So, who is signing up to volunteer? I am. And I promise NOT to make chocolate chip bacon cookies this time.
Getting a group of soccer parents together to get up there and help out! But let me know when you plan on it as well ... I might have to go with my 4042 crew to have some fun too! :mrgreen: If anyone wants to the week of November 8-12 i'm on vacation that week and wouldn't mind doing some more.
My husband and I went in to Basic Needs today to drop off come clothing that I would have otherwise taken to Goodwill. We always prefer to keep anything we can as local as possible. While we were there, we were greeted by Ron Still and he was really friendly and very helpful. All of the folks there who appeared to be either getting things or volunteering were also friendly, polite, and helpful. The place looked like it was getting organized and I had no idea there was a problem just a few short days ago. Until today, I didn't realize all of the services and help that Basic Needs offers to our community. I am incredibly grateful that this resource is here and I want to thank Ron for all the has done to help Basic Needs reach out to people in need in so many ways. I didn't realize that they needed so much help, and will be glad to volunteer time, since that's all I can afford, to do what I can to help. Maybe if we all just gave even one afternoon a month, we could help make a difference. It's so easy to point fingers and give suggestions and "feedback" when we haven't walked even one hour in the shoes of someone else. That comment isn't directed to anyone in particular, but rather is a reminder to each of us that "there but for the grace of God go I." I am thankful to know that we have a truly local charity that can help here and wherever else they are called to help.
? Does this place take furniture? I have a pretty decent leather couch and recliner I have replaced and need to get rid of. Trying to find the closest thrift store I can to take it to. Good enough shape to sell, but would just rather have the write off. Thanks.
If you decide to sell it please let me know. Daughter is in her own place and needs some furniture. (It may not be a tax write off but it is for a good cause!) LOL
Furniture and appliances were banned at Basic Needs by the County We would like the space to receive, process, and handle furniture to give to people and to sell to help pay the rent, but the County Fire Inspector banned these items inside and the landlord banned them outside in the common area. For many charities and businesses, furniture is the sweet profit spot. In our small lease area, we don't have the space or manpower to handle the heavy furniture. Most recent furniture "donations" were damaged, worn out, dirty, and otherwise expensive to send to the landfill. Only two pieces of furniture, white goods, or large televisions a week can easily add $4,200 a year to our waste hauling and recycling costs, which is the same as two months rent. Several North Carolina charities were forced to pay $40,000 annual landfill charges for the "donated" trash.