Washington DC

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Emma Caroline, Feb 14, 2012.

  1. Emma Caroline

    Emma Caroline Well-Known Member

    I know all of the congressmen have constituent services to help you get tickets whne touring Washington. Do any of you have experience with who is the most helpful?
  2. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    Didn't vote for him , and he is no longer there but Bob Etheridge was spot on helping us. Got us last minutes passes to Capital Tour.

    I would call Renee Elmers or whoever your congresman is. call their local office and any of them woudl hook you right up. be specific on what you want to see (White House/Capital etc)
  3. hhicshg

    hhicshg Well-Known Member

    I don't know how Ms. Ellmers operates but you used to be able to call Bob Etheridge's office in Washington and make whatever arrangements. Or if you check out her official website, it may tell you exactly what to do.
  4. hhicshg

    hhicshg Well-Known Member

    Being the nosy person that I am, I called her office in Washington (got the number from her official website). I talked with a nice young man, Bryan. He said they would be happy to help you with tickets as well as helping you with others sites of interest. He was very nice and seemed very willing to help all he could. He said they would try to help you get into the White House but could not guarantee that due to security issues.
  5. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    This is great info to know as I didn't know you could do that! We visited DC two times in previous years. Thanks for the info for future use.

    Take care,

    Stephanie-- mom to 10
  6. lgb0250

    lgb0250 Well-Known Member

    This is who we used to help us on an upcoming trip. She's got us scheduled for the WH tour and mailed us passes to get into the Senate and House Galleries. She's really been great to work with.


    You can book a tour of the Capitol yourself on this website:

  7. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    Here is my Wash DC story. (1994 or so)

    I was in DC for a meeting with the Corps of Engineers. It was a late afternoon meeting, so I left early to see some sights prior to the meeting. I was near the Senate Building, so I thought I would go in to see it. I saw Jessie Helms office so went in to say hello (to the secratary) and see if I could get a White House pass for early afternoon (i figured it was n too short of notice and did not expect anything). I was telling her I was from Raleigh etc, and out walks Jessie. He shakes my hand and asks me to come into his office and sit down. He asks what I do, why I'm in town etc. Shows me his Mudcat and Durham Bull stuff on his shelf. Very nice. He gives me White House passes, and passes to Congress session that afternoon. I couldn't go to the Congress session, but went to the White House. Pretty cool experience.

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