Pizza Hut - Clayton

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by PoohBear, Aug 26, 2011.

  1. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    BTW, stopped by Veneros last week. They no longer include the little house salad with spaghetti or any entrees. Wanted to charge $1.99 extra for the salad.
  2. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    and I think if you want Ceasar Salad its 2.99 extra... i noticed it on the menu when i picked up lunch buffet one day last week.

    BUT... I just looked at their website menu... and its not been changed yet. I'd argue that with them as misleading advertising in a heartbeat and get my free little salad!
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2011
  3. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    Nope, I just won't go back. I think they would have been better off raising the prices slightly rather than making the salad extra. That kind of thing really bothers me over the principle of it.
  4. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    I was just pointing that out, it doesn't matter to me. :mrgreen:
  5. Savealot

    Savealot Well-Known Member

    We have been done with Veneros for a long time now. My husband and I would go there sometimes for lunch and sit and sit for them to put more than 2 pizza's out. We would ask for more pizza to be put on the buffet and get a deer in the headlight look. Then the pizza would come out and it would be one or two toppings. The last time we went there someone in the kitchen went crazy with bacon every pizza out had bacon on it! hate bacon on a pizza.

    We have left there hungry several times and don't know how they still are in business but they are. Just don't get that place and why everyone thinks it's so great.
  6. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    Another reason not to eat at Clayton Pizza Hut

    CLAYTON -- Sam Rhodes was having dinner at the U.S.70 Pizza Hut with his wife and son when their pizza was accidentally delivered to a nearby table.
    It wasn't until the Rhodes family had consumed a fair amount of their meal that a woman from the other table came to warn them to stop eating - that same pizza had been at her table, and her children were sick. They had been playing with the food and sneezing and coughing.
    Larry Sullivan, director of Johnston County Environmental Health, said it's against county sanitation regulations to redeliver food from one table to the other. In those situations, he said, the wait staff should return to the kitchen and bring out a new dish.
  7. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Well.. that was awful considerate of the lady with the sick children to bring them into the restaurant to start with. But thats certainly no excuse for the staff redelivering the same food to another table. Just another reason to not go to that Pizza Hut, I haven't been there in years anyway.
  8. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    I was thinking the same thing...but I see it all the time. We don't go near that Pizza Hut because they either mess up the order, tell you it will be 20 min. when it turns into 45, and have a really arrogant attitude. The place is old, run down and there are too many other choices in this area. Maybe this article will be enough to get corporate involved and clean up the place!
  9. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    I doubt that as I know for a fact Corporate has been notified several times about being run down and dirty
  10. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    It is Pizza Hut's fault, clearly, but Ummm..what took her so long to come over? If she were truly being nice, then she would have come over before they ate most of it. And why would you let your kids play with it when it was mistakenly delivered to the table? Either this article is poorly written or the mom had a sick sense of humor. Just MHO.
  11. irishluck

    irishluck Well-Known Member

    What "principle of it"? Costs of everything are going up and they're trying to make a living? What's wrong with that? Its 2 freaking dollars! And if youre worried about saving money how is "raising the prices slightly" (I'm assuming you mean across the board) going to save you money? Logically raising the prices of everything will result in a bill higher than an additional $2 salad. I'm glad you're not going back. Stay home if you're going to be stupid. "Profit" is not a bad thing. It's what pays the employees, bills, etc.

    Why don't you instead be thankful you had gotten it free for so long.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2012
  12. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    It wasn't free before. It was part of the complete meal which was priced to include garlic knots and a house salad. The menu never get a free salad if you order a meal. I have no problem with businesses making a profit and fully understand costs are going up for everyone. If they had raised the price of the meal, as most restaurants do periodically, I wouldn't mind. Olive Garden, Logans, La Piazza all still include the salad as the meal is priced to include it. I guess you wouldn't mind if the pizza places started to charge you for the box in addition to the pizza in it.
  13. irishluck

