I just have a few cents to add to this debate. TWSS, the way you phrased your "question" asking, "are you telling me...." and the bolded words does imply that you're pretty sure the answer to the question is no. This does come across as an implied accusation whether you wanted it to or not. Secondly, the amount of articles you can gather on one side or the other is not evidence. The media is notorious for reporting mostly the negative. Just watch the nightly news. I agree that there are a lot of unethical people out there working solely for the money, but that all or even most attorneys are unethical. It's sad that you have so many acquaintances that work unethically or are related to people who operate this way. I have personally known a few "bad seeds," but I know many more good ones!
agree.... it's the same thing as those wanting more regulation. There will always be corruption and greed but the fallacy of the government preventing those kinds of activities is ridiculous. hence the irony in this thread.
None of them are second hand. I thought I made that clear. Again, I will list cases of them being unethical and you list cases of them being ethical. We'll see whose list is longer. It's not. Fail. Of course there are. Like the one this thread started with. Now are you talking about the person this thread was started about, the D.A. that was taking kickbacks, the lawyers that were paying her, the lawyers that sat on the bench as magistrates that let the DUIs go, the one who refuses to give up the John Edwards sex tapes, John Edwards himself, or the ones that bilked the government out of millions of dollars on phony farmers discrimination claims? Yea, you're right. It is just a small sliver :roll:
Sorry you inferred that. It was never meant that way. I know it is not evidence nor did I claim that it is. The ones I cited were not acquaintances. I thought I made that clear also. However, thank you for your contribution.
If anyone thinks that the majority of lawmakers are not corrupt then they are fooling themselves, and the vast majority of lawmakers are lawyers. Connect the dots. Lawyers don't go into politics for truth, justice, and the American way.
Depends on what type of lawyer. What about traffic lawyers? Real estate lawyers? Trial lawyers....maybe (probably). And the reason a lot of lawyers go into politics is because they have the means with which to fund a campaign.
Finance, IP, corporate, international, securities, environmental, tax, entertainment.....the list goes on and on, which is why his suggestion that I show all of the cases where the ethics are sound and he is going to show that there are more cases of being unethical is so ridiculous and pathetic it is funny (and why I am done with him and his narrow thinking).
You're right, you didn't say acquaintances. :roll: And if you aren't wanting to use articles and stories as evidence of ethical and unethical practices, why are you suggesting you and VG gather these things? Obviously, the opinions on this board differ from yours on this subject. I accept that your experience with lawyers has been different from mine making your opinion different. THE END.
The opinions of two or three people on this board are a long way from a majority. Besides, one of them would disagree with me if I said that the ocean is wet. The price you pay from speaking your mind.
One told me, "I'm just a old country lawyer. But for the right amount I can be a real ballbuster. See post #1 of this thread. You're kidding, right? :lol: Thanks for the laugh. Not what I meant. The reason most go into politics is because the U.S. Government is the biggest scam of all time. Why else would they spend a million dollars to get a job that pays $100,000 a year? Connect the dots.
It's not ridiculous or pathetic, but your unfounded accusations are. You just don't want to lose. I understand. BTW, PRM is hardly an impartial voice when it comes to my posts.
Nope, sure haven't. I have agreed with you, Bob, dan, Harvey, Hugh, and even PRM. Your selective memory is showing again.
Yep, figured you'd be shocked. I'm actually a card carrying member. :lol: I'm also kind of likin' the Southern Poverty Center. Sherry