Trivia at The Clubhouse and Drafthouse

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by VolleyGrl, Jul 13, 2011.

  1. VolleyGrl

    VolleyGrl Well-Known Member

    Has anyone done the trivia night at either the Clubhouse or the Drafthouse? I've only done live trivia downtown at Tir Na Nog. My friend and I are thinking of going one night and want to get some info/opinions.

    p.s. I will not reveal where or when I will be going for fear of retribution so don't ask! :lol:
  2. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    "Team Trivia" is a franchised organization and played at The Clubhouse on Wednesday nights. It's played at alot of local bars in and around the Raleigh area all put on by the same franchise. Its fun, and takes anywhere between an hour and a half and two hours a game. The DJ's are usually pretty good. The questions cover a pretty wide variety of topics. Answers all have to come from your brain, you can't call a friend, or use your smart phone, or you'll be dq'd if caught. The league teams that do play take it seriously. is the website.

    DH and I and a bunch of friends play a few times a week at a couple of the places that host "Team Trivia". We play for points, not necessarily to win the gift certificates, although those don't ever hurt to win either. We are a registered team in the league and are currently ranked in the top 10 in the RDU area and are playing in the finals this coming Saturday at the Backyard Bistro in Raleigh.

    I don't know anything about what trivia they play at the Drafthouse or Flipside. Sorry.
  3. VolleyGrl

    VolleyGrl Well-Known Member

    That's so fun!!! Good luck! :cheers:
  4. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    We've played Trivia at the Cleveland Draft House several times. It's on Thursday nights and has grown in popularity. I don't think it's an official league but last week there were 21 teams! The questions are great and mixed in difficulty and we really enjoy it. Prizes are gift certificates to the CDH and we enjoy the food while we play. The DJ Shannon is great and the same person who does the karaoke there on Friday nights.

    ZUMBAbyMARIE Well-Known Member

    I think I saw the window at Applebees saying something about trivia???

    ZUMBAbyMARIE Well-Known Member

    No, wait. The window at Applebees didn't actually say something. I'm not least not today. Written on the window at Applebees was something about trivia...I think. I drove by the other day and saw it.
  7. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    Sample Trivia Questions at Applebees -

    - How old were those wings? (Within 6 weeks)

    - Why is your waitress so cranky?

    - How long did you wait for your food (within 6 weeks)

    ZUMBAbyMARIE Well-Known Member

    Now that's funny!!
  9. slater

    slater Well-Known Member

    "The Mental Floss" Team is at the Cleveland Drafthouse on thursday evenings every week. Shannon Pate (emcee for Mental floss) is awesome! He runs a DJ group, Elevation co. He is there on Friday nights as well for Karaoke every week.
  10. VolleyGrl

    VolleyGrl Well-Known Member

    So anyone going tonight? :allears:
  11. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    So true!! The last time we went there we got one of the 2 for $20 specials. We both ordered steak and the red potatoes. I swear when the plate came there were 4 pieces of potato on there and none of them were over and inch big. It was so funny to see those tiny potatoes on a big plate beside of a TINY steak. That was the last time we will ever eat there. I left hungry!
  12. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    why? is it renaissance trivia night?
  13. dgsatman

    dgsatman Well-Known Member

    What time does it start? The Racket (band) is playing at The Clubhouse early evening, and there's Karaoke at The Tavern in the Grove at 9.

    So many choices......
  14. VolleyGrl

    VolleyGrl Well-Known Member

    8. I've never been to the Tavern in the Grove. Is it a cool place? It looks so tiny, but that's probably part of the appeal.
  15. dgsatman

    dgsatman Well-Known Member

    The Coolest 8)
  16. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

  17. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    The one down in Garner in front of the Kroger is very good (love the spicy wonton tacos!), and it used to be horrible. With that said, the rest of them around here are beyond pathetic. That is the only one I will go to.
  18. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

  19. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Did you finally get dragged over to The Tavern??? 8)
  20. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    On a lark and of my own free will! :jester: Nice place.

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