Desperately Need help

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by michranden, Dec 21, 2011.

  1. michranden

    michranden Guest

    Case of too little too late... Right here at Christmas

    Saturday, The repo man came and took my car. Now I am a single mother without transportation and without an income.

    My car will go to auction December 29 th if I do not pay a total of $3342.43 to Wells Fargo Dealer Services by Dec 28th.

    I am desperate. If everyone reading this would go to Walmart and get a MONEY GRAM using

    receiving code number 1744
    Wells Fargo Dealer Services

    and then email me the verification number (I have to call wells Fargo with this verification number for them to credit my account)

    Email the verification number to: or if you have any questions, I'll graciously answer.

    Maybe, just maybe with the help of several small donations might be possible for me to get my car back before they send it to the auction Dec 29th. I am so sorry to have to ask for this kind of help, but I just don't have any place else to turn for help.

    Every donation, no matter the amount will be A GOD SEND, very much appreciated and will be a great deal of help. I thank you all a head of time and I wish everyone a Merry Christmas!!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 21, 2011
  2. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    I can't wait till tomorrow to see how this pans out.

    Unfortunately, I'm outta here for the day.
  3. michranden

    michranden Guest

    Ok GUYS!!!!

    This is serious and not a joking matter.... Security of my family is at stake here... How can you be so cold hearted and joke about this. Without A car I will lose my child next due to not being able to provide for her...because I need a car to take her to her doctors appointments, to be able to buy groceries, to be able do any and every little thing. Do you have kids? What if you were in my situation, it wouldn't be such a joking matter then would it?
  4. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    You would be better to get together $1000 or so and buy yourself a "beater" car that is 100% paid for. Let the other car go. You'll be wasting $3,000+ to get it back only to have it taken again when you cannot make the next payment. You should have sold it before it was repoed to pay off the loan. Once the bank sells it, they will be coming back to you for the difference you owe vs. what they sell it for.
  5. bosoxfan

    bosoxfan Well-Known Member

    OP, sorry to hear about your problem, but I don't think a bunch of strangers are just going to send money to get you out of your mess. Like PRM said, there are too many scammers out there.

    NCmom, I suspect that the $3K is the full outstanding balance for the loan, so the next payment wouldn't be an issue.
  6. 2not2

    2not2 Well-Known Member

    This didn't happen to you overnight, you must have been 2 to 3 months behind for them to reposses it. Sounds like you had time to figure out something, including selling it and paying off the loan.

    Look, we all have issues, heck...just this month alone, we had to replace the transmission in our semi AND pay for my father's funeral expenses. We are honestly down to whatever cash my husband has in his pocket and what's left on a grocery gift card a relative gave us. But, I could not get on here and post something expecting complete strangers to send me cash just because I say we need it.

    While I do wish you luck, don't expect much of anybody to just hand over money. Maybe you have some jewelry, furniture, or other unwanted items you could sell. Even if you have to sacrifice something important, it is better than not having transportation for you and your child.
  7. Sdaanimal

    Sdaanimal Well-Known Member

    I agree
  8. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    My guess is the $3K is to bring her current. But it's just a guess and I could be wrong.
  9. bosoxfan

    bosoxfan Well-Known Member

    Same here. I'm thinking they called the loan, but I could be wrong as well.
  10. michranden

    michranden Guest

    Thank you for the input everyone

    Yes this has been a long running issue as I haven't been able to find a job.

    I have had several yard sales have sold everything of value including furniture and my jewelry! I could not sell my car.. I owe this 3342.00 on it and would not be able to get that for it although it is a nice car. But I did try!

    I just thought if 170 people could afford to give up $20.00 each...this delima would be solved. Plus you notice... I gave info for the money to be sent directly to Wells Fargo....not asking for folks to send it to me.

    I really am lost for what else to do ...this is so very embarrassing and hard to experience. What is bad... Is I know it is all going to get worse yet if I do not get my car back.
  11. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Do you have a local church where you attend regularly? If so you may get a much better response from them.

    I think most of us here feel like this is a scam or someone looking for fun. The deciding factor is thinking that 170 people would send $20.
  12. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Hey, it worked for Jim Baker! LOL
  13. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    There are regulars on this site who are good people and very generous. I have no doubt that if you had posted a few times since joining in 2008 and built a reputation before posting this you would have received an outpouring of assistance.
    As it is, it comes across as a scam and in my opinion should be treated as such until such time that someone who knows you personally reports otherwise.
  14. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest



    Your profile states that you joined in April 2008, but your very first post ever was three plus years later, and it is to ask for money. Not only that but you don't even offer to meet to receive it, instead you give us the details on how to send it through MoneyGram.

    Let me ask you honestly, how do you think that looks to us?

    We are neither cold nor heartless, especially this time of year. Plenty of us, myself included, have reached out to others on this board who had fallen on hard times or had some catastrophic event that caused a desperate need.

    But, on the other hand, there are many stories, especially this time of year, of people who scam others. Your post may be true or not, but from an outside point of view, it certainly looks like a scam.

    We might be magnanimous, but we are wary.
  15. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Einstein

    Some times it takes hitting bottom to force us to make really hard choices and make a needed change. It sounds like you are there. You may need to consider going back to school to retrain for a different job, moving some where there is a job, moving in with a family member or friend to help get bills paid while you go to school, taking a job you do not really like, etc... Start planning for the long term. Otherwise, do not expect a different result.

    No reason to be embarrassed! There is probably not one person on here that hasn't had a rough patch at some point.
  16. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    here's a good example from a fellow 4042'er
  17. irishluck

    irishluck Well-Known Member

    that's a lot of work to ask for strangers. I have to go to walmart, fill out something I've never heard of, submit it, email you the code... just sayin... paypal sounds easier

    If this isn't a scam, I do wish you the best of luck in solving this problem or finding an alternative.
  18. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    so everyone has had valid points so far, maybe fill us in with a background, why did you join so long ago and never posted till now and why not just ask people to meet you in person for donations? i truly hope you are being honest and i feel for you, been in a similar situation many years ago myself as a single mom, but just picked up a second job waiting tables and bartending, worked in convenience stores, etc., did whatever it took to take care of my kids, your child is your number one priority. Never got handouts or welfare here but never had too much pride to take whatever job would feed my babies & keep a roof over their heads. If you bought a vehicle above your budget, let it go, buy a piece of crap for a few hundred just for transportation, boy could my kids tell you stories of the vehicles i drove, they were embarrassed but they still had food and shelter so i just laughed it off.
  19. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    Somehow I doubt we'll hear from michranden again.
  20. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Yeah for you for doing whatever it took to keep your family afloat. You are a great example what can be achieved through good ole fashion hard work and sacrifice.

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