Clayton Dog Park

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by AnnetteL, Jun 2, 2011.

  1. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

  2. gdogg79

    gdogg79 Well-Known Member

    This is exciting! Thanks for sharing.
  3. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Dang, i was excited but then i GPSd it and it will be 25 min away from the 4042 area:cry:
  4. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

    I know! I wish it was closer too,it's a bit of a drive from where I live as well but I still would rather drive there than to the ones in Raleigh ;)
  5. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    I saw that... nothing like putting it in a central location that is convenient to more than just the people in Glen Laurel or those other subdivisions out on 42E. :?
  6. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    I read a news report a few weeks back that said they were building a whole 12 or 13 parking spots. Oh, goody! Guess that's one way to control the number of dogs in the park at any one time.
  7. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

  8. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

  9. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

    I agree!! I wont be able to go all that often,it takes me about 35 minutes at least to get there.It did say in the Herald article that Clayton was planning on building more dog parks but who knows-by that time my dog will probably be too old to go there ;)
  10. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    dog parks should be privately funded.
  11. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    Guess you never been to the dog parks in Cary
  12. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    no, i haven't. i don't own a dog. but i live in wake county and have held this opinion for a long time. i think it's wrong to provide such a niche, luxury service on the taxpayer's dime...
  13. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    We should have an "a la carte" tax system ... so I don't have to pay for other people's kids ... you dont have to pay for my dogs ... I'll be happy, you'll be happy.
  14. Sdaanimal

    Sdaanimal Well-Known Member

    I do see your point. We have seven dogs, but we have 2 acres of land, so we have our very own dog park :)
  15. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    Well personally speaking I usually go to the dog park over on Lake Wheeler road. But it is closed temporarily, due to the tornado's from last month. But all the dog parks in Wake county that I have been to have been parts of other existing parks that were unused area. Usually cleaning out underbrush, putting in some picnic tables. Fencing off the area so dogs can be off leashed. And some trash cans so people can pick up after their dogs. And I know from personal experience again the town of Raleigh will dump loads of mulch from tree trimmings. And most of the people in the dog park will go and haul the mulch in and spread it around. And we all bring bags to pick up the dog poop

    Besides giving a place for our dogs to get exercise and socialization which are both big factors in having a dog park. It's also socialization of humans as well. And much like humans, dogs are also social creatures. And if exercise is good for humans it is also vital for dogs

    But with your attitude. Why should anyone pay for tennis courts, baseball fields, swing set or anything else. I do not play baseball, tennis or have kids. People who have kids or play tennis or baseball should fund it. And I know they play basketball over at the Rec center at Carolina Pines. If you don't play basketball why should your taxes pay for that either. Why not sell off all the county and town parks to business and let them pay taxes on that property.

    PS. and with the dog park on Lake Wheeler road. Before they cleared it out and put the dog park there it was a known hang out for drug dealers
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2011
  16. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    re: a la carte. nice try. knew that one was coming: let's compare education of the populace to providing space for people who have dogs. apples, meet oranges.

    re: my attitude. parks with amenities for humans are for humans. i don't have to choose to be a human, i just have to choose whether or not i want to avail myself of facilities paid for with my money. i shouldn't have to get a dog to take advantage of a public park paid for with my money. it excludes a large portion of the populace by definition. it is a luxury (ie, if you don't have room for a dog, maybe you shouldn't have a dog) to be paid for by those of us who choose not to have dogs. there is no wider benefit to the community as a whole due to dog parks, as there would be with public education.

    oh, and dogs don't pay taxes. my kid eventually will. actually, technically, he already does. or at least taxes are paid on his behalf by his parents....

    and PS to your PS, there were drug dealers there. they'd have been run off if a mcdonald's was built there, too. dog park does not equal crime fighting entity. that's a stretch.
  17. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    you know...i have three cats. they're indoor cats, so they don't get as much exercise or socialization as outdoor cats. i also don't have any of those cool carpeted cat tree climbing things at my house, and you know those are VERY important to cats. they need to have good playtime that allows them to have fun and use their natural instincts. if play, exercise, and socialization are important to humans, they MUST be important to dogs, too! and if all that is important to dogs, then cats are getting the shaft! where are the taxpayer funded cat tree recreational centers? with catnip and litter boxes and lots of little furry toy mice and little bells hanging on strings? I DEMAND EQUAL TREATMENT FOR CATS. THEY'RE JUST AS HUMAN AS DOGS ARE!
  18. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    cats outnumber dogs in america by more than 15 million. cats cost on average 10% less to take to the vet. a cat owner is more likely to have adopted from a shelter than a dog owner, and is more likely to have spayed or neutered their cat than a dog owner.

    there are more cats than dogs, and their owners are proven to be statistically more responsible than dog owners.

    where's the tax money for cat rec centers?

    The following statistics were compiled from the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association 2009-2010 National Pet Owners Survey.


    • There are approximately 77.5 million owned dogs in the United States Thirty-nine percent of U.S. households own at least one dog
    • Most owners (67 percent) own one dog <
    • Twenty-four percent of owners own two dogs
    • Nine percent of owners own three or more dogs
    • On average, owners have almost two dogs (1.7)
    • The proportion of male to female dogs is even
    • Nineteen percent of owned dogs were adopted from an animal shelter On average, dog owners spent $225 on veterinary visits (vaccine, well visits) annually
    • Seventy-five percent of owned dogs are spayed or neutered

    • There are approximately 93.6 million owned cats in the United States Thirty-three percent of U.S. households (or 38.2 million) own at least one cat
    • Fifty-six percent of owners own more than one cat
    • On average, owners have two cats (2.45)
    • More female cats are owned than male cats (70 percent vs. 65 percent respectively)
    • Twenty-two percent of owned cats were adopted from an animal shelter
    • Cat owners spent an average of $203 on routine veterinary visits
    • Eighty-seven percent of owned cats are spayed or neutered
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2011
  19. pocahontas

    pocahontas Well-Known Member

    While I honestly think you have some really valid points (should this really be something that is paid for by tax money when there is a relatively large portion of the population that it excludes, and especially when we are in a recession?) I personally feel like one of the main premises in your argument is faulty...I don't think the dog park is really for the dog's enjoyment, I think it is for the people's enjoyment (the ones with the dogs), for their enjoyment at getting to watch their dog romp and play and interact, and maybe their own enjoyment at interacting with other dog owners or dog lovers. So in that respect it would be similar to a normal park, or tennis court, or greenway, etc. Just my thoughts, not worth a whole lot :lol:
  20. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    Wow, you have too much time on your hands. :lol:

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