False advertising

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by lightningmcqueen, Feb 24, 2012.

  1. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

  2. pcroom

    pcroom Well-Known Member

    I don't think Johnston county residents are bitter!! Maybe it's you that show bitterness by not contributing any worth while info to 40/42. You only show up when you can make smart remarks to add fuel to the flame. What about the big settlement you were entitled to and it was going to be a LARGE AMOUNT??????????????? People on this site do good in this community and stick together. When are you leaving this BITTER COUNTY? I think when you do the bitterness will leave with you!!!!!! I love the 40/42 community and have made my home here for 12 years. Don't intend to leave. PAT
  3. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    I know it is a shock Pat but :iagree:
  4. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    lol Pat. We know what opinions are like right? Well let the first finger that doesn't stink point first. I will come here when I want to. I don't care if you like what I say. You obviously know me well enough to know I don't care about you or your opinion. But captian obvious...touche'
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2012

  5. Finally someone with a brain. You're right. These people are so brave behind their computers. I'm sure they'd be very polite if we were face to face. No guts. These people are a bunch of cowards.
  6. I love you too.
  7. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    dang Bub,, now you confusing ignorance for brains, cmon man...
  8. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    thanks sweet cheeks
  9. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    12 year olds.

    The lot of you.

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