False advertising

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by lightningmcqueen, Feb 24, 2012.

  1. 1_more_PitBull

    1_more_PitBull Well-Known Member

  2. space_cowboy

    space_cowboy Well-Known Member

    1. Your problems aren't your customers problems.
    2. The customer is always right. Suck it up and learn from your mistakes.
    3. It's never a good idea to throw blame while trying to defend your actions, especially on a public forum.
  3. :withstupid:

    Like you know what you're talking about. You suck it up.

    5th mow free to all new customers. Call today.
  4. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

  5. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    A laborer is worthy of his hire.

    A buddy of mine is a yard mower and he works too hard to give away his services, especially with the cost of gas, maintaining equipment, etc.

    Do a good job at competitive prices and things will work out and you won't have to give away your services to get business.

    You will lose some yards to some under-cutting from others, but if you don't, you are probably too low.

    I recommend you let both threads fade in the sunset and focus on the upcoming cutting season.
  6. You're a wise man.
  7. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    I don't get it. You are being bashed on two different post. Most people wouldn't even respond and just hire an attorney for lible.

    "A closed mouth gathers no feet".
  8. I do have a lawyer working on it and we've already started the process.
  9. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    sure you do, boy that'll be money well spent

    ZUMBAbyMARIE Well-Known Member

    He certainly isn't making himself look good. He really needs to drop it all and leave it alone. Growing Season isn't too far away, but if he stops talking now he has a chance for some people to forget about it.
  11. 27577

    27577 Guest

    now THAT is a funny post. "focus on the upcoming cutting season"
  12. Sdaanimal

    Sdaanimal Well-Known Member

    No offense, but if this was true, you would have been advised to not respond to any kind of comments that you believe are slanderous. That would be his job, to speak FOR you, yes?

  13. I'm good. We can keep this going. You don't need to forget a thing. I'm not. This all started because someone wanted to shoot their mouth off. Well they're not commenting anymore. Are they? I'm not only getting a kick out of this, I'm getting customers too. As I said before, this business pays for my son's therapies. I have nothing to be ashamed of and won't shut up for anyone.
  14. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    Sure is good that your work speaks for itself, the support here for you is overwhelming
  15. lightningmcqueen

    lightningmcqueen Well-Known Member

    No more need for me to comment. I speak the truth. Now I'm sitting back and enjoying the show.:popcorn:
  16. You get paid to sit back and enjoy the show. That is what I've been told. That's why Pat his monkey wants his money back.:lol: You really should get out of that line of work.
  17. Well you guys are now boring me. I thought that you had more to give then the typical abuse the guy you don't even know BS, You can now all do your deep knee bends in a cucumber patch. See you later losers. You all should really get a life. Lonely people make thousands of posts on no name websites like this. some of you are really out there. Do some good with your lives and for a select few of you, "No comment." :p:evil::shock:
  18. My son is having surgery soon. Prayers would be appreciated. Who cares?
  19. irishluck

    irishluck Well-Known Member

    Good for you! Objectively speaking, it sounds like you may be taking things to personally as a businessman. However, it's understandable, considering why you started the business. The cold hard truth is no one cares why you started the business, what happened that made you make mistakes or skip a task. I'm not saying that to be mean; I'm just saying that what customers think. And it's sad, actually. It sounds like at some point you got in over your head (whether it was in your control or not) and now you have this to deal with from an angry customer. I wish communities were more supportive of the members in it, or at least empathetic towards one another. I don't post much but I can tell you the daily posters are a close knit and when one gets angry about something so do most of the rest, so I wouldn't doubt that you have had better customer experiences. Wish you all the best.
  20. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    The only empathy you will find here is someone lost a coupon book. These people live for community gossip, spoiled ways, wretched contradictions, and more. Their opinions are "LAW". Watch and learn. Lots of bitterness in Johnston County for some reason. Karma is going to be a beyotch for some.

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