GHOSTS!! Do you believe or not believe?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ServerSnapper, Apr 28, 2010.

  1. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    I'm convinced I looked this "ghost" square in the eyes back in 1994. Ironically, I had never heard of the story of "Lydia" since I'm not from that area, but later heard about it from a co-worker that was from Jamestown.

    Long story short, I was there visiting some friends in Jamestown who were attending High Point College (now University). Anyway, as we approached the railroad bridge, there was a girl dressed to the nines standing outside a stalled car from what looked like the 40s or 50s. I was riding "shotgun" in my friend's car and looked her square in the eyes as we crept by her stalled car. Because it was dusk and starting to rain, we decided to slow down, go under the railroad bridge, turn around and go back to help. My buddy in the back seat more or less wanted to get another glimpse of the girl to see if she was hot.

    Beyond this bridge pictured in the link, where we turned around, is a 90 degree turn to the left. In a matter of 15 seconds it took to do a three point turn on the other side of the bridge, both she and the car vanished. She obviously didn't pass us and wasn't driving off into the other direction. Even so, it would have been extremely difficult for someone to get in the car and start in the time it took us to turn around.

    Her car was where the white post is in this pic...on the right side of the road as you drive from right to left.


    The three of us in the car at the time were like "whoa, where did she go?" We thought it was strange but went on with our weekend. We spent the rest of the night trying to guess what kind of old car it was and of course none of could agree with the other.

    Now fast forward to 1999. I am out of school and working for a company in Greensboro. The other two guys I was with that night in '94 are living out of state, one of which is in the Navy. So I'm working and two co-workers, one from Jamestown, starts telling another guy this story about Lydia the ghost. Suddenly I start to recall the night in my head mostly because of the old car debates my buddies and I had that night. Then it hit me....the reason why she disappeared when we turned around was because she was the ghost this guy was talking about!

    That night I called the guy in the Navy, that was with me in the car back in '94, and told him the story I heard at work. He remembered the car being old and the fact we tried to turn around to help a girl but he couldn't remember what she looked like. Unfortunately, I do.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2011
  2. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    and than Turdsnapper kicked your ***
  3. sirputz

    sirputz Well-Known Member

    Here's my story, actually, two....

    The first experience (which will sound cliche) actually happened on Halloween Night in the early 90's My uncle had just recently gotten remarried and was throwing a halloween party at his house. It was one of many great parties. Well there were a bunch of us teens (ranging from 11-18) and we all decided to get out of the hot stuffy house and go take a walk. We ended up at the end of the block at the local cemetery, which dates back to Revolutionary times (this was in SW Pa, near Uniontown, just outside of Fort Necessity area). We were playing (ironically) Ghost in the Graveyard, and as I was hiding with two others, we heard our counterparts shouting for us. We took off running and everyone made it to the base, which was a large family crypt. When we all were gathered together (about 14 of us total) we stopped in our tracks. We saw what appeared to be an elderly gentleman, dressed in a brown tweed suit, and had, walking a small dog. He passed behind the graves in the cemetery, and you could see the graves. As he passed in front of them, you could still see them. He appeared to be in full human form, but just kinda floated as he walked. He tipped his hat to us and said, "Evening kids, nice night huh?" And kept walking. We stood dumbfounded. He walked into the edge of the woods and disappeared. Later my cousins asked around in school, and finally a Librarian told them a story and brought up the newspaper article on Microfiche. Apparently, in the late 30's this man used to walk his dog thru the graveyard everynight, and along the main street which he lived right off of. A driver who wasn't paying attention hit him and killed him and the dog on one of their evening walks.

    And secondly, My best friend appeared to me in the middle of a new moon, in the winter, just after she passed. I woke up to a bright glow and my room was filled with light, and then her figure, smiling, and two puffy wings standing tall behind her. She whispered, Hi, I'm ok now. I simply said, I'm glad. and she smiled, and showed me our secret handshake (we were only 10 when she passed and were best friends, of course we had one) and then the room got dark as the outside got bright.

