Cell Phone and Agreement

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Clif001, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    I think I need a lawyer...

    Last April, when we had those tornados, one took out a cell tower. Since then, we (my finance and I) have rotten cell service to the point where we have to step outside to make a call. Calls to Sprint (our provider) are met with apathy. Suggesting that the cell tower was taken out by the April tornados is shrugged off with feigned ignorance.

    I thought, maybe, getting a better cell phone would solve the issue, but it did not. It is a good phone (and HTC EVO 4G), and I do like it, it just sucks when I'm at home.

    So the question is, for those who might know an answer, since Sprint has refused to acknowledge that I have a problem, and apparently can/will do nothing to fix my problem, how do I get out of my two-year agreement (well, one year now) so that I can get a service that actually works where I happen to be most of all (ie home and work)?

    Any (real and honest) ideas?
  2. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    I have sprint. If you have bad reception in your area even in your house they WILL give you a micro cell to put in your home. Airrave is what it's called. I live in Carolina Forest in Myrtle Beach and we are called a danger zone - 0 to 1 bar coverage. They sent me the airrave. It works like a champ. It's free Clif. Just give them your address. They will look it up on their charts. If you are in one of these zones it is free. Just plugs into your ISP device. It's awesome. Comes with 75 feet of cable also for the antenna if you want to go above and beyond and place it higher in your home. Works for me. 5 bars inside my home.

  3. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    I had asked about AirWave. I was told I would have to buy it, when it becomes available in our area.
  4. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    It's just a device. If they have bad coverage because of an act of nature. They will give you one or youcan get out of your contract. Talk to remediation. I have been with Sprint for over 7 years. I play them against themselves.
  5. Granky

    Granky Well-Known Member

    ServerSnapper's info is exactly right (and yes you have to call and ask to speak to remediation person). I had the exact issue as you and I live near Exit 312. HOWEVER, my free AIRAVE worked beautifully when I used a non-Android phone (Fusic). Was great for a year. Now that I have an Android (Optimus 3G), it's useless... doesn't work at all. I was told that especially the 4G wouldn't work well if you have a cell tower vicinity issue. I was going to get that EVO 4G, too, but didn't because of that. Not I have to consider changing cell companies but am kind of stuck since I pay a sweet low price monthly on the Sprint family employee plan. D'oh! But yeah, you absolutely can get a free AIRAVE including not having to pay the regular $5 a month charge for it. Good luck.
  6. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member


    call back until you get the answer you want.

    i did that with direct tv last week and saved 1/2 my bill. seriously.
  7. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Got the airrave sitting in my office at home and have great coverage due to it. Prior to that there was zero coverage in my house for Sprint. And it works great with my Evo 4G as well as my wife's Galaxy SII.
  8. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    I will call again. Perhaps their policy has changed since the last time I asked.
  9. hhicshg

    hhicshg Well-Known Member

    DS and I have evo 4g's and use airwave. We wound up buying the airwave for whatever reason and it is worth $5 to us to be able to go anywhere in the house and have good reception. We have had it for about 6 months and not a bit of trouble with it.
  10. mudd77

    mudd77 Active Member

    Hey Cliff, I had the same problem with my cell at home (spotty coverage). I now use a VoIP app called GrooveIP to make calls at home from my cell. The quality of the calls is generally pretty good, however there are times where there is a slight delay (may be a result of my internet). I wouldn't recommend it for important business calls, but for friends and family stuff it works excellent for me. I know this isn't a permanent solution to your problem, but maybe it will help until you resolve the issue.

  11. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Be sure to ask for someone in the remediation department, it is those peoples job remedy the situation and keep you as a customer, they should be alot more helpful than the general customer service department. It might also be called a Retention Department.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2012
  12. Granky

    Granky Well-Known Member

    Absolutely, that is the key.

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