Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by kaci, Jul 28, 2011.

  1. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Looking forward to seeing lots of folks there tonight:cheers: There are still some tickets left that will be sold at the door for the same price, $20 each or 2 for $30.
  2. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    Looked like there was a good turn out tonight and more than ample food! I am still stuffed and it's several hours later! It was great seeing you Kaci and sampling all the great food from restaurants in our area I have not been to yet. I'm really glad the Chamber arranged this!
  3. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    Yeppers. We enjoyed it as well.
  4. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Ditto! :hurray:
  5. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    Me too!! :lol:
  6. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    me too, was great seeing everyone again and WOW, that food was good and i ate way too much, gonna have to starve today to make up for it:hurray::hurray:

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