    I've also had extreme dejavu experiences with historic moments.
  4. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    OK since Hugh was so nice to bring this thread back to life....Who wants to start a REAL group? I am getting ready to start one at a local college but this I want to be a serious group. I am not interested in thrill seekers. This is serious stuff. If you have experience doing investigations like I do let me know that first. What I do not want is people who jump for joy because they see an orb. ORBS are nothing to me. We should be looking for full body, silhouettes, EVP's, Spread Spectrum anomalies. Here is what I have...I have a laptop for analyzing EVP's. I have a DVR system with 6 cameras. I use a Sony PCM D50.

    DISCLAIMER: They can follow you home, they can and will wreak havoc on your personal life etc. This is about science and proof of life after death. If you are overly relgious and see angels this group will not be for you. If you talk to dogs or cats and they talk back...this group is not for you.
  5. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    I believe Dejavu is just a way your mind tells you about the future. Since we are pure energy anyway why shouldn't we be able to forecast? I mean you have psychics who are freaking real. Chip Coffey is the only one I know of that is legit. But anyway. THink about that. Dejavu could simply be YOU seeing ahead...but it doesn't dawn on you until that act happens. It would be nice to try and harness that energy. Left field? Maybe. Just a hypothesis.
  6. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

  7. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    I use to live not too far from there. Well in HP. But anyway I have investigated that bridge and the tragedy surrounding it. I didn't get any evidense but it doesn't mean it's not there. Was a very very busy road at all times of the evening.
  8. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    I am an *** kicking machine....Just like you are a **** ******* machine.
  9. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    So you know that my story is least the part about the road turning dead left beyond the pic I posted.

    The only difference of course is we weren't going under the "old" underpass which the legend claims is where she died. Of course, if she wanted to be seen she wouldn't go down there anyway since it's away from the current underpass.

    I'm not a ghost least I don't want to be....but that story I posted above is 100% true. If it wasn't an old car, or a case of someone virtually disappearing into thin air, I wouldn't have given it two thoughts when I heard this story.
  10. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    I still have the equipment I mentioned previously ... about a page ago (last year). I've been involved with some actual investigations. There is a lot to it - more than just running around looking for 'ghosts'. If you want to form a group, you can do it for fun, or do it seriously ... most people just want to do it for fun. Like you mentioned ... take snapshots and look for orbs. Serious investigations can be boring and tedious and annoying ... and fun.
  11. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    The legend (is legend the right word when this girl has been captured on film?) is 100%. Your story has been reported by too many people not to be legit. The SAME story.
  12. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    Yea....imagine my surprise when I heard this for the first time.....5 years later.
  13. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    She has been captured on film? Are there any pics online?

    I've spent the last several minutes trying to find a pic similar to the image I have in my head....and this is the closest thing I can find. And it's not an exact match but close.


    and the car...which i contend was a packard.

    Last edited: Jun 9, 2011
  14. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Cleo do you still have my yahoo email address? I have a logo for you to look at.
  15. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    For Canis

    For nearly 80 years people in the Jamestown area of central North Carolina have reported the lovely hitchhiker named Lydia. Lydia is not your typical hitchhiker though… she’s been dead since 1923.
    The story is one long told and probably well known…it isn't just a ‘ghost’ story but a long standing campfire story, an urban legend that has spawned others and a part of North Carolina's best known lore.
    The happening goes something likes this…a driver traveling along route 70 east of Jamestown and near High Point passes a lovely and obviously stranded young woman in white. When the driver (who seems to frequently be male and alone) stops to pick up this woman, she asks that she be taken to her home in High Point.

