oh.. and EVERYONE should always stop and look both ways before crossing railroad tracks. I don't have a problem with that. :mrgreen:
Pediatrician offices overbooking appointments! I have a sick kid. I call at 8:30 and say I can come any flippin time today to make sure he doesn't have an ear infection or pneumonia. Don't tell me to be there at 10:00 if I clearly will not be seen until 11:00! I was only seen then because I opened the exam room door and stood in the doorway until someone came with the doctor. Apparently, they are not used to folks opening the door and staring at them. I would have been happy to come at a later time when you were NOT "behind". Really? You don't know you are running behind by 10 in the morning and you open at 8? I would rather have been told there were no appointments than to be held hostage in an exam room for half and hour after waiting in the waiting room for half an hour. Why do they stack appointments? I knew we were in trouble when we walked into an empty office at 9:50 and it was full by 10:10. I felt really sorry for the moms with little sick ones. At least mine is older, but I still didn't care for the way we were treated. :evil:
CLif, if you (or anyone) are behind me in my Honda Accord in a tall vehicle (Jeep, truck, any SUV) then your lights + fog beams are very bright. VERY. Coming towards me, not so much. ANd yes, the buses on 42 DO stop 10 times within a mile or two of each other....I have been behind one, (sometimes daily) coming from FV towards 40/42 at 6am in the morning. It goes about 3 feet and stops over and over again. COMPLETELY ridiculous. And I WOULD NEVER let a school bus out into traffic. Those that do should be hung by their toenails. And made to drive a bus with elemetary kids on it for forever.
I thought they had redone the stops to conserve fuel? I know out in my area, the middle/high buses are not even going into neighborhood culdesacs this year. Kids are having to hike 1/2 mile or more to an approved bus stop at the main road or a collection point in large neighborhoods like Riverwood. At 6am those are high school buses. I guess it's because 42 is a main road? Either that or the bus driver is not following her new stop instructions. Either way, I agree about not letting a bus in or out of traffic by breaking the law. I experience this daily with buses and other drivers alike on my commute to the 264 bypass. Some drivers in the neighborhoods don't even stop now when they reach the main road. They just expect to be let in...and they are...except by me...I don't care if they hit me. I have my eye on a cute little drop top that I would gladly let them pay for!
I would say it's because 42 is so busy. the line of cars gets so backed up ...it's way crazy ridiculous.
They may be conserving an ounce of gas by not going into the subdivisions, but they are causing tons of traffic congestion by stopping at every entrance to each sub-division on a heavily used morning commute road.
Lets face it!! The country is going to pot! There is no such thing as good customer service any more. They have taken god out of the school and government! Doctors do not care for the elderly and don't want to accept medicare. Public schools cannot control the bullies or the mouths of students. People have no pride and throw trash out the wiindows and litter! The law is corrupt and everything is all about the almighty DOLLAR!! The big companys do not care how loyal and hard working an employee is anymore. Now.....these are just a few of my rants!! Pat
My Rant! There is a basic good in everyone I know! Regardless of thier religion, lack of religion, Politics and prejudices people as a whole are good and with the growing willingness to make this world a better place. I don't know if you can access it but from "The Week" magazine but I found the following comment to be appropriate: "in recent decades, most indicators of moral and social health have gotten better, not worse.” Crime has plummeted. Teen pregnancy is down by 39 percent. Divorce rates are dropping. Abortion rates among adolescents are half what they used to be." http://theweek.com/article/index/223252/the-truth-about-lsquosecularrsquo-america
I just want to point something out within your rant, something that irks me to no end about North Carolina. This: "People have no pride and throw trash out the wiindows and litter!".....This is not happening in every state. Actually, most states I've been in, which is quite a few, this is not happening. At least not nearly to the degree that it happens in this state. Vermont for example has some of the cleanest roadways I have ever seen, you can drive for miles and not see a piece of trash anywhere. I'm not sure why our state is so disgusting with their litter. Is it lack of environmental education from an early age? Not enough penalties on construction workers and garbage contractors that allow stuff to fly out of their trucks along the roads? Police not enforcing laws? I don't know, but it is a big problem in our state in particular. Wish it would change, it's embarrassing to have our roadsides look as they do.
I've done my fair share of travelling myself and I do agree with you. NC, as beautiful as it is, has the filthiest roadways I've seen. There is a hotline you can call to report littering, but it's just a "feel good" call. They don't actually do anything. Their WEBSITE says they'll "Notify the vehicle owner of the littering offense, Inform the vehicle owner of the penalties for littering, Urge the litterbug to stop littering" but in reality nothing happens (I've personally tested it). Not much you can do when the people in charge of the roadways don't care themselves.
Waste Management seems to be a big offender in littering. I was behind one of their trucks on I-40 the other day with papers blowing out of the top of the truck. I'll have to check into the hotline for next time, not that it will do any good.
That happened in my neighborhood with one of their trucks. I called their main number and let them know, they had that truck come back and pick up what had flown out.
Waste Mngmt has to be the worst, we noticed for the first time ever when they took over for the company we had there was always trash on roadside that had to be picked up when bringing in the trash can. Since switching to Ken's, once again do not have that problem.
My peeve today is people who cannot take being questioned about anything, as in "I am never wrong". We are all human and make mistakes and just because someone questions you doesn't mean it is a criticism. Sometimes we just want to prevent you from doing harm to yourself or others.
I have never been much of a poster on her but I might just have found my thread!! Rant: People who are too lazy to defrost their windshield and try to drive with only small patch to see through--then they have to slow down to 20 mph because they can't see. Take the time to scrape your windshield then you can drive the speedlimit safely and everyone gets where they are going on time.
Just an FYI, up north they call them Peep-hole drivers :lol: I couldn't figure out what they were talking about when I was in college in New England years ago, they kept posting warnings saying "Don't be a peep-hole driver!" etc... Guess it happens a lot up there.