WJHS speech to students

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Abdulina, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Okay, other parents out there I'm trying to clarify a statement that was made in a speech by the principal. My daughter said something & I really can't believe it to be true. Making sure SHE maybe mixed it up. She said she the principal was saying to sophomores that if you fail a class, you will be paying for the class next time. It was going to be discussed at the meeting w/ the superintendent tonight. Okay, it is against the law as you are entitled to a free & appropriate education. Is there any relevancy to this or did my daughter misunderstand the entire statement? Or, is this just trying to "motivate" the kids in a threatening way of saying they're going to have to pay for the class if they fail? I want to know if any other parents heard such a statement. Like I said, I am hoping she misunderstood the message. Thanks in advance.

    Stephanie-- mom to 7
  2. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    I was talking to a neighbor who goes to WJ. he was talking about that, and what i understood him to say was you would be paying for it, by retaking the class.
  3. LovingLife10

    LovingLife10 Well-Known Member

    She is probably talking about summer school, as payment has always been part of summer school if you are retaking a class. The reason you pay in summer school is because summer school is optional, but keeps your kid on track. They can wait for the free education you speak of, but they might end up off track and dealing with late graduation.

    Adding on to this, there are lots of kids who think that it's no big deal to fail a class because they can always take it in summer school. Teachers and administrators will often inform them or remind them that summer school costs money that their parents might not want to pay. Sometimes this shocking fact will motivate them to do it right the first time around.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2011
  4. 2not2

    2not2 Well-Known Member

    I was told by my son's teacher this week that there will be no summer school due to budget cuts. He is in elementary, so maybe it will be different for the higher grades. We have already received a letter from the principal that he is danger of not having high enough grades in 2 subjects to pass. In the end, it all comes down to the EOG, anyway!

    ZUMBAbyMARIE Well-Known Member

    Wow! I didn't know you had to pay for Summer school.
  6. LovingLife10

    LovingLife10 Well-Known Member

    Yep! I think in the past it has been $80 something per class. The teachers and admins that work summer school are paid separately from their regular salary. I guess the money pays for that and for the facility they use.
  7. LovingLife10

    LovingLife10 Well-Known Member

    This is true. Even the past few years they have cut certain classes, but have always offered some. I am not 100% sure about this year, but they normally offer high school courses.
  8. Mr.X

    Mr.X Well-Known Member

    Looking for a Trainer

    This past week my doctor gave me the bad news that my bad cholesterol was high enough to warrant having to start taking statins to lower it. I have a meeting set with a licensed nutritionist to work on my eating habits and weight issues.

    I now need to work on the exercise portion of the picture. I am a member of Clayton Fitness but I admit I just sort of play it by ear. I have a book by Men's Health but I don't feel I am working out effectively or hard enough. I am a 47 year old guy, 265 lbs, 5' 11". I am too young to ignore this issue any longer.

    I am looking for a trainer who can help me create an effective and above all challenging routine to help me get back in shape and get my weight and cholesterol under control. If you know of someone let me know.

  9. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Okay, that clears some things up. Thanks a bunch! BTW, we've never had to pay for summer school. Not sure if it's b/c of IEP's or what but no money was ever dealt out by us. That is new info. Though we were told no summer school this year as parents, just this week teachers could sign up for summer school for english. So, guessing they'll have it for at least that.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  10. Mr.X

    Mr.X Well-Known Member

    ignore my post, I meant to start a new thread. Oooops
  11. LovingLife10

    LovingLife10 Well-Known Member

    There is always a chance i could be wrong, but I have known people who have paid for it. It might have to do with why they are taking the class. Again, i could be wrong, but that has always been my understanding. There is also always a chance that a change has been made regarding retaking classes that i am unaware of like having to pay during the regular school year. I haven't heard anything about that, and i think i would have. I'll post again if i get any new info.
  12. TVfan

    TVfan Active Member

    I have a sophmore there and she told me that they said going to tutoring would be mandatory if your grade was less than a C.
  13. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    That's how I took it by just reading the original post. I think it was probably not taken correctly as kids think paying for something means money.

  14. LovingLife10

    LovingLife10 Well-Known Member

    I feel compelled to make this general statement....in my experience, many teenagers half listen and rarely relay statements made by teachers, and other adults for that matter, correctly. Even when they do listen, they have the tendency to take everything literally as Mark and Sherry stated. Abdulina, it is great that you seek clarification, as some parents do not, and end up in a tizzy over misinformation coming from their teen.
  15. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Thanks. I always have to clarify as my kids due to their disabilities do take everything literally. My one daughter lost it in kindergarten when the teacher said she had butterflies in her stomach. LOL. So, yes, always ask. Nothing surprises me any more that the schools do anyhow. I have heard from a VERY reliable source that they are contemplating a 4 day school week in Johnston County now. heard yesterday from someone very involved with the schools. Not trying to start anything, just interesting is all. Doubt it would ever come to pass though.

    Stephanie-- mom to 7
  16. LovingLife10

    LovingLife10 Well-Known Member

    The 4-day school week has been discussed at length in the county for the past 2 years. If the budget issue is bad enough, they may resort to that. It would save a lot of money, but i don't think it is the best solution as it would be very difficult for almost all parents. I think they should first take a hard look at where they are currently spending money and where it is being wasted, because, trust me, i am positive there is money that could be better spent. They are in the process of reviewing expenses right now. I just hope that they come up with a better solution than 4-day weeks. Even considering the misappropriated money, there is still a real lack of money. Teacher positions continue to be cut even though NC has one of the lowest teacher salaries in the nation as it is. It is hard to get GOOD teacher and administrators that way.
  17. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    That's kids at any age. :cool:
  18. pocahontas

    pocahontas Well-Known Member

    And applies to a lot of their parents too :lol:

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