Are Caps and Gowns required for graduation?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by lookinoutformyneighbors, Nov 20, 2011.

  1. lookinoutformyneighbors

    lookinoutformyneighbors Active Member

    Does any one know if there is a requirement that states that all students have to purchase caps and gowns in order to graduate? If so, are there any options for parents that are financially challenged to purchase these second hand or at a discounted price?
  2. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    AT most schools (all that I personally have worked with) required caps/gowns for the ceremony. If you speak with your school's guidance department/student services, they may be able to offer suggestions for help.
  3. lookinoutformyneighbors

    lookinoutformyneighbors Active Member

    Thanks PirateGirl. I appreciate your response. :)
  4. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Is your soon to be graduate working? Perhaps you can encourage him/her to earn the $ to pay for the cap and gown.
  5. lookinoutformyneighbors

    lookinoutformyneighbors Active Member

    Our son is working, but we were not expecting him to have to pay for a cap and gown that he will only use once in his lifetime. Considering that persons can rent tuxes and dresses for proms and weddings, I wonder why the same could not apply with this as well. Thanks for your suggestion though ncmom. I do appreciate it. :)
  6. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    We have a gown from 2010 for WJHS that you may borrow if you'd like. My daugther threw the cap away.
  7. lookinoutformyneighbors

    lookinoutformyneighbors Active Member

    Thanks for the offer. My son is going to speak with his counselor tomorrow to see if he may have any other options available. If not, I will definitely be in touch regarding borrowing the gown. Thank you so much michelle! :)
  8. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    You are very welcome. He will still have to purchase the piece that goes on top of the gown as it will have the year on it and I doubt he wants to wear a 2010 on his : )
  9. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    How much is a cap and gown?
  10. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    in 2010 they were $75.
  11. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

  12. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    Out of about 500 kids at the WJHS graduation last year, there were two or three who weren't wearing the cap and gown. I don't know what their story was, but apparently they are allowed to graduate without it.

    No doubt that $75 is a lot of money for what it is, but think about it another way. Those kids worked 13 years to walk across that stage. That breaks down to $6.00/year. I understand thinking of it differently doesnt put the money on your pocket, but it might help justify the cost if you can come up with it.
  13. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Yep, and trust me . . .the quality is NOT what you would think for that much money. They are about as nice as a cheap halloween costume :ack:
  14. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    I'm sure part of that money also goes toward other graduation expense such as the cost of printing the diploma's and the holders for them.
  15. lookinoutformyneighbors

    lookinoutformyneighbors Active Member

    Actually, the cap and gown prices are only for the cap and gown. All other printed items are charged for individually. The cheapest package is for the cap, gown and a hoodie for $92.00. If we want to order any other items (invitations, etc.), we would have to pay additional for those.
  16. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Yea, I know about the invitations and stuff (have had 2 grad already) :lol:. I just wasn't sure who paid for the diploma's - maybe that's already in the school budget.
  17. lookinoutformyneighbors

    lookinoutformyneighbors Active Member

    Ok. Thanks bandmom :)
  18. LovingLife10

    LovingLife10 Well-Known Member

    Most all of graduation expenses are paid out of the class account. The money in the class accounts comes from class-sponsored events that occur during homecoming week and other class-sponsored events throughout the year. These events are organized by the Student Government.

    There are options for those who are financially unable to purchase cap and gowns. Talk to student services. The reason the prices are so high is because the vendor for these items knows that most people will and demand. If they can get that much for them, they will.
  19. lookinoutformyneighbors

    lookinoutformyneighbors Active Member

    Thanks for the information LovingLife10. I do appreciate it! :)
  20. 4Christ

    4Christ Well-Known Member

    The cap and gown are not required to graduate, just to participate in the graduation ceremony. My son absolutely did not want me to purchase one as he felt it was wasted money, but I did anyway...I wanted the pics :) If I remember correctly, they provided his accolade sashes and ropes.

    They also change every year so you cant use one from a previous year :/
    (this is my uderstanding, I dont know it to be fact )

    I'm sure the school gets money from the sales, and probably puts that toward other ceremony expenses...

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