    irishluck Well-Known Member

    Since when have you ever walked into lowes/FL/walmart and gotten your salad free? Do you think they just go out back and pick leaves for the salad. Thats great other places offer them free. I'm guessing the charge for their salad because they don't want to keep handing out free salads for people not to eat them.
    Considering I'd be going to a resaurant to eat FOOD I wouldn't mind paying for FOOD, but no, not a pizza box directly. I'm assuming that cost is absorbed into other things. Your notion is just ludicrous. do you consider giving tips as prostitution? You're paying for a service right? <<thats how silly you sound
  14. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    Love your idea....all restaurants should operate cafeteria style and charge for each food item. It's called ala carte and if it's done that way from the start then my expectations are that I pay extra for sides. I guess if I made a trip to Veneros again I could just ask them to deduct the price of garlic knots from my spaghetti entree if I don't want those either. I'll pay for the food I do want and I usually didn't eat the "free" garlic knots. Too bad my usual 20% tip will be less since the cost of my meal just went down. Same amount of work for the server. I'll also bet that if instead they just asked each customer if they wanted a salad or not, those who aren't going to eat them would say no. No price change but no waste. As for tipping, the expectation is set that it is an additional cost when dining out. For larger parties, usually the menu states they automatically include it in the bill. No problem since I expect that. I wonder why they still include fries with their subs....they obviously aren't free for the restaurant to serve. Better to be like McD's and sell those separately too. I do get your point and love the idea of getting to choose to pay for what I want versus what is just included at the discretion of the restaurant.
  15. DancerRaquel

    DancerRaquel Guest

    I would complain to corporate about this location. I visited this Pizza Hut 2 YEARS ago and was greeted at the door with 'UMMM, it's going to be like an hour before you even get your drinks.' Then, we looked around and saw 1 other person in the restaurant (this was at 4:00pm). So, we left... came back AGAIN-- the same thing happened but this time, we were greeting with a STAR employee who was on her cell phone when we walked in... she rolled her eyes at us, walked away and came back when she was done. And then said the predicatable statement 'It's going to be like a HOUR before you get your food.' How many people in the restaurant NO ONE!!! Complained to corporate, the 'manager' called me and said things would change- gave us a free breakstick order-- we returned and the SAME thing happened.

    We no longer support any Pizza Hut's-- even though I think it is quite yummy.

    Please, if you have issues - complain so they can fire the manager out there-- then, when/if the service gets better-- I can eat the food again.:hurray:

    BTW- I sent this thread to corporate as well-- that way, they can't say I am just complaining. I am really tolerant of bad service.. this just went over the line
  16. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    It does no good to complain to Corporate about the Clayton US 70 location. Evidently the franchise owner ignores all complaints. Our family loves thin and crispy Pizza Hut pizza. But not from the Clayton location.
  17. Gomer Pyle

    Gomer Pyle Well-Known Member

    The funny thing is, that Pizza Hut was awful when I moved here in '93 and it hasn't changed one bit.

    I guess the owners are satisfied with their business and see no reason to invest in this location- apparently they've been right so far...
  18. Savealot

    Savealot Well-Known Member

    We do love Pizza Hut pizza. Went there yesterday for lunch. The server was friendly had no problem with the food or service BUT.... The whole building looks like it is falling apart. Even the outside is looking bad, I won't go into what the women's bathrooms looks like.It's just an old building and needs to be torn down and rebuilt.

    The owners probably do not want to be in debt the cost of rebuilding so they just let it go. It's kind of sad because pizza hut has good pizza just a gross building in Clayton!
  19. bosoxfan

    bosoxfan Well-Known Member

    Exactly why I've never stepped foot in there. If they can't make it look at least halfway attractive from the outside, I don't even want to think at what the inside is like.
  20. PoohBear

    PoohBear Well-Known Member

    Dark, worn out and dirty. A disgrace to Pizza Hut. Can't believe corporate puts up with this!

    Here is a link to Pizza Hut. Maybe if enough customers complain we will get a new facility or major renovations!
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2012

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