Does Santa Exist?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Clif001, Nov 26, 2011.


Does Santa Claus Exist

Poll closed Dec 26, 2011.
  1. Yes

    27 vote(s)
  2. No

    12 vote(s)
  1. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    Ok, we have one month till Christmas, and so I post another poll.

    The question is, does Santa Exist?

    I'm not talking about the idea of Santa, the "Yes, Virginia, the spirit of Santa Claus exists in all of us."

    I'm talking about the real, actual person who lives and builds toys at his toy shop at the North Pole.

    Whatever your opinion, though, please remember that kids might be reading these posts.
  2. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Then why post the poll killjoy?
  3. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

  4. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    It's one thing to vote that you don't believe in Santa, it's quite another to rail against those of us who do.

    Because of the flame war that started with the first of these polls, which was viewed by some young-uns, I have since asked that you remember when you post comments that the small ones might be reading them.

    I am sorry if my plea puts you off from potentially spoiling Christmas for others. Feel free to post your own poll if you see fit.
  5. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    You have no clue what I believe in!
    I still do not see the point in having a poll especially on an area that is open for general browsing except you trying to stir a pot.

    Nothing will be solved or decided by this poll, but yet you feel the need to do it for your own selfish reasons.
  6. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    Just for the record, he does this poll every year.
  7. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    Nope, and don't much care. The poll isn't meant to question individual's beliefs, but the general population. If I wanted to know, I would have made the poll non-anonymous. What you believe is entirely up to you. As is whether or not you want your belief to be made public.

    Then do not vote. I'm not trying to stir any pot (unlike you appear to be doing). It's more of a tradition started long ago because of an argument over whether being a "grown-up" means you stop believing in Santa Claus. Year after year I post the same poll, and year after year the votes prove that most people on 4042 (who care to vote) believe.

    Have you ever seen anything solved or decided by a poll? Especially on a forum? And most especially on the 4042 forum?

    Gee, I'm selfish for wanting to add a little Christmas spirit. So have me beheaded already.

    Geez, what an Ebeneezer Grinch! :jester:
  8. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    under how many usernames?
  9. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    Just two.

    Still trying to stir?
  10. space_cowboy

    space_cowboy Well-Known Member

    Christians, which compromise a majority of this board, also believe in a savior they've never seen and let a book lead their lives of which they don't know the real origin (other than it's King James' version) - all in the name of faith.
  11. irishluck

    irishluck Well-Known Member

    Wow, look at the pot calling the kettle black. The pot is only stirred if you participate. Frankly, there'd be no "stirring" right now if someone didn't get so offended for what ever reason.

    (wow a lot of kitchen metaphors in there)
  12. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Not a Christian or a believer in that book, but I know Santa is real cause Coke-A-Cola got a picture of him!
  13. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    A walk down memory lane...

    I decided to do a search to see if I could find the old polls and what the results were.

    Here is what I found...

    First off, I didn't realize I missed both 2010 and 2009. I guess the depression was deeper than I thought. :)

    Yes - 52
    No - 19

    2008 (Mock poll by ready2cmyKing)
    Yes - 15
    No - 14

    Yes - 13
    No - 28

    Yes - 27
    No - 20

    Yes - 27
    No - 23

    Nothing before 2005. The 2005 poll makes reference to an earlier poll, so I guess 4042 dumps threads that are older than 6 years.

    Oh, and the 2005 thread is a fun read back when Cleopatra and I was much more adversarial.
  14. pbarefoot

    pbarefoot Well-Known Member

    Ok, I'll play along. I believe in Santa and always will. Yes, I'm also a hopeless romantic and love long walks on the beach. I also love riding horses and have a repeating dream of riding my horse (when I was a teen...sigh), through the meadow. Now I'm a grown up and things aren't so care free but I need to believe in Santa, especially this year.

  15. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    WOW! That was a fun walk down memory lane.

    My answer is still NO. :p
  16. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    So you're asking if there's an actual person .. an individual at the north pole who creates and delivers toys? Not the SPIRIT ... nothing magical or mystical ... but an actual physical being. Right? Just clarifying before I vote. ;)
  17. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
    Arthur C. Clarke, "Profiles of the Future" 1962

    To say he is not magic does not mean that he does not appear magical to "mere mortals".

    I cannot say what Santa Claus might be. Possibly an interdimensional being, possibly a stranded ET. Maybe he is a human that has been given his attributes (apparent agelessness, ability to alter time to allow his world-wide journey to occur in one night, etc) from some other source that we cannot comprehend.

    But whatever he actually is, I am referring to
    1. A physical being. Not "the spirit of Christmas" or "Good will incarnate". Not the Saint Nicolas, nor some Turkish Bishop who lived long ago but is now dead.

    2. Lives close enough to the North Pole to say that's where he lives. He doesn't have to literally live at 0° N latitude. For years my address was Clayton, but I did not actually live within the city limits.

    3. Has existed for hundreds if not thousands of years.

    4. Makes a yearly trip to deliver Christmas presents. Whether they are only to the good (nice) people I cannot say. I've known some people I would consider "naughty" to have received. It's not to just children, but it would seem, from anecdotal evidence, that all in the household must believe for him to come.

    Did I cover everything?

    As an aside...

    Just to be clear, as far as I am concerned, you have every right to believe or not as you see fit. What you don't have the right to do is condemn those who do not believe as you do.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2011
  18. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    LOL, what gives you the right to tell someone else they don't have a right to express themselves, get real bub.
  19. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    Last week I flew out of town on business. Santa and his wife boarded the plane at the very last minute when two seats became available. Mrs. Claus sat next to me and we had a delightful conversation for 2.5 hours. Santa was getting ready for his annual 5 week appearance at a mall and she told me that despite the fact he is well past the age of retirement, nothing makes him happier than to actually get to speak with the the children at Christmastime. So in my opinion, checkmark next to the physical presence. And a definite checkmark next to the spiritual one.
  20. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    It's called being polite. I know it's a foreign concept to some, but I have faith that y'all will do the right thing.

    After all, condemning someone for not believing the same as you has been the main cause of most of the terrorist activities the world has experienced in recent years.

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