Jason Young found Guilty

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by gcoats3, Mar 5, 2012.

  1. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

  2. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    I hope the jury is right.

    Personally I do not know how he could have done it, nor do I believe the state presented enough evidence to prove he did it.

    But then, I wasn't in the courtroom.
  3. kevinsmithii

    kevinsmithii Well-Known Member

    I thought all along he did it. I think he knows he did it.
  4. rntobe

    rntobe Well-Known Member

    I hope they got it right too. The lack of any physical evidence put me on the fence. But the jury had alot more evidence and pictures than me....
  5. busymama

    busymama Well-Known Member

    I believe there was someone else involved in it with him. Michelle Money is a likely person. She was as arrogant and smug as she could be on the witness stand. I think she took care of the kid while he may have done the dirty work. If he could have produced the shirt and shoes he was seen wearing on the hotel video that night, he would not be going to prison right now.
  6. pcroom

    pcroom Well-Known Member

    I think you may be right! I think he is guilty buut I think he also had help!! JMHO, Pat
  7. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    During the trial I read somewhere that Ms. Money had an airtight alibi.

    I think he did it, but deep down I was hoping he didn't do it and he would be able to prove his innocence. There are still a lot of questions that don't add up. He almost got away with it.
  8. Mr.X

    Mr.X Well-Known Member

    Neither do I
  9. busymama

    busymama Well-Known Member

    I just feel like he had an accomplice. Michelle Money was one of the most unlikable people on the witness stand. She didn't show an ounce of shame or remorse for sleeping with her good friend's husband. I think she fell in love with him. Maybe Michelle Money didn't help, but deep down I just feel like a woman helped him. I'm glad Michelle's family got justice, but I also think they butt in to that marriage way too much.
  10. busymama

    busymama Well-Known Member

    Why do you say you do not know how he could have done it......Hillsville, Va is not an incredibly long drive from Raleigh. I know, I've been there. It would be easy for him to drive home, kill her and drive back by early morning. His closet was right there in the bedroom, he could put on clean clothes and throw the clothes and gloves he was probably wearing when he killed her in a trash bag and get rid of them. But I definitely believe someone helped take care of Cassidy, giving her medicine, changing diaper, etc.
  11. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    For the Jason Young being guilty doubters, have you heard Judge Donald Stephens entire comments prior to sentencing him to life in prison? If not you need to listen to it.
  12. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    The guy was as guilty as sin. It's just a shame it took two trials to get it right. Hopefully some people will wise up and decide a divorce might be a better option than murder. :?
  13. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    Why an accomplice and not just someone else who murdered her? If you're willing to put someone else in the picture, why can't you take Mr. Young out of the picture?

    Personally I would look at one of his mistresses for the murderer. Perhaps one who felt that, if Michelle were out of the way, Jason could focus 100% on her. But I don't see it as only Jason Young or Jason Young and an accomplice.

    It's my understanding, per testimony, that counting drive time, he only had a one hour window to kill Michelle, clean up himself and his daughter to the point where there was no evidence whatsoever to connect Jason to the murder, and dispose of the murder weapon and drug his daughter.

    Then there is the clump of hair found in Michelle's hand which the forensic specialist said had been yanked out, but also testified it was not Jason's.

    Finally, there was the convenience store worker who, by her own testimony, had memory problems but could definitely point out Jason Young as the person who cursed at her.
  14. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    you d a m n skippy he did it. there is no other reason for her to be beat to death by someone random.

    and like an earlier poster said....go listen to the judge prior to the sentencing if you have any question.
  15. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Really? How many times a year do we see someone murdered on the news? He just didn't have the cash for a good enough attorney. Two letters. O J
  16. busymama

    busymama Well-Known Member

    It is hard to take Jason Young out of it because he changed clothes immediately after getting to the hotel. BUT..........he cannot account for the shirt he changed into. The dark top with the light stripe. It was not in his luggage, not in his SUV, not anywhere. Also, there sure is a lot of coincidences at the same time he arrived at hotel....camera getting unplugged and moved up, door being propped open. He says he propped open side door to go out to smoke. Who smokes a cigar in 30 degree weather with wind gusts going on? Also, why go out a side door.....why not go through the lobby to go out and smoke. Because he couldn't disable the camera in the lobby and he didn't want it to film him going out of the hotel, that's why. He was very, very clever. But apparently, not clever enough.
  17. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    No offense but I can't account for anything I wore yesterday. That doesn't make him guilty and how would they know about the shirt unless he told them about it. Which I can't see him doing. Think about it. How will the prosecution know about a shirt he allegedly was wearing? It makes no sense. I can sepculate that you had on an ugly green shirt yesterday. But did you? None of it is SOLID evidense. DOn't y'all watch 48 hours? and The first 48? I watch marathons of these shows!!! I am an expert now! Well that and Gangland. Tangent over.
  18. busymama

    busymama Well-Known Member

    One more thing......he checked in at about 11pm. He could have left hotel at 11:30 drove 2 or 2 1/2 hours. got home by about 2AM. It doesn't take long to kill Michelle. After that, all he has to do is change clothes, it's pretty convenient she is killed right by his closet. The he puts all bloody clothes in a trash bag. Let's say no one was with him........he gave his daughter a dose of tylenol and took her dirty diaper off. He should be done with all of that by at least 3:30. He could have tossed the trash bag in any roadside dumpster from Raleigh to Hillsville, not hard to do. Gets back by 6am the latest. Not too bad with the time. Of course, I'm just guessing by all of this. I wish he didn't do it, then his daughter could have a father who isn't in prison the rest of his life. I still feel like Michelle Money isn't innocent in all this. Just a gut feeling.
  19. busymama

    busymama Well-Known Member

    The reason they know about the shirt is from hotel surveillance photos. That's how. His other clothes were accounted for but not the shirt he changed into. He changed right after he checked in. I know that doesn't mean he's automatically guilty, just another piece of the puzzle that doesn't make sense.
  20. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    Like you know the details of the case.... :roll:

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