Thought this was kinda perty and would share. Hopefully it will display properly...linked it from Facebook.
A popular misconception. (Successful) Self -employeed people work when their customers want them to work, NOT when they want to. 8)
I am purging my home of the gazillion gift bags I have felt the need to collect over the years. Gonna have a yard sale soon so I figured I would get rid of them there. Should I put them all in a bag for one price, group them somehow or sell individually? I could probably open a store with how many I have. This is a really important subject so give it some deep thought before replying (ha! kidding!) -DB's wife
Girlfriend you can just have them! I would rather have them out of my house ASAP then make one penny off them! I have bags for baby showers, Valentines day, Xmas, and just plain ones. All sizes. I will be out and about this weekend. If you want to PM me maybe we can meet up somewhere. DB's wife
I HATE aphids, they are all over my iris leaves outside! I sprayed them down with soapy water, we'll see if that works. But now I feel all creepy crawley! :twisted:
You must have the "bug" that is going around. It is a beautiful day outside and if I am wearing short sleeves it must be kind of warm. Sherry
dang, sorry i missed this, i very rarely get on during the weekend. i'll pm ya my number and you can give me a call and let me know what is convenient for you. THANKS so much:hurray: