How to sell a used vehicle.

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Quincy8Boy, Mar 28, 2011.

  1. Quincy8Boy

    Quincy8Boy Well-Known Member

    Does anybody have experience selling used vehicles? I've only sold an old Broncho for $500 cash and the guy didn't even need me to sign the title.

    This vehicle is worth a lot more. A truck. I think I'm going to start at $8,500. I got laid off so I've got a lot of time around the house.

    How do I go about test drives, keeping myself safe, doing the title transfer, and the money transfer?
  2. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    We have had great luck with CRAIG's List (Raleigh).


    Take good PHOTOS, post as many pic's as you can & have more to send to people.

    Do not "dicker" with anyone unless they have seen/driven the Truck.

    Go on test drives with the person. You drive with them to point A & they drive BACK to your home/meeting place. Have a friend w/ you to stay w/ their car. 10-15 minutes max drive time.

    CASH or a Certified Bank Check for the Payment. Meet the Buyer at a BANK and have the title notarized then and there. Plus get a Bill of SALE signed by both persons, 2 copies. (see their NCDL & be sure you have their home address)

    Get your Plates off the Truck then, DO not let anyone drive "home'' on your plate. Call & cancel your Insurance then too.

    Be ready to DEAL with Idiots that have 36 hours a day to annoy the total crap outta ya with endless questions.

    Good Luck.
  3. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Excellent!! And don't fall for the ones that want to pay you more than you are asking by cashiers check so you can send them the difference!! Or that want you to ship the vehicle somewhere. Not saying the OP would fall for that sort of crap, but it happens!
  4. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    Don't allow them to run any 'errands' while on a test drive (even if you are in the vehicle). You'll end up as an accessory to a drug deal or bank robbery.

    Also, draft a simple bill of sale listing as much about the vehicle as possible (VIN, Make, Model, Year, Color, their name and address and most importantly the words, "Sold as is").
  5. Suzie Q

    Suzie Q Well-Known Member

    When I sold mine i let the guy take my car and I kept his licence and keys. No issues.
  6. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    If you google "Bill of Sale" you will find plenty to choose from that you can print and use. We just sold a boat like that not too long ago and have done the same with several cars.

    Just be careful and you will be fine! And don't take a personal check no matter what. If it's a cashiers check or money order, make sure it is on a local bank and then you need to call and verify that it's legit BEFORE you let them take the car. I only take cash for this sort of thing, period. Too many scams out there. A counterfeit pen for cash is a big help too.
  7. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    Craig's List has worked for us many times, including this past weekend! Just meet the people somewhere public and follow the other advice already given and you will be fine. Also, we put "NO emails/no holds/transaction to be handled at financial institution" in the ad, which cut down on the spam, and the bank has our title, which is a good thing because they will not release it until the funds clear. We only accepted phone calls for information. If you aren't serious enough to call, then you aren't serious enough to buy.
    If you just don't want to deal with it, then Auction Direct is another good option. They gave us a quote that was $500 higher than Carmax and it only took a few minutes to get the appraisal. We ended up selling on CL for $500 more than Auction Direct's quote, but that route is a lot easier if you just don't want to deal with the loonies.
    Good luck...with the car and the job search!! We are in the same boat at our house too. :?
  8. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Photo copy id's and make sure someone is with them on test drive. Just sayin.
  9. Quincy8Boy

    Quincy8Boy Well-Known Member

    So, what percentage less was Auction Direct going to give? I could deal with losing 5%, just to have the money in pocket. I've been talking with them since I just bought a car from them.
  10. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    For our car, Carmax offered $10K, Auction Direct $10500 (30 minutes later), and we sold it on CL for $11K. Private party 'good' book values ranged from $10600 (Edmunds) to $12K (KBB). CL and Auto Trader "for sale" values on comparable vehicles ranged from $10600-$13000. We feel pretty good about getting $11000. It was due for inspection, tag renewal, and the next payment, so we probably would have gone with the $10500 if it had not sold before Friday, April 1. You might also check with a dealer. We had Leith and AutoPark calling/mailing us to bring our car in for an appraisal. We didn't get there since we got hits on CL, but they seemed eager to get used inventory. Not sure what make your truck is, but trucks tend to sell well around here!!:mrgreen: Good luck!!
  11. softballmom

    softballmom Well-Known Member

    In addition to the above advice:
    Do not cancel the insurance until you have turned in the tags.(Or will get a fine from the state)
    Take the receipt for the tags to the tax office. (Or will get a tax bill from the county)
  12. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    SB Mom- Excellent info!
  13. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    What everybody else said.
    Sold the 01 Maxima on CL
    Bought DH's 77 Chevy on CL (hunting truck)
    Sold DH's 08 f150 to Auction Direct (note it MAY take 30 days for them to get the title, but I was bitchy and they gave me the check) :mrgreen:
    Went to Carmax they offered me 17 for the f150 went to AD they gave me 21+ for it. Whoot!
    THEN took that money added some to it and bought my 02 4 Runner off CL

    FREE and clear of payments!!!!

    Good Luck!!
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2011
  14. Hoof-Hearted

    Hoof-Hearted Well-Known Member

    Here are some Helpful rules to go by.

    1. Never give some one a signed Title unless the Full payment has been made.
    Allways Sign the Title. It is the Law.
    The date is not an issue. they may take some time to get it changed over to them.
    Never give you Tag to some one. Unless you know exactly where they Live. and not where they tell you they live.
    Allways be su****ious. Unfortunatly in this time you can not trust anyone.
    Never take a western union or type of check. If they can give you a Check. they can go to the bank and get you money. ( Cash)
    Cash works well. the rest is all nonsence.
    Hell I;ll give you $30,000.00 if you will take a Check. See haow that works. Not realisticaly.
    Always be on the Gaurd for a scam.
    How to recognize a vehicle scam attempt on CL:
    •Shipping a vehicle to you is suggested by seller
    •eBay Motors or another intermediary is specified by seller
    •Payment by Western Union or a money wire is requested
    •Price is unusually low (fraction of blue book value)
    If you see these tell-tale signs, flag ad as "prohibited" and avoid

    Offers to ship a vehicle are virtually 100% fraudulent

    eBay has no involvment in craigslist for sale ads, and any eBay or similar emails or web pages you receive are fake

    Never use Western Union or wire transfer to pay for goods - only a scammer will ask for this, and any funds sent will be lost

    Do not buy vehicles site-unseen, regardless of low price. The vehicle does not exist, and any money you send will be lost.

    Stories about divorcees or departing servicemen needing to sell quickly at a low price are generally fraudulent

    If a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is!

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