    [​IMG]Some allege that she goes on to tell of an argument with her beau while at a dance. As they driver and his new passenger approach the town of High Point, she proceeds to direct him…down this street, take this turn, the next house down. They arrive, the driver graciously goes around to open to the door for her…only to find (you know this part don't you?) she's not there.
    Since letting things be is simply not an option, invariably the driver approaches the house, knocking on the door until someone answers. He tells his tale and the reply he gets is rather chilling. He is told that the hitchhiker is Lydia, and yes she lived there until she was killed on the way home from a dance. She is still trying to get home by flagging down passing cars for a ride…a ride that never seems to get her home. In almost every version the person answering the door is Lydia’s mother. In many she shows the driver a photo of her daughter, and upon verifying that it was her proceeds to tell her story.
    The first person to report such a sighting was in 1924. To this day the tale is persistent. Perhaps because it seems there really WAS a Lydia, and she did die in 1923 on her way home. Perhaps because the story is so well and easily told and never fails to get a shiver out of the audience. Perhaps because Lydia really is still there, hoping for that ride that will finally take her home…maybe then, with her last need fulfilled she can move on.
    Stories continue, not only of the hitchhiker, but also reports of a pale woman seen standing just past the bridge, of screams from the bridge and feelings of eerie watchfulness. Is Lydia still wandering near the bridge? Or are the screams from nearby apartment complexes? Is the pale shape seen really of Lydia? Has anyone given her a ride lately?
    Lydia’s bridge still stands, although it is now 40 or so feet from the new overpass. On High Point Rd from Greensboro heading towards Jamestown, there is a new overpass at the Welcome to Jamestown sign. Parking nearby and walking through the thick vegetation will bring you to the old bridge…and maybe to Lydia.
    Updated 1/13/07
    Astute reader Larry Jones sent us the following e-mail: "I located a Guilford County/High Point Death Certificate for: Lydia Jane M******* Born 1904 in High Point Died December 31, 1923 from fatal injuries from motoring accident [...]" Yet more evidence to support that Lydia actually existed, and died as reported. As to whether she still haunts the bridge where she died, that is another question...
  16. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Interesting... You're a very interesting person when you want to be SS. Its much more becoming to you than the re-My Friend act.

    I whole-heartedly believe that I grew up in a haunted house. Somewhere we have pictures of a very low image drifiting across the driveway by our old barn on a very clear day. Things would happen in the house without cause or reason... not a scary spirit, just someone who wanted you to know he was there. I never would and never did go in the attic in that house though.
  17. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    That's it....It's just an act.
  18. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    What makes my story different than this Lydia is the Packard, that I know I saw, would have been well after 1923. Maybe it was Lydia's daughter? :lol:
  19. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    I just wrote like a 4 paragraph response referncing some of my own experiences living in haunted homes. Clicked on spellcheck.....they went away.
  20. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Has anyone ever had something scream at you so loud your ears popped almost to being numb?? I have. No one was around me and I did pee my pants!

    Here's the story. TRUE story.
    I lived in a two story house in Burlington when I worked at Volvo IT. This house was out in the country and it sat on 3 acres of land. The house was situated on the back left of the property. There was a garage behind the house and some misc stuff laying around.

    One morning our LP gas gave out. So I went out to hook up the reserve tank until the gas company could come out. While doing this something screamed so loud in both of my ears. Not the left or right but both ears which means what ever it was had to be in front of me. NOTHING was there. NOTHING! I put down everything and just walked inside. My nerves shot I told my wife what happened but she kinda blew it off. Anyway...That same day my wife called me at work scared to death. I asked what happened and she told me that someone was walking upstairs. I told the guys I worked with what happened and what my wife said and the guy I rented the house from kinda smirked and said I have heard that before. I said What? He said there has been two suicides in that home. One happened to be his uncle. Another a man who hung himself in the late 90's. His uncle self inflicted gun shot to the chest.

    My wife and I moved out that weekend. There were other instances that I am simply not comfortable sharing. Sometimes when you do. They tend to repeat themselves.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2011

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