Soccer game YMCA Park

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by raggy116, Feb 18, 2012.

  1. raggy116

    raggy116 Member

    At a soccer game this morning at the YMCA field the game started at 10:30
    There was a play on the field. Several fans said come on ref. He missed that one no profanity etc. The line judge was standing right in front of us turn around and told them to shut-up are I am going to throw you out of the park.
    The whole group of people couldn't believe this. The fans did not yell out loud it was just in this group that were talking about this call. I have never seen anyone act like this. Later one of the fans compliment this indivisual on a call no sarcasm intended the indivisual turned around and asked the groul of they wanted to take this to the next level, After the game we asked the ref how we could file a complaint against this incident. He looked and laughed at us. Well ok to the people from Wilson I will apoligize seeing that I am from Clayton. I have been a coach, line judge etc. I have never seen fans treated in such a way.
  2. pkc789

    pkc789 Well-Known Member

    soccer field in Clayton? Was this a JUSA game?

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