These two dudes showed up at the shop door this morning right after I got here. They seem to be inside dogs. Both are pretty agitated and cold. They have matching collars but no tags. I hope someone on here is looking for them or knows who they belong to. I've got them in the office so they have somewhere dry/warm to hang out and we are getting them food from the FL. Please call us if you know anything. 771-0300 Ugh, I don't know how to imbed a photo so I'll try to describe them. They look like young adult beagles, one with a light colored face, the other darker brown. Both have red and black collars. Thanks, Mike
bump I'm probably going to keep them at the shop until noon and then call animal control to come pick them up. I hope someone sees this!
Just a suggestion but if you have the time and don't mind going to the trouble, you may want to call the local Vet offices near you and let them know. Sometimes people who are missing their pets check there.
I'm going to take one of them to Cleveland Animal Hospital to have him checked for chip implants. Maybe that will point us in the right direction.
My kids said there were two beagles hanging around the playground at West View yesterday--I wonder if they are the same dogs?
Unfortunately no. I did take one to Cleveland Animal Hospital and he doesn't have an identifier chip. I really don't want to call animal control - someone told my that JoCo is a 5 day hold and then kill. These are good indoor dogs, I hope someone can come get them because I can't take them home with me. Please call if you can foster/take over for them as some of my customers have been scared (not because they are aggressive, just due a general fear of dogs) of them. 771-0300 Thanks
Like most other shelters ... they do try to help save animals .. not just hold and kill as you so nicely put it. A shelter is actually a safe place for lost animals to be if a human person isn't able to take care of what's found for the days required before being able by law to just "give them to someone who wants them". Once after the "hold period" is up at the shelter (hold period being 5-7 days for a stray to be claimed), then most of the shelters do work with rescue groups in pulling out dogs they deem adoptable and would make great candidates to be a positive family member so to speak. Unfortunately due to the way people (Some people I'll say) regard a dog or cat as far as having one as part of their household not all can be "saved" so to speak. Definately not the animals' fault -- more the people's fault of "raising" the animal to that level. JCAC does work with 6-8 rescues within the triangle in getting animals out of the shelter if unclaimed. Plus they do have a (small) adoption center themselves and they do utilize it. So please reconsider your actions/attitudes/statements of the shelter. Although I'm sure you meant no harm there are enough people that "shun" the shelter due to "kill" when in all reality already stated the shelter can be a safe haven for animals. Plus it makes it seem that the people who work the shelters don't have a heart when in reality they apparently have big hearts in having to witness the cruelty of life given to "certain animals" (meaning the regular dog or cat who had a misfortunate family life to begin with).
Sorry if my brief statement offended - shop was busy and I was in a hurry to bump the thread and stress the importance of finding a care taker for these guys. We all know that the people who work at animal shelters are animal lovers. Unfortunately when the rescues are all full, and the shelter has had the animals for too long they sometimes have to be put down - killed. It was merely a statement of fact, however unfortunate or blunt it may have been. There was also the hope that the blunt message would spur someone to come help out. I'd take them home myself, but I have a 7 month old and two small dogs already. Plus no fence in the back yard to keep them outside. I may end up clearing out a store room and letting them stay here tonight if I can't find a foster home for them, but that can't happen over the weekend. Mike
We are keeping them here tonight, they have food/water and beds. If no one claims them tomorrow there is evidently a place called "second chance pet adoption" in Raleigh that is a no kill shelter - we will try to get them in there tomorrow evening. We've also emailed triangle beagle rescue. Hopefully this will have a happy ending.
You're doing a really great thing looking out for them. The beagles thank you. Woof woof and big wet kisses :hurray:
is there a way that you may be able to post a picture of them. Ever since I got Jese I have had a special place in my heart for beagles