Neuse Charter School

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by momtofive, Mar 18, 2011.

  1. momtofive

    momtofive Well-Known Member

    I just found out that one of my kids made it into Neuse Charter School next year and I am so excited! Anyone with children that go there, please fill me in on your experiences with the teachers, administration, etc. It is my understanding that after this year, all my children will be guaranteed a spot there - is that right? Regardless, I'm very excited for my child and have so much more hope for her education now.
  2. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    Our 3rd grader has been at Neuse Charter School (NCS) since it opened 4 years ago. We are very happy there. To me the biggest thing to remember is that going to a charter school takes dedication and commitment. Here is something I read years ago that sums it up for me:

    Charter schools are founded by individuals or groups with a common educational vision. Each school has a specific mission and many are designed to serve a certain target population. Therefore, it is important for parents to be familiar with the programs and goals of a school to determine its suitability for their child. While the small class sizes offered by charter schools are enticing, small classes cannot substitute for an appropriate program for any child. Charter schools are highly accountable for producing results.

    Charter schools add a new level of choice to the public school system. They also allow teachers, parents, and students the opportunity to have a great deal of involvement and influence in our public schools. However, the reality of bringing vision into action can test the patience and perseverance of even the most dedicated individuals. Consequently, charter school families cannot be reminded too often that the rewards that come with being educational pioneers can take several years to come to fruition. Charter schools are not for the impatient, inflexible or faint-hearted. Those who are willing to embark on this educational journey--roll up their sleeves to help make it work--are rewarded with a wonderful new form of public education that will serve this and future generations of North Carolina students very well.

    If you are coming to NCS for the right reasons and you are willing to "roll up your sleeves to help make it work" you will be very happy there.

    What grade is your child going to be in next year? What school are you coming from? What made you decide to apply?

    I hope we get a chance to meet!

    DB's wife
  3. momtofive

    momtofive Well-Known Member

    My child will be entering 3rd grade. She is an AIG student and I feel that I have been working for years now to get her the education she deserves. From the good things I've heard, the charter school is run more like the AIG Center as far as curriculum and that is why I'm so hopeful. I am more than ready to "roll up my sleeves" and do whatever is necessary to make this a successful experience both for my daughter and my whole family.

    I have thought about applying for years but was always worried about not getting all of my kids in. Then I found out that if I could get one in, they all will be guaranted a spot the years to follow. Next year is a good year to do this for various reasons. Since my oldest has been in school (he'll be in 6th next year), it has been a constant struggle to get the school administration, and in some instances the teachers, to do what they needed to do for my gifted children. Both my school aged kids are AIG and need more than the county has mandated for teachers to do in the classrooms. I want them in a school where their intelligence is welcomed and nurtured and from what I've heard, Neuse Charter School is the best place for that here in Johnston County.

    I am looking forward to the upcoming school year!
  4. ncgal

    ncgal Well-Known Member

    My son is entering 3rd grade and was selected in the lottery too! I am still nervous about how I will get him there everyday but I am working hard to figure that out! I also have one who is going into 6th but I was told there was 0 openings for that grade. He is the one I was most hoping would get in!
  5. momtofive

    momtofive Well-Known Member

    My 6th grader didn't get in either - he's 20-something on the waiting list so I'm not holding out hope that he'll get in next year. He was also the one I really was hoping would get in as well. I think we're going to homeschool him as I don't want him attending the middle school he's assigned to. Plus, the logistics of getting both of them where they'd need to go, considering we're about 45 minutes away from the charter school, are near impossible.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2011
  6. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    You will like it! Your kids will be challenged!!!!!

    DB's wife
  7. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    since this thread first popped up, i've had several people ask questions ranging from specific to general. if anyone would like to ask a question about NCS or charter schools in general, please feel free to do it here or by pm. i am often apalled at the misunderstanding and misinformation that is perpetuated amongst the community and by trusted educational leaders. i won't be able to answer every possible question, but if i can't i bet i know someone who can.
  8. RedStatesMan

    RedStatesMan Guest


    Our son is a 3rd grader at NCS. We are absolutely thrilled with the school! He has improved across the board since entering the school in the 2nd grade. I feel you will be very pleased with NCS. The teachers and administration are the best! It will prove to be the best move you have ever made for your children. We love NCS!
  9. momtofive

    momtofive Well-Known Member

    That's what I want to hear! I have high hopes from all the positive, wonderful things I've heard about NCS.
  10. momtofive

    momtofive Well-Known Member

    My kids asked me what sort of exta-curricular activites, sports, clubs, etc. NCS has. I see on their website they have various sports teams but what about clubs, band, etc? And what do they do for field trips? I'm assuming parents provide transportation as chartered buses would get real expensive real fast. What kind of field trips do they take? And where do the kids practice and play for sports? Thanks so much!
  11. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    baseball, softball, basketball, soccer, band, chess club, odyssey of the mind, cheerleading...there's more, but we're adding all the time. next year things will be different, but we have a gym on campus now (town of selma's gym), and we have deals worked out with parks and rec for other field spaces. next year we will have our own gym on campus, along with large open spaces for field practices.

    field trips are standard...historical properties, museums, theater, etc, and yes we have to provide our own transport for now. we are looking at obtaining an activity bus or two in the next couple of years if growth continues and cuts aren't too deep.
  12. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    also golf and track and field for sports.

    they have some cool on site field trips. the planetarium from chapel hill came and set up a mini planetarium in the gym for example. im sure they will have more stuff like this in our new location starting next year.

    db's wife
  13. momtofive

    momtofive Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info. I was reading about Odyssey of the Mind and it sounds really neat. I know both my current school-age kids will love it. Plus the chess club and all the sports as my kids are really into sports. I'm so excited about next year! I'm going to pick up my daughter's enrollment packet tomorrow. :)

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