
Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by hhicshg, Nov 8, 2011.

  1. hhicshg

    hhicshg Well-Known Member

    Has anyone else been their victim?
    I lost my atm card so had it on hold for a couple of days hoping I could wiggle my nose and it would come back to me. No such luck. So I called the cu and they cancelled it and issued a new one for which I am presently waiting. I used it for almost everything I bought and paid a lot of bills online. Anyway, I went to Food Lion a couple days later. NO Problem!! I went a couple days later and wrote a check just a bit over $80 and that included about $40 cash. The checker gave it back to and advised me it was declined and she didn't know why, I could call the number on the back of my check for an explanation. I came home and checked my bank account first then called Telecheck. She said it was a particular code # and that it didn't mean I had a returned check and it didn't mean insufficient funds. It meant my check didn't pass the criteria to filter through Telecheck. This check was outside my normal habits. She asked if I was at the store. I told her no. She said if I was, she could lift the declination for that one time. I didn't understand that or she didn't make it clear. It could have been either. She was in the Philippines and had a bit of an accent. I thought I was "good to go". A couple days later I went back to Food Lion...same scenario, different day. So I came home and started calling again. I spent a long time on the phone but no matter who I got it all ended the same. This morning I called my bank and they don't do business with this company so it had to have been Food Lion. I called Telecheck again. I went as far up the chain as they would let me at Telecheck. I called Consumer Protection at the DOJ. I went online and filled out the forms to mail. I checked out the Better Business Bureau. I finally called Food Lion and talked with a local person and she gave me a number for Corporate. I called there and talked with a nice man named Will. Will wrote all this up and advised he had a lady who interfaces on complaints about Telecheck. About an hour ago she called me and told me my account should flow right on through now. I told her if it doesn't move, I will gather up my groceries, stand in line to pay, pay with a check, if it is declined, I will stand right there rooted to the spot to go through all the malarky Telecheck had requested so they could let me pay that one time with a check. I would hold up all customers behind me, keep the checker from being able to handle others, and to inconvenience other customers as I had been. I told her it was nothing against FL but that was my plan. I was also going to call Five on Your Side. So, if you should see this big, gray haired , loud, obnoxious woman in FL you will know why.
    TIA for letting me rant!!
  2. Sdaanimal

    Sdaanimal Well-Known Member

    All I can say is, don't shoot the is not the cashier's fault. I understand your point, but no need in being rude to someone who didn't cause a problem such as what you are describing. :neutral:
  3. Emma Caroline

    Emma Caroline Well-Known Member

    I had a similar thing happen to me years ago. SUddenly I could not write a check at wal-mart. Every time I called telecheck they said they could not figure out what was wrong. FInally after months a very nice manager researched it and figured it out for me. I had a membership tied to my driver's license at Sam's. I got married and changed my name==however I did not change it at Sam's. Now I had a new account at a new bank with a new name but the same old DL#. The entire wal-mart system thought there was some sort of identity theft problem. I totally see where the problem cam from but it was a hassle. It would have been nice if the telecheck company could have been more helpful.
  4. hhicshg

    hhicshg Well-Known Member

    This would not have been an action aimed at the checker. He/she is just doing the job. I would have explained in a mannerly fashion what I was doing and why. The idea was to get the attention of whoever in the Food Lion chain that chose this company to do something about this. I am quite sure I am not the only one this has happened to. I read many, many complaints online but I have no way of knowing where the originators were. It was not due to returned checks, they were denied information about my account where I bank. I supplied all they asked the first time, waited 2-3 days to make sure it had time to process, then went to the same store. I spent a lot of time on the phone over this and I wanted it fixed. The lady with whom I spoke was most gracious and I thanked her for all she might do to help me. I really do not think that Food Lion wants their customers treated in this fashion. Do you?
  5. hhicshg

    hhicshg Well-Known Member

    I went to Walmart yesterday with enough cash in hand to pay for my groceries but wrote a check just to see if it would go through. It did. I just called Food Corporate to give the lady who helped me a commendation. I worked for a large corporation and I know lots of people complain but not many call back to say, "Thank YOU."
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2011
  6. Sdaanimal

    Sdaanimal Well-Known Member


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