Using food stamps after winning lottery

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Allioop, May 18, 2011.

  1. Allioop

    Allioop Well-Known Member

  2. Gomer Pyle

    Gomer Pyle Well-Known Member

    wow, just wow. That's one BIG loophole...
  3. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    Two days ago I heard this stat: 1 out of 7 Americans is now on Food Stamps.

    Think about that.
  4. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    Hope. Change. Handout
  5. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    George Washington ~ Father of His County
    James Madison ~ Father of the Constitution
    Abraham Lincoln ~ The Great Emancipator
    Ronald Reagan ~ The Great Communicator
    Barack Obama ~ The Food Stamp President
  6. Navycut

    Navycut Well-Known Member

    How about firing the legislators responsible for allowing it?
  7. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Dude better start worrying about Karma
  8. MamaApe

    MamaApe Well-Known Member

    Honestly though, if they could start incorporating liquid assets into the eligibility equation itwould solve several problems, IMO.
  9. Allioop

    Allioop Well-Known Member

    My thoughts exactly. He might get by for a while, but we all reap what we sow.
  10. fooser

    fooser Active Member

    I think that last one "The Food Stamp President" goes to Bush
  11. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

  12. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    I agree! 8)
  13. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

  14. siameselover

    siameselover Well-Known Member

    i thought you couldnt have any more than 2 thousand in assets to get them.i know someone who is on them and got an 8 thousand dollar settlement from a car wreck and they told her to spend it in 30 days or she will lose them
  15. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Kind of blew your position to he'll, didn't it! :mrgreen:
  16. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    Edit: I need glasses.....carry on.
  17. Allioop

    Allioop Well-Known Member

    When I was in college I worked at as a cashier at a grocery store for a while. I noticed some people used food stamps to buy a food and then used cash to buy beer and cigarrettes...cases of beer and cartons of cigarrettes...not cheap. Heaven forbid they use cash for food. Save it all for the good stuff. :mrgreen:
  18. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    As long as they weren't extreme couponing....
  19. Allioop

    Allioop Well-Known Member

    I think I met some of them too. I loved being a cashier. I got to meet all kinds of people. One old guy who wore pink polyester pants every time he came in would show me his wallet full of $100 bills and tell me he was on his way to the Bahamas. :lol: I think he lived like "Groundhog Day." Same pants, same money, same Bahamas story, same prune juice and Depends...
  20. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Yeah, he'll be on the cover of People magazine in six months - when they do the "I won the lottery and blew it all in a year!" issue.

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