In America - The Homeless go without eating. In America - The Elderly go without needed medicines. In America - The Mentally ill go without treatment. In America - Our Troops go without proper equipment. In America - Our Veterans go without benefits they were promised. Yet we donate billions to other countries before helping our own first. I got this from FB but wanted to share it. Next it will go out to my email list. I have seen other things that are similar and maybe even this so if this is a repeat, I humbly beg your forgiveness.
I am quite aware of such programs. I am also quite aware of how many elderly need more and can't get it. I know people who have lost jobs and so insurance and have medical conditions and cannot get insurance right now, etc., etc., etc. If we are gonna give away lets keep it at home for the most part.
AMEN!! We are seniors and after working hard all our lives we now have to watch every penny. Social security only goes so far and they have given us no raises in two years. I really fear for the elderly in this country. I agree, we give away to much to others outside of the USA!!!!!
I really can't believe that America does better at this than ANY other country,just my opinion,same as always
While I agree with the fact that we are spending too much money overseas, I also want to take this time to warn any Non-Elderly person to start saving for retirement NOW. I wouldn't count on the govt to take care of you.
That's what Polenta...wrote. Quote: "I would ague that America does a hellava lot better at this than ANY other country. I've been to other countries. They don't do it better at all."
I guess it all depends on what other country it is,I know for sure that most Scandinavian countries have great elderly care etc.
I agree, if you cannot provide for your own family, are already in debt, near bankruptcy, you shouldn't be giving hand outs outside of the family. The government was never meant to be a charity.
You won't see me moving anywhere any time soon. While I am not crazy about a lot of what goes on in the gov't, we still have it better than most.
Well since all the ones that I can think of are socialist countries I guess that's the end of my discussion although I'm quite sure that they value their freedom as much as they do here.
Nationalism in the USA always has been rampant. I love this country and have no wish to move, but I am under no illusions that the USA can't be better.
:roll: I can read. I'm asking YOU to define what your definition of "this" is....and I'm talking specificity.
Of the instances that I know of personally, all happened before O'Bama was even in the Senate. Most of us had never even heard of him.
You should have known "they" were going to totally ignore your point and turn it into a stage for their welfare agenda. I get your point and agree.