Have you lost a dog?

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by ncfemme, Jul 12, 2011.

  1. ncfemme

    ncfemme Well-Known Member

    I recieved word that there was a dog running around the parking lot and sneaking into the store this morning at D.R. Wells store. They called me, but I only can respond to animal control calls inside the city, so I had no choice but direct them to JOCO animal services. Hopefully they could get there before this baby found the road!

    It was described as looking like a miniature german shepherd...not sure of the age, sex etc.

    If you think this might be your dog....it's a place to start your search!
  2. bostonredhead

    bostonredhead Well-Known Member

    There used to be a dog that kind of lived there....I think he/she belonged to the owners, but that's before it was sold. Could be the same dog...
  3. Rockwell

    Rockwell Well-Known Member

    Saw him the other morning, the guys in the store and I got him something to eat and some water, hope he's OK, he looked a bit beat up if that's the one your talking about. Wish I could have done more...I have 3....big ones.

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