I think we all knew about Hey 50 & 210 location, but the N&O reports two other locations in the works (permitting). NC 42 & Amelia Church Rd. NC 42 & Cornwalis Rd. Not sure if these will get all the way through the process, but I certainly hope not. They can locate where they want within the the rules and approval of the powers that be, but seriously? Personally I think huge gas stations that look like a mini Wal-mart are tacky and unnecessary anywhere other than the intersection of a major interstate. If both of these happen you'll have eleven (11) gas stations from Clayton to I-40. Really? If the Cornwalis one gets built you can probably kiss the one across the street (old Thurman's) goodbye. And gas stations are not easily converted to other uses either without a complete tear down (assuming it goes out of business), so it might be a blight situation. Not to mention, if we have the population density to support this type of thing why the heck are we not getting grocery stores, or other retail? Folks have the right to locate their business where they want and I have the right to move. I also have the right to hope neither one of these things comes to pass. I just wish the JoCo planning board, commissioners, etc. would wake up and realize that ANY increase to the tax base is not necessarily a good thing when you consider the highest and best use of the property...i.e., sometimes you can say 'no thanks'.
Those locations make sense.... I seem to remember a news story that Sheetz was looking to establish "community" stores in addition to the highway locations.
Sorry but I personally will be really excited if there is a Sheetz built at Cornwallis and 42 or 42 and Amelia Church. I do like the Subway with the drive-through in the station that is at Cornwallis and 42 but if one had to go I'd take the Sheetz every day.
I wouldn't mind Sheetz at either location, but I think for Sheetz to build at both of those locations would be overkill. However, is it too much to hope that road improvements be made at the Cornwallis/42 intersection?? We desperately need a right turning lane cut in for those headed east on 42 making the turn onto Cornwallis and another for those turning right onto 42 from Cornwallis at the used car lot. That intersection is a nightmare most times.
I am definitely hoping that the Sheetz at 42 and Amelia Church happens. These little "convenience" stores inside the gas stations are gross, and highly overpriced. And why do so many of them not have coffee? I don't always need to stand in line in a grocery store if I'm just try to pick something up quickly. If I can't get a Wawa, then I at least need a Sheetz nearby.
I've said it before and I'll say it again...'Convenience' is a dirty word. When will we be happy? When there is nary an intersection without at least one gas station, one corner drug store, one fast food joint, and one car lot? Do we really need gas and sandwiches to be more convenient than they already are? Good grief. Plan ahead. Pack a lunch. Visit one of the other dozen gas stations we already have. From a planning perspective, this will only cause saturation and in turn result in blight. One gas station is sure to go out of business in Sheetz's place. And as I have said this type of structure is not easily adapted for re-use without complete demolition and environmental remediation so few businesses will attempt it. If you really think this is the highest and best use of the property then so be it. Have your Sheetz.
I was going to post but then I remembered how you know nothing about economics and markets. Carry on....
Are you saying that a property owner/developer does not have the right to sell to or develop the property to whomever he wishes when the property is already zoned for that particular business?
You mean you were going to READ my post, but then remembered you don't know how. I stated that they have the right to build wherever they want. I also recognized supply and demand, but that doesn't mean it always makes the best sense. I can tell you there is a lot of demand around here for a strip club, but you don't see the economic developers and planners tripping all over themselves to sign one up.
No I didn't say that and if anyone would take the time to freaking' read, you would see that. Just because it CAN be done doesn't mean that it should. This is why there are zoning regulations that take into account things like density and best use. Not saying JoCo has regulations that are all that progressive, but this is why these things exist. They can sell to whomever they want.
Given what my detractors have said, ask yourself this: You live in a cozy subdivision 1/2 mile from Amelia and NC 42. That intersection is vacant for the time being. Cut to a year later and you have four gas stations there, one on each corner. How do you feel about that?
The market can't tolerate 4 stations at that location. So you won't have to worry about it until it can. You see, people open businesses to become profitable. Isn't that crazy?