I was in third grade when I got my ears pierced. I should have never told my daughter that! She hasn't mentioned it in a while and I'm not going to remind her.
I agree with you all. I'm 56 years old, went through the "hippie" phase back in the late 60's, early 70's. I think just about all my friends had an ear pierced, but I never succumbed to the urge. Same way now with tattoos, they seem to be the norm, but I really haven't found anything I want to live with indelibly etched into my skin for the rest of my life. So until I do, I plan on leaving this earth the same way the Good Lord put me on it , older and fatter, but no markings and the same number of holes. 8)
How about a FOUR YEAR OLD BOY having both ears pierced?? Yeap.... a little boy I know. I doubt at 4 he asked for double diamond stud earrings....
I was 4 or 5, but it does not change my opinion. Luckily my daughters have no interest in getting their ears pierced. One would probably like to have tiger stripes tatooed on her, but that's another story.
I'm right there with you. I was laughing at the way you said it. I agree that jewelry is for girls. :cheers:
My youngest got one ear pierced when he was about 14 with my permission, he is now 25 and that thing grew back together many years ago:lol: i remember when you could tell the way a man went by which ear was pierced or so it was said:jester: