I have to disagree with you saying "it fits what they prefer". I'd prefer to be a hell raisin, drinkin, rockin-rollin, not a care in the world, its all here for me and my whim kinda girl, BUT, the God I believe in makes me realize there is so many other ways to live this life. And that's not, nor has it been, an easy path to follow for me.
Faith and religion can exist separately, but for some they exist together. You can have faith that is not based in religion and there are religions that are not faith-based. For some, committing to religious organizations and practices is a way to strengthen their faith in their god(s). I am one of those people. A few years back, I had a strong religious faith, but did not attend church, participate in fellowship with others of the same religious faith, or serve in any substantial way. For me, these things ended up being the next steps on my religious path. I do believe that these things bring me closer to my creator, but I don't believe that everyone has to do these things to be close to Him. I also believe that there are some very far from faithful people professing their religion, but that is their path which may one day lead them to be more faithful than I. I don't judge them, as I don't truly know their hearts or what God has planned for them. I wonder if people who feel the need to call the "fakers" out, are struggling even more with themselves. What is the end result of pointing fingers at those "hiding behind religion?"
Luckily my God doesn't have a problem with hell raisin, drinkin, rockin-rollin not a care in the world, its all here for me and my whim kinda girls or guys. Thank God for that! DB's wife
i think the word "agnostic" is often used incorrectly. I have yet to see a definition of the word as someone who doesn't believe in Christ. Wouldn't that mean a Buddist or a Muslim is agnostic? No. Definition of AGNOSTIC 1 : a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and probably unknowable; broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god The difference between the words "agnostic" and "atheist" have often confused me too. I read this and it sort of makes more sense to me now. Some people use the terms of atheist or agnostic interchangeably. How much difference is there, really between an atheist and an agnostic? Actually there is some difference. The atheist is not in search of spiritual meaning through finding proof of a god. The agnostic may, on the other hand, be looking for proof, or may be open to the proofs or faith people use to define god. I don't think my God cares if I define myself with any label. DB's wife
Perhaps, I wasn't clear. Christianity has a lot of different interpretations. From the extremely literal to the very liberal. I was asking why that is. The only thing I can think of is that people who are not satisfied with one interpretation of religion (bible, church, etc.) find another one they like better. Why do they like it better? Perhaps it suits their lifestyle, but at any rate it seems to me as though this amount to 'backing in' to a religious faith that suits your predetermined notion of what religion, faith, god, etc should be and I find some fault with this. As an agnostic, I think I do this too. However, I do wrap it all up in the shroud of absoluteness that organized religion purports.
I understood you (both times). But I disagree. I struggle with my religion (as I stated) and I have no plans of finding anything easier or one that conforms to an easier way of living or that suits me better. The 'struggle' builds my character which is what I believe I will be judged on one day. It's not suppose to be easy or 'conforming'. We are born sinners.
To me a Christian is someone who believed Jesus died on a cross for our sins and then rose again on the 3rd day, they believe and accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savoir and they admit they are a sinner and try to turn away from their sins. Christians are sinners saved by Grace. Also when in heaven we are not only going to be judged on the sins we did not ask forgiveness for, but also on the things we did or did not do when we "could have" done differently. Sins that we ask forgiveness for to Christ and not just confess "yeah I did it", are wiped clean. God forgave us us of that sin when we asked Him and it is no longer going to be held against us. So for the times I did stupid things in my past and truly felt conviction for my wrong doings and asked forgiveness for that sin, then Christ forgave me and it is wiped away. However, the time someone was sad and hurting but I did not stop and make time for them or to pray for them and felt no remorse (did not ask forgiveness) then I will be held accountable for that to Him. So my religion is Christianity. I believe the Bible as true and all scripture as God Breathed, and my Faith (being sure of the unseen) is in Jesus Christ.
This is a very good definition of the Christian faith as I understand it. Thanks for posting. -DB's wife
a great post indeed, but what about what the original poster asked, about faith and religion? help us all if we start the "God" and "Christian" debate.....
I think the struggle is the most realistic battle between good and evil. I know there is evil in this world. I also know there's good as well. I know there is life after death, I know there is ultimate death. I believe that your faith in Jesus, God, The holy Trinity, or which ever you need to believe in, is a and always will be a personal relationship. The struggle was predicted in the bible and is a testament to all people who believe in God and his son. Getting away from Religion is not what I am pushing or advertising. People sometimes just get lost in routine. Going to church simply because they have done it for years. This response for all not you KB. All to see.