Verizon buildings with Verizon signs above them. Who are they really?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Neighborhood MoM, Feb 4, 2012.

  1. Neighborhood MoM

    Neighborhood MoM Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to put this out there for comments and get some input from my neighbors. I had a very heated disscusion with Verizon this past week. I am informed that all the buildings we see with the Verizon big red and black signs saying Verizon are not Verizon.
    Ok. Now also there is another company inside those said buisness if you contract with Verizon with them that you can also get contracted to some other wireless carrier also if not careful. No not just Verizon carrier but another one Fire something cannot remember whom exactly can be included . I am sure they will tell you but Verizon cannot help you if this happens too at all the above said Verizon stores. But we have only 3 real Verizion stores we can depend on being Verizon. One in Fuquay, Cary and Knightdale. I assumed that sign that said Verizon and the employees wear Verizon on labeled on shirts ect I was working with Verizon. I felt so misslead and I was told if I had problems I should seek out my carriers store ( Verizon) which I thought I had by seeing the signs above all of these buildings. I understand sub-contracting ect. I also understand this is a very blurred area for myself when I do buisness whom I am actually doing buisness with. Kinda if it says Walmart it is a Walmart store . How is all the above possible? I hate being deceived by a company. I am going to kill each contracted number as they come up with contracts ending with no penalty with Verizon. I am a cash cow to them now. But I will be someone elses cash cow in the end not Verizon. I am not wanting to get in any heated areas with anyone. It is just something that is really bothering me, this is very personal to me as consumer. I do not want to offend anyone here or start a raging war. Any one who wants to jump in and give their own experences with this company please do so. I want to hear about your experences. I know there are good experences too, not all bad too. Have a great weekend all. Thank you for listening. My own rant for these past week. PS, Very kindly Verizon sent me tons of go away gifts for my phone and credited my account also. Why all this to shut me up.. No way man. I need to know what and who are those signs that say Verizon are.
  2. Neighborhood MoM

    Neighborhood MoM Well-Known Member

    Like you I found out too.

    It was like this for me too. I found out. I have been told to go back to a non-verizon store to fix my problem. Because Verizon did not make the problem. I was really in a very gray area when after a verizon person said they are not verizon up there. I thought the 1st time I heard it I thought just a verbal go away message. But I had a call back from a supervisor whom then told me the same. I do not how long or how I would have known differently till I had to have a heated argument about a massive mailing we got about friends and family.My family has been so poorly treated by individuals that either use to work and I do not if they still work there. I have never had my husband screamed at from a weekend supervisor telling him they did not have time to work with him that they were busy programing a BlackBerry. I had loads of receipts for charges that were going to be gone over by other non verizion store but that manager got promoted and left after her scheduled days off. So no help again from a non verizon store. I just guess I got pounded and plucked.I give no suggestions to anyone about what to do for themselves I am just ranting over our wonderful experence with non verizon stores. I too will visit Fuquay for now on. Now I know that those signs mean nothing over those buildings to me as a Verizon Customer.Have a good day :)
  3. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    The kiosk in BJ's is a real Verizon also. Its small but full service. The Verizon website lists which are company stores and which are just franchise locations.
  4. bosoxfan

    bosoxfan Well-Known Member

    The signs on the third-party stores also say "Authorized Retailer" like the one opposite Food Lion on 70. That's a dead giveaway that they're not company stores.
  5. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

  6. OutdoorPlay

    OutdoorPlay Well-Known Member

    The Verizon authorized retailer is very deceiving. The retailer is "A Wireless". They used to be "ABC Phones" out of Greenville. We had so much problems with Customer Service with the store on Hwy 70 in Clayton in the past that we wrote the company a letter and Verizon a letter to get some of our matters straight. Calling this company on the phone did not work either because the bad customer service doesn't stop at the pretend to be Verizon store. I would never use an authorized retailer again just because of the bad service that we received. I hope you get your situation resolved, but I would recommend finding their address, calling, and writing a complaint to thier HQ about their bad service. Then call Verizon customer service and nicely suggest that they should stop doing business with this company. Verizon resolved the situation with us and we learned a valuable lesson about the pretend to be Verizon stores. We are still Verizon customers, but we don't step foot in these non-Verizon stores and I go out of my way to tell others not to use them.
  7. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    I thought "Your wireless Source" was one of the store names....
    anywhooo -DH & I have been going over to Knightdale for a REAL Verizon store.
  8. Snuffyjo

    Snuffyjo Well-Known Member

    I worked for one of these"Authorized Retailers". Bad news! ONLY deal with Verizon Corporate or on line. Even the Verizon at Wal-Mart is a joke!
  9. carolgilx

    carolgilx Well-Known Member

    What about going to Best Buy? Every time I go in the store, the cell phone section is packed with people. I know they represent most all of the cell providers.
  10. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    same same.
  11. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    the none Verizon store are fun by a company called "cellular Service" and they suck. They sold me way more then I needed, told me the phone could do things they can't and in general gave me a sweet talking salesman who was useless. Go to a real Verizon store. Any time I go to a Verizon store that is the first question out of my mouth,...are you the real Verizon or an authorized sale place? If I don't hear that they are the real one.....I leave. And I don't care if I have to drive to knightdale or where ever that is to go get a decent store and decent help.
  12. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    Side Bar
    At the READ DEAL Verizon store in Knightdale a very nice counter person was able to move all my info/numbers off my WAY WAY WAY old phone to my new Droid for FREE. It took all of 2 minutes...
    FREE... from my ~6+ y/o phone.

    No issues & free.

    None of this BS that my PHONE was "too old" to convert...
  13. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    Do you have auto correct turned on by any chance?

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