Just an FYI__ NC Senate Bill 8- which is a bill to remove the cap on the number of charter schools in NC has passed in the senate and is being sent to the house. There are many bills in the NC congress this year which will give more flexibility and choice in education.
that bill also finally provides some funding for facilities, which up to now has been a YOYO project...You're On Your Own OP, what would you like to know? Neuse Charter School will open on its new campus on booker dairy road in smithfield next school year, with a capacity of around 540. the lottery for next year is march 17th.
My issue is having qualified, licensed teachers teaching, if using public funding. I could support local charter schools, if it employed licensed teachers, and demanded results from teachers, students, and parents alike. Charter schools should also be subject to the same accountability for AYP testing as regular schools. But what if a child is failing at a charter school, and then goes back into the regular school. Who has to pick up the slack? Who owns the poor testing reflecting on AYP, the failing charter school or the public school?
I know you mean charter schools in general, Hat, and not Neuse Charter. Most schools would gladly take Neuse Charter's scores. They are doing an awesome job and could easily serve as a model for other charters on how to do it right.
hat your info is incorrect. charter schools are required to have 100% certified teachers on staff, where regular public schools are only held to a 75% standard. charter schools are, in fact, held to all the same standards and take all the same tests. we are part of the state public school system, not part of any county system. our funding comes from fed/state/counties and requirements from dpi are held accordingly, and we are audited every year by the state. in our case, the proof is in the pudding. our eog scores are the highest in johnston county for elementary schools and middle schools. we are the 7th highest performing charter school in the state, which puts us in the same conversation with raleigh charter high school, recognized as one of the top 3 in the state consistently. our parents logged over 30,000 volunteer hours last year with a population around 300 students. teachers that don't perform are removed immediately if necessary, as the power to hire and fire is held within the school itself. you have quite a bit of knowledge on the subject of traditional public schools, but it is clear you need to catch up on charter schools some. people take your advice as somewhat "expert" and i'd hate for you to continue to misrepresent what charter schools are.
So, DB. Are you all a traditional calendar or modified in some way? :allears: Those are some really good numbers you put up, so enquiring minds would like to know. :mrgreen:
a little of both. we start a week-10 days early, finish a week or so early, try to have at least a week break at the end of each 9 weeks, with almost 3 weeks at christmas/new years, and 10 days for spring break http://neusecharterschool.weebly.com/uploads/1/6/8/9/1689579/2010-2011calendar.pdf
Will you be adding teachers next year with the addition of another grade? I am sure you have folks beating down your doors to work there. Would that be posted soon on your site?
That is fantastic DB! I would love to have my children attend, we were approved via the lottery one year, the only thing that kept us back was the transportation issue
Why do most parents opt to leave public school? It's often NOT because their child(ren) are excelling. Despite the public school failures, even with licensed teachers and all the effort to teach the test that is *suppose* to be a measure of success, public schools unfortunately still get my tax dollars.
Disagree. Every single person I know who sends their kid to private or charter do so because they want more for their child than what the public schools can offer. Their kids are excelling academically and being challenged in the private/charter schools as opposed to making A's in public school with little to no challenge or effort. So, I guess you are right...excelling to me means they are getting challenged and pushed beyond their comfort zones to reach higher levels of understanding and growth. Public schools have a long way to go to reach the kids who fit this category, if that can ever be realized at all since the primary focus is on the failing population. Charter schools at least give folks who cannot afford private school a fighting chance at receiving a quality education. I wish they had been in Johnston County when my kids were younger!
http://neusecharterschool.weebly.com/contactemployment.html As opposed to JoCo Public Schools... :lol:
most of our teachers have master's degrees and qualify as "highly qualified", not just licensed or certified.