I'd like to know what they are as well...I don't think they are cherry trees. They are a purplish pink color and there are a bunch of them in Clayton right by where Hwy 42 merges with Hwy 70 (near the State Employees Credit Union and Building Blocks Daycare).
I know that one. There's one in my moms neighbors yard. (I stole flowers off of it one time lol) These trees have much smaller blossoms.
yep, thats the cherry blossoms, I posted a pic of them too. they are tiny and beautiful. there are many in my neighborhood that are in bloom. they are so pretty. http://www.fast-growing-trees.com/Kwanzan.htm
Yeah, cherry blossoms... Is it too late to plant trees? Aren't you supposed to do it during the winter months?
I think you can plant them now....I know they have them at Lowe's, for sale right now....so I think it's ok.
Tulip trees amaze me every year. Where I grew up trees just didn't grow flowers on them. They are beautiful!
For years I thought we had this great huge Tulip tree, I love it. But a friend of ours who works for the Dept. of Forestry told us it is a saucer magnolia. I still love it, It always flowers before it gets leaves on it, then it flowers a few more times in the summer and fall. It just makes a mess all over my hosta flower bed when the petals fall.
They also could be Yoshino cherry trees,they usually bloom before the Kwanzan cherry. http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2011_species.html