Advantage Waste no longer servicing JoCo

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Crysta, May 17, 2011.

  1. Navycut

    Navycut Well-Known Member

    Ken's at $15.00/mo.
    Dependable and even less expensive ($13.50/mo) if you pay by the year.
  2. JoCoREZ

    JoCoREZ Well-Known Member

    Hate Waste Industries too

    I got a renewal bill from Allstar in November. Called them and told them to cancel my account, they said they would pickup can once my year account was over but they never picked up my rolloff. Never got a bill or notice that they were switching to Waste Industries. Now I get a bill from WI collection agency wanting $240 for service since November. Waste Industries says the Allstar representative has no record of me calling to cancel service.

    I am at wits end. I always loved Allstar and cannot believe that they did this to me.
  3. JustAnotherMom

    JustAnotherMom Well-Known Member

    I got one too, I was going to cancel anyway, was waiting on SOMETHING from Waste to say they took over, I dont know, a bill maybe? Allstar took my last payment in Dec, then cancelled my paypal subscription. I'm going to be calling them and Kens today to set up and take a hike. I was always more than pleased with All Star
  4. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    i just called & got signed up with Ken's, Tanya was who i spoke to and she was great. Pick up in our neighborhood is on Mondays. $84 dollars cheaper per year than the bill i received from Waste:hurray:
  5. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    I wish Kens serviced my area.... but ABC has been pleasant to deal with and so far so good with their service.
  6. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    IIRC, WI didn't take over All-Star until Dec. 2 or 3, they shouldn't be billing you for November.

    Seemingly, the most understanding and competent person I talked to in customer service at WI was Josephine. I'd just call them and tell them you're not paying it and come get their container, end of discussion. Not your fault if complete records were not transferred and your note to cancel was lost in the commotion of the change.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2012
  7. JoCoREZ

    JoCoREZ Well-Known Member

    Well, the collection agency is handling it and if I do not pay then they can make my credit look bad I am guessing. I just dont get it. I never got a BILL or NOTICE from Waste Industries after the Nov 2 bill for renewal from Allstar. And how does it go to collections this fast, and since when does a company (allstar) extend credit to someone that does not pay bill. Sounds to me like Allstar was trying to keep their customer database as full as possible before the final sale.:twisted:
  8. kevinsmithii

    kevinsmithii Well-Known Member

    I've been thru this about four years ago. You are paying for a service before you get it. If you don't pay for it you don't get it. It's like going to a store and paying for an item before you leave. You don't go to walamart, take your groceries home, and then they send a collection agency after you. If you don't pay you don't get it right. They do not need to provide a service to somebody who doesn't pay. It's not like they extended you credit for anything.
  9. JoCoREZ

    JoCoREZ Well-Known Member

    I called Waste Industries again and found a very helpful person. They told me they would take care of everything and said that It must have happened due to the company change over. I asked them the same thing Kevin, why are you extending credit to someone that did not pay a renewal bill? I think that was the best approach. It is just sad the way these big companies can get so lost in making money and caring less about keeping someone. I would not mind staying with WI if they were competitive.

    Lesson learned from this was if you get someone that is not willing to work with you, just wait a day or so and call back and get someone else.:hurray:
  10. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    What I don't understand is why the rates/service are so different for residential service in different areas. I have been with WI as long as I can remember at 3 different locations in JC and the highest my quarterly bill has ever been is right now just over $54/qtr and it just recently went up to that amount. We have never had any issues with customer service or our truck driver in our neighborhood. They always do a great job and take darn near anything we put out there. Even when we went with preferred waste for a short time years ago (to get a lower rate), WI honored their rate when they bought them out. The rate has inched up a little due to gas prices, but so has everything else. I guess we are just lucky.
  11. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    My bill from WI after my previous contract with Advantage ended was for $230.04 per year - with Ken's Trash it is $156 per year, i'd say that savings is worth changing for.
  12. JoCoREZ

    JoCoREZ Well-Known Member

  13. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Years ago when we were with WI and had stayed with them through a move to a new house, our rate was as high as $70/qtr. I found out through my neighbor that they were only paying $60/qtr with WI. I called WI and requested that they drop my price to what my neighbors was, they said NO. They said he had an introductory price.. ummm.. ok, an introductory price that they had for over 6 years. I told them in no uncertain terms that they had been ripping me off, and probably anyone else in my neighborhood that was paying more than $60/qtr. I think on the next trash day, I went and stuck a note on all the WI barrels in my neighborhood after they had picked up the route, to let my neighbors know. Funny, after that we had much more of a variety of trash cans in the sub-division. :twisted:
  14. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    I don't blame you for going elsewhere and I love the idea of taking your neighbors with you! I just don't understand why they treat people differently. We certainly don't have an introductory rate! We have been here 6+ years! I guess they are so big now that they don't care!
  15. lgb0250

    lgb0250 Well-Known Member

    Funny that All Star still picked up our trash this past Monday even though we've already received a billing from WI. Can't remember when the change over date was suppose to be!

    Question for anyone using Ken's. According to their website they will charge for anything that doesn't fit in their container. With All Star we've always been able to lay boxes that things came in next to the container and they would take them with no problem. We had a large amount of these last Monday cleaning out the garage from boxes that Christmas presents came in and they took them all with no problem. Will Ken's do this without charging extra? Thanks.
  16. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Their trucks and drivers are still making the rounds, they just work for WI now. I heard that the trucks have a small decal under the All-Star that says something about being a WI Company. The sale to WI was effective Dec. 2nd.
  17. keemom

    keemom Well-Known Member

    They same thing happened with Advantage...for a couple months it was still their trucks and drivers picking up but under their name on the truck it said it was a WI company. I honestly haven't noticed what truck it is now picking our garbage up. I really wish Ken's serviced our area...I'd switch to him in a second!!
  18. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    From what i understand after speaking with Ken's, they will pick up extra things, the only thing is if it is a weekly thing they ask you get a second container. She explained they ask that you break the boxes down and you can use your own container if you want for occassional overflow or just stack behind the can.
  19. JoCoREZ

    JoCoREZ Well-Known Member

    I am calling Ken's. I was going to do the landfill container site thing but really Kens is cheaper when you factor in gas to go back and forth.
  20. lgb0250

    lgb0250 Well-Known Member

    They sent me an email basically saying the same thing. Thanks. I just hope they are better at picking up trash than they are in returning calls! Left a message early today and still no call back.

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