The show "Taboo" starts back up on Monday night on National Geographic and one of their features are/is a doll collector. It showed this girl who chose tis way of giving her parents a grandchild. (From the looks of the preview) she treats it human.
That's what I'm afraid of. We have an opossum that is a regular visitor and isn't afraid one bit. Maybe because they're half blind. But their noses work well. He'll come right up on the porch while DH is out there smoking. The bowl is by the door so he comes all the way to the top about 3 or 4 feet away from him. And if I step out at night and he's there first he'll just stand there then he'll turn away as slow as molasses like maybe he's hoping I didn't see him the first time and I'll go back in. I know he can climb because I've tried feeding the cat in the swing and he always turns the bowl over no matter where it's at. The cat is agile enough not to do that. I've even tried feeding him on the railing. No good. I never knew opossums were that smart. They're almost cute...almost. Afraid of that AND afraid of him being able to automatically bring in his "gifts" instead of leave them on the porch where I can easily clean them up. :ack: Especially when they might still be half alive!
I LOVE NETFLIX!!!! My wife and I just watched the first two seasons of Sons of Anarchy!!! We are so hooked. What time does this come on...on cable.....
If you want a good chuckle you should look thru the JoCo arrest thingy on the home page here. Some wild and crazy hairstyles among many other things.