WHERE on US 70? S'field, Clayton, Garner, Raleigh, West to Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico or Arizona? Just saying it's a LONG ROAD! Not to even mention Goldsboro to Morehead City?
Probably talking about the church in the old Winn Dixie buiding. Just a guess, although I have been told I was psychotic. 8)
The Church at Clayton Crossing http://www.claytoncrossings.com/faq.html They state they are a non-traditional Baptist Church.
My wife attends this church and has been extremely happy with it. It's a 'casual' church, very accepting and open. They do have a band and the minister is a very engaging speaker. According to her, they focus on the church as a community with a common interest. I apologize for writing in the third person, but in my limited experience with this church these are some great folks to be involved with and I hate to miss the opportunity to share that. If you have any questions about this church PM me and I'll pass 'em on to my wife- she's a no-BS person and will give you the straight scoop. Peace.
This kid told my kid that since my kid doesnt go to church that he was going to go to the underworld where the devil was going to eat his brains. would you like me to PM you with the name of the church this kid goes to? DB's wife