Couldn't have happened to a nicer person! I used to have to do closings with her when a I worked for a local builder and she was such a witch!! Wow!!! From 1270WMPM Clayton Attorney Disbarred Accused Of Misusing $800,000 A Clayton attorney, who was recently sued by Four Oaks Bank in Johnston County Superior Court for not paying back a loan, was disbarred Aug. 19 among allegations that she misused $800,000 worth of funds. In May, a Wake County Superior Court judge signed an injunction against Jennifer Green-Lee. According to the order, Ms. Green-Lee could not accept money from clients or use client funds. She also had to hand over financial records to the State Bar. Ms. Green-Lee was a real estate attorney who helped clients close property transactions, for example using funds received from clients to pay off a seller’s mortgage. Katherine Jean, Ms. Green-Lee’s attorney and general counsel for the State Bar, contacted the N.C. State Bar with concerns about how Ms. Green-Lee’s clients’ funds were being handled. Her own attorney is just one problem for Ms. Green-Lee. Four Oaks Bank is also suing her in Johnston County Superior Court. The bank says that it gave her $37,000 to pay off a deed on a property in Clayton, in which she was serving as a closing attorney. The bank claims in the complaint that Ms. Green-Lee did not use the money to pay the lien and closed her law firm. Fast forward to August where Ms. Green-Lee was voluntarily disbarred in Wake County Superior Court. The paperwork was filed on Friday, absolving her license to practice law in North Carolina. In the disbarment papers, it was stated that an investigation is pending regarding allegations that Ms. Green-Lee misappropriated at least $800,000 entrusted to her from multiple clients and used the funds for her personal benefit and the benefit of third parties without consent to do so. She was admitted into the State Bar in 1997. Story courtesy The Daily Record
Q: Why are lawyers like nuclear weapons? A: If one side has one, the other side has to get one. Once launched, they cannot be recalled. When they land, they mess up everything forever.
Are we saying KDsgrandma has no ethics? Do I reach to make sure my wallet is still in place when I hear a lawyer is around? Sure Do I think all lawyers are unethical? Absolutely not!
No we are not talking about KDsGrandma... I do believe there are a few (albeit few and very far between) that believe in what they have pledged or sworn to uphold, morally and ethically.
I know some wonderful lawyers, personally and professionally. By no means was this intended as some sort of slam against the profession in general, despite how some twisted it. This woman was NOT a wonderful lawyer in my personal opinion and I had that opinion very much prior to seeing this article today based on my professional dealings with her.
How do you think she paid for her 'rack'? FWIW, as a closing attorney, she handled a lot of closings for Son Lan developments.
Are you saying that she never once did something unethical to win a case or make a few extra bucks off a client? And I'm talking about ethics by human standards, not lawyer standards. Smart move It all depends on the money involved in the case. The more money involved, the less ethical they are. The lawyers for O.J. Simpson pulled every dirty, under-handed trick to win that trial. And how about here in Johnston County? DA's getting busted for plea bargaining DUI cases in return for money and lawyers stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from clients. The list goes on and on. I guarantee you that there are a lot more unethical money grubbing lawyers than not. Atticus Finch was just a character in a book, Hugh. Lawyers like that don't exist in real life.
Are you kidding right now? Seriously? First, you have a lot of nerve to accuse KDS of practicing law unethically. Just because you would operate like a creep doesn't mean everyone would. This belief about all lawyers being unethical is so ignorant I'm surprised you can even make it without feeling as foolish as it sounds. You can't accuse an entire profession based on the actions of a group of people who make up the minority. And just because they can charge more an hour for their time than you will ever be able to doesn't automatically mean they are unethical, it just means they're smarter than you. And you can bet your arse that if the tables were turned you wouldn't have a problem making that money so I think you need to check yourself and your jealousy before making such broad accusations based on a person's hourly rate.
Hold on there VG! I never accused her of that. Hugh asked a question and so did I. Stop trying to stir the pot. Please remove that ridiculous, unfounded accusation. I don't, nor would I. The minority, huh? Tell you what. I'll find articles of lawyers breaking the law and otherwise being unethical. You find articles on them being honest and upstanding. Who do you think will have more? Again, we are talking human ethics, not what lawyers classify as ethics. They are smarter about the law than I am, but that does not make them smarter in general. That's a common misconception. Maybe you wouldn't, but I would. $200 for a 15 second phone call? Stealing money from clients? Letting drunk drivers go for a kickback? Sorry, not my style. I never made an accusation. What I said were facts. YOU are the one making unfounded accusations. And I'm not jealous of people who commit such scandalous deeds. Maybe you and I are different.
It's a good thread and a story that needed to be dragged out into the light of day. I tip my hat to you!
Tom, Stinger, Whoever you are - You are so ridiculous trying to backtrack now. Anyone reading it is going to see that you implied that KDS had to have done something unethical at some point in her career based simply on the fact that she was an attorney. But this is all par for the course for you. You say and do ridiculous things, take personal swipes, etc. and then act like a drama queen when you get called out on them. What you sound like is an ignorant, bitter man whose perception of attorneys is based solely on what he has seen on TV or read in the media. You have no basis for which to make your overly broad accusations outside of your own narrow view. Are there unethical attorneys? Yes. Does that mean that most attorneys are? Absolutley not. It's really that easy.
YOU are the one backtracking. Show me where I made any accusation. You are simply trying to stir the crap in the sandbox. YOU are the one making accusations. Untrue. YOU assumed that what I was saying was an implication. I was asking a question just as Hugh did. Dr., heal thyself. You are doing exactly what you have accused me of. Wrong. I have lots of basis. I am a former Criminal Investigator, not to mention someone who has had professional relationships with lawyers outside of work. Here's a couple of examples of things I have seen personally: A lawyer that admitted his client's giult in a child molestation case got his client off because a single piece of insignificant evidence, which would not have otherwise made it into court, was out of the chain of custody for 30 seconds. 2 weeks after being released the animal raped and killed a 10 year old. I heard that lawyer in a conversation with another and said "well at least the check cleared". A woman was pulled over at a DUI checkpoint ten minutes after leaving a bar. She blew a .03, well under the legal limit. She was sited for DUI anyway and paid a lawyer $500 to represent her in court. The lawyer went to court with the woman, had a 30 second conversation with the D.A., and then told the woman she was free to go. As she left the lawyer remarked "That's the easiest 500 bucks I ever made". I have an acquittance whose husband is a high powered attorney in Durham. We got into a conversation one day about legal ethics. She said, "All I know is that for the right amount of money my husband can get ANYONE off. He does it all the time". I promise you that I could tell you about more REAL incidents that would have you running for a shower. This isn't about me being a richard, this is about a profession that bases it's existence on making money. What's right and wrong have nothing to do with the legal profession. In YOUR opinion. Contrary to what you obviously believe, not everyone thinks like you do. You can continue to say what YOU think I meant, but that doesn't make it so. Relax and have a nice day.
I admitted there are corrupt attorneys, but just because in your experience you have seen (or heard second hand, which is always so reliable :roll cases of attorneys acting unethically doesn't make it accurate that most attorneys are! I'm sorry that is such a difficult concept for you to grasp. I have worked in law firms nearly every day for the last 10 years. I know that there are more types of law beyond criminal or litigation. This idea seems lost on you since most of your examples and experience seem to deal with this sliver of the legal profession and you're willing to form your opinion based solely on these cases. You're incorrect in your assumption about ALL attorneys. You have a nice day too.