I hate thieves

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by smiles, Aug 15, 2011.

  1. smiles

    smiles Well-Known Member

    To the older woman lunching at Snoopy's with her granddaughter (You were wearing yellow, green, and turquoise; your granddaughter was wearing a lime green t-shirt.):

    You are a thief. Period. There is nothing else that can describe a person who steals. If you do not pay for something, and you take it, you have stolen it. To do this in front of your teenaged granddaughter makes me wonder what you are going to say when she starts shoplifting and taking money from your purse (if she doesn't do that already). Well, maybe you encourage her to take things if she can get away with it. At least you encourage her by your example.

    I know it's not a lot of money stolen when you order a cup of water (free) and then fill your cup with tea (after checking to see that the clerk wasn't watching you); however, it is still stealing.

    You should be ashamed.
  2. Ima Sheltie

    Ima Sheltie Well-Known Member

    Did you say something to her?
  3. smiles

    smiles Well-Known Member

    No, although I wanted to badly. However, I didn't think a public confrontation in front of the family with a lot of small children was appropriate. I did talk to one of the employees about it, however.
  4. Debyan

    Debyan Well-Known Member

    i always watched as my mother and father took cups salt shakers, knives from resturants when i was a teen at least 35 yrs ago and i didn't do it, in fact i always felt embarassed that they did and before you ask yes i did say something and was told at first they expectedit and as i got older the answer got rougher so i said nothing. So it all depends on the child the individual what they will feel is right for me , it was just wrong to do it. this just causes the resturants to have to add charges to the rest of us to pay for the people who justify this
  5. Do you ever drive over the speed limit? Does that make you a criminal?
  6. VolleyGrl

    VolleyGrl Well-Known Member

    Technically, yes. But we all do it because we think we can get away with it most of the time. (Yes, my name is Volleygrl and I am a criminal :lol:) It's the same with this lady and the drink and the OP's point. Just because it's a little thing that you can get away with most of the time without getting caught doesn't make it okay.
  7. Allioop

    Allioop Well-Known Member

    My grandma would do this in a heartbeat. It is a pet peeve of mine. She goes to church three times a week when it comes to "not paying for stuff", she turns a blind eye. :roll: I'll never forget she left Lowe's with a bunch of things, and she noticed on the receipt the cashier forgot to ring up about $50 worth of merchandise. My grandma said it was a "gift from God." :confused:
  8. SubMom727

    SubMom727 Well-Known Member

    My family and I were having lunch at The Shiny Diner this past Sunday and happen to be looking out the window - saw a lady walk up to the newspaper rack, put in her money, pull down the door, reach in and select a paper -- while doing so, she started "rifling" through the other papers, placed her paper inside the rack, at an angle and proceeded to "slip" coupons from at least 2 other newspapers inside her paper. Picked up her paper and walked away. Came into the restaurant and proceeded to join her family/friends for lunch. As was said before, I didn't confront her because I didn't want to cause a scene in the restaurant, but I did tell the girl at the counter - not that there was anything she could do about it, but I was furious. I will admit that I have been to a station on 42 on Sunday to get a paper, from a rack, and when I put my money in, there have been coupons sitting on top of the paper, and I have taken those - but I would not rifle through a paper to take the coupons. In fact, this has happened twice. It just makes me so mad to see someone to take advantage of others. My son works at a local drugstore and he saw this happen and stated that when he works on Sundays, if someone purchases a newspaper, he has to check after they leave the store, to see if coupons are in the remaining papers. What a sad world we live in when people resort to this type of behavior - whether it be filling an empty cup, taking salt/pepper, cups or coupons.
  9. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    I actually had a woman come up behind me one day while I was taking a newspaper out of one of those pay boxes. She actually asked if she could grab one while I had it open... :?. Umm... NO. Put your own money in. :twisted:
  10. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I've had that happen too.....

  11. 4ME2KNOW

    4ME2KNOW Well-Known Member

  12. VolleyGrl

    VolleyGrl Well-Known Member

    The Walgreens on Cleveland School you have to buy them inside and you only get a max number (2 I think). I couldn't figure out why because I don't use coupons so my mind didn't go there, but it all makes sense now.
  13. dietz4ibanez

    dietz4ibanez Well-Known Member

    Is it bad that I will order a 1/2 gallon of sweet tea for a large group at Bojangles and when it's empty I refill it and if need be again before I walk out...

    All I paid for was the sweet tea and they provided the cups...

    Clearly I think not. The sweet tea is soo good there.
  14. kevinsmithii

    kevinsmithii Well-Known Member

    Gammie did her part taking stuff to a cashier to check out. You don't want to embarass the cashier and let her know she made a mistake, or possibly cost her a job.
  15. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    No wonder merchants have a hard time making a profit. In the example you gave you are clearly stealing from Bojangles!
  16. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Well.. if they provided the cups then everyone might just as refill those on the way out the door as well as your 1/2 gallon container. :?

    I can see refilling a cup, but really... the 1/2 gallon container?
  17. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Actually, they offer FREE REFILLS. Doesn't say whether or not you can refill a 1/2 gallon jug? :allears: I don't work there so I don't know the rules.
  18. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    The newspaper carrier pays for the papers that they put inside those racks. So anything stolen comes out of the carrier's pocket. Not the N&O.
  19. Allioop

    Allioop Well-Known Member

    This make sense. A jug costs more than a cup obviously. I wonder if difference in cost in taken into consideration when refilling? I guess the common sense thing to do is ask. :lol: Can I refill this jug for free?
  20. dietz4ibanez

    dietz4ibanez Well-Known Member


    Yeah um Obviously Bojangles is NOT one of those merchants that can't make any money...

    I read on one of their news reports that one of their locations- Either Western Blvd or 64 Highway Cary/Apex makes enough money to support all the other local Bojangles. I don't remember the specifics but it was pretty astronomical.

    If that franchise was hurting they would not have opened the 210/40 Location.... They certainly do not see the traffic that either of the other locations..

    Even the one at 401/40 location makes bank...

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