Black Friday at Walmart

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Chimp, Nov 15, 2011.

  1. Chimp

    Chimp Well-Known Member

    Has anyone done black Friday at Walmart (either the Clayton one or the 4042 one)? How was it? Is it bad? Do they put the things where the maps showed them?

    This is going to be the first year that we are thinking of doing Black Friday at Walmart. I have heard so many horror stories of Walmart stores on that day.

    Any input or advice is appreciated!
  2. Mr.X

    Mr.X Well-Known Member

    I did it once....ONCE. I would never, ever do it again. The stores have a very very limited supply of the sale items. I am not willing to be trampled, abused or otherwise assaulted to buy Christmas gifts.
  3. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    i bought a 42" tv last year. got to the store about an hour prior. found where the line was for the tv. got it, got out. it wasnt too bad and well organized. this was 4042 store.
  4. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    The deals you can find at Black Friday are not worth the headache I get nor the time I spend trying to get them. All you have to do is bargin shop week to week and you can find better deals if you know for a fact that you are looking for big ticket items or better yet Cyber Monday.
  5. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I've done it, I don't recommend it unless you enjoy rude people and getting trampled. Craig is right, you can find equivalent deals online with much less aggravation.

    I am NOT doing it this year. Going to relax and prob go to the craft fair in Ral with my Mom and niece.
  6. dietz4ibanez

    dietz4ibanez Well-Known Member

    That's one day I will never shop.
  7. Chimp

    Chimp Well-Known Member

    UGH, I was afraid of that. I would love to find the same or better deal online or at Target, but so far, nothing. I am going for the xbox with Kinect for $199 with $50 gift card. I am looking online and on all the deal sites, hoping something will pop up. Come on Amazon, please match this!!

    Thanks for the feedback!
  8. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    Cyber Monday leaks are just now starting to come out. Don't give up just yet. :mrgreen:
  9. kevinsmithii

    kevinsmithii Well-Known Member

    i'm 50 and i've don christmas for at least 30 years now. I've been shopping one black friday and will never do it again. Deals can be found week to week,
  10. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    I do WalMart Black on my couch in my slippers. You get excellent deals, free shipping to the store (or home that time of year), and no problem returns if there is an issue. This year, they are doing the price guarantee, so if I order from them on Black Friday and they lower the price, I am hoping they will stand behind their own new price guarantee policy. Why in the world would anyone want to get out in that? But, then again, I would never camp out, wait in line, mix in that crowd...EVER...For any reason. Good luck.
  11. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    B I N G O!

  12. 2not2

    2not2 Well-Known Member

    I love shopping on Black Friday, but Wal-Mart is one place I WILL NOT BE on that day. When people find out they can't put their "Black Friday" purchases on Layaway...there will be mass chaos. I don't want to be in the middle of THAT!
  13. lovetherascals

    lovetherascals Well-Known Member

    I say- go for it! Go with an open mind knowing that you may or may not get your item. If you get it- great- you'll have a success story. If you don't, you'll have a good time laughing at and remembering all the fools who fought over this year's "Cabbage Patch Kid", and then you can watch for other sales such as the Cyber Monday ones. Seriously, what do you have to lose for trying??
  14. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

  15. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

  16. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    I love Black Friday! It's tradition at my house. It's like date night. My DH likes to go, and we just make a night of it. We don't always get the deal, but it's okay, we just really enjoy each other's company.
  17. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    I love Black Friday at the malls (specifically Crabtree). It's a tradition. Up until this year, I used to go every year with my best friend. (This year, she has something more important to take care of)

    I never go for shopping, I go to watch the other suckers, some with their kids in tow, trying to do all their holiday shopping on one day. And, of course, watching all the avarice puts me in the Christmas mood. :)
  18. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Us too! Plus my husband is a big guy so he can run interference for me if there is something I really must have.
  19. shygrrl

    shygrrl Well-Known Member

    I LOVE shopping on Black Friday!!! It is the only day of the year that DH will go with me and not complain! We get great deals (usually not EVERYTHING we want but close to it) and most people are really nice. Hardly ever have I experienced rudeness at Walmart or elsewhere and we have 90% of our shopping done (between Walmart, Best Buy and the mall) by 2 pm!! And the deals are great on most things-I am looking for the half-price video games mostly this year. That in itself saves a LOAD of money!
  20. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    I specifically avoid shopping on that day out of protest. It is disgusting how the rampant consumerism drives people to insane greed so they can buy hundreds and thousands of dollars of stuff they probably don't need in the first place. If you are so hard pressed that you need to save 30% on a big screen TV then you don't need to be buying the TV at any price.

    But, but, but...little Johnny needs a playstation!

    Granted this is a hard line position and I know there are some people out there who actually do need an item (whatever that may be) and a deal is a deal, but my position is more against the blind consumer buying stuff they don't really need and would risk much needed sleep, quality time with family, and sometimes life and limb to 'get a deal'.

    As for getting the 'hot' item everyone has to have. I find more value in patience, perseverance and even learning to live with a little disappointment now and then.

    Last edited: Nov 17, 2011

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