Yea well, thankfully :? I weigh enough that I won't be blown away! I guess there's an upside to everything. :lol:
Is it a really bad sign when your blood pressure goes up when your DH walks in the room? I was getting a reading this afternoon and it went from 118/70 (right arm) to 120-ish/84 (left arm) when he walked in. He left, tried again (left arm), back down. Hmmm...not sure what to make of that.:?
Those $500 cell phones are really mini computers. Actually my $560.00 cell phone has better video capabilities than my laptop. Other than playing a CD, I can't think of much my laptop can do that my phone can't, but my phone can do things my laptop currently is not capable of. Naturally since you are typically tied to a service provider the phone is heavily subsidized.
I do a lot of typing and never realized 20 years ago how important it would be to me. Since I do not have a teen child yet, I was wondering if youth see typing as an important skill to possess.
My parents realized the importance of typing skills 40 years ago and made me attend summer school to take a course. At the time I was more interested in the girls than the class, thus got up to about 20 wpm and leveled out. My kids seem to have picked it up on their own, without classes. The relevance of the computer and its necessity in today's society have made typing skills invaluable. Me, I still hunt and peck.