, like he was just handed the sheet. Plus his draft card, letter to report to the JoCo draft board and such. We will be there just after lunch today. <Bump>
When we got there it was about 11:00, there were 2 computers on the enrollment table, but only one guy was diong them. I would guess we were in line for almost an hour while they got through with 2 people. One of the women who was assisting people said that we could get an envelope from the Veterans office and just mail the form in. So thats what we did, it was good to get the paperwork in the process.
Had me in and out of there in 20 minutes. Complete waste of gas and time. Was handed the paperwork, and told them I had submitted the same forms in 2010. RN typed in name and info, got a computer code she didn't know, asked someone. Response, call the local number and speak with them. Was disconnected after 14 minutes on hold. Talk about peeved. Hope that it was a benefit to my other brother and sister veterans.
Depends on when the veteran served. Those dates may help determine priority of care after enrollment. There is a local vet service officer at the land use center in Smithifeld. Might want to call them.
The main person in charge today was (Mrs.) Dr. Bobbie Brooker # 919-695-2459 e-mail = bobbie.brooker@va.gov She's at the Durham VA. DD got in & out in about 1.5 hrs, 90% of the time was spent waiting in line. He was able to have his from entered by Vincent Hayes, # 252-830-2149 x-3252. DD was told he would be in "The System" as of 4pm. DD now has to drive to Durham to get is VA photo ID card.
From what I got out of today, its not so much about the amount of time served, but in some cases if they find you have "service connected" diagnosises when they do your physical exam. One man in line was asking some random questions and was told if he had been diagnosed with diabetes while he was in the service that would be considered service connected. Therefore, he would be better off to file for his diabetic prescriptions through the VA Healthcare system because they are 100% covered until he dies. Does that kind of sound right Hatteras?
Disclaimer...I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV. Nor am I a VA healthcare worker. If diabetes was listed in his medical records, that might have some impact. Understand that the blood glucose numbers that were formerly used to diagnose diabetes are HIGHER than numbers today. There is prediabetes as well. If he can document treatment for diabetes during military service, he has an excellent chance of receiving healthcare for it. Generally, concomittant dieases are also present, hypertension and hypercholesteremia. IF he has his health records, he has a better chance of getting them screend in a timely manner. If the VA has to dig for his records, it may be a LONG while before he hears from them. If he has his medical records, offer to copy them for the VA, but do NOT give up your originals,if you have them.