Possible General Store in Clayton

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by AnnetteL, Mar 23, 2012.

  1. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

  2. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    didn't work :(
  3. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

    It works when I click on it in the posted message :?
    Here it is:
    3/22/12 DRAFT
    General Store Proposal
    “The Common Good”
    Tabitha Underwood
    The Common Good
    The purpose of The Common Good is to create a center of community life where residents will have the opportunity to purchase local and sustainable products, engage in community life through interaction with other residents, and celebrate local talent and resources.
    The General Store harkens back to the days of the general mercantile before they became big box stores. They were places where neighbors could meet to learn the business of the day. The general stores served the purpose of selling every day as well as luxury items and the purpose of providing a space for residents to interact with one other. This general store will serve both of those purposes. In contrast to the big box stores in the area, the general store will support the local economy by selling locally made products from Triangle artists and manufacturers. Other products made throughout the US in environmentally responsible ways or that support environmental and social sustainability will also be provided to complete inventory requirements. The general store will be a “third place” in our community where residents can congregate to meet each other, learn about community resources, and partake in social/entertainment activities.
    SERVICES OFFERED Local and Sustainable Products: The primary role of the general store will be as a retail shop for local and sustainable items such as gifts, clothing, gardening supplies, and art. “Local” equates to goods from North Carolina and the Triangle as available. Items made in the USA may also be included to round out available items. “Sustainable” refers to items that support environmental responsibility.
    Social Interaction: The store will also serve as a space for residents to congregate, meeting one another, and spend time with one another. This will be executed through the creation of a café atmosphere. Some food and beverages will be offered to facilitate leisure time spent in the store. Ultimate design of the café section will be dependent upon space limitations.
    Local Beverages and Food: North Carolina has numerous microbreweries producing flavorful artisan beer. With a beer permit, the general store can be a vendor of such microbrew beer. There are currently 28 production breweries in North Carolina and over 10 craft breweries in the Triangle alone (NC Brewers Guild). There are also many individuals producing homemade baked goods in the Raleigh area. The general store will provide a space to support home bakers and cooks to sell their products.
    Celebration of the Local: The general store will provide opportunities to showcase local talent. This will occur not only through the selling of local items, but also in presentations by individuals and groups. The store will have events that showcase local authors, artists, and musicians to start.
    Products will be made of up locally produced, made in USA, sustainably made, and products that help people live sustainably.
    3/22/12 DRAFT
    Clothing, jewelry, accessories
    Food items (dried, canned, preserved, fresh produce, local baked goods, candies and chocolates, coffee
    beans and fresh brewed, beer)
    Household items and decorations, gadgets
    Products for sustainable lifestyle (gardening, cooking, rain barrels, composters, etc)
    Local books
    Hygiene products (both local/handmade and sustainable)
    Local art
    Within the mission of the general store is its purpose of building community. There are numerous ways in which
    to accomplish this goal. The following is a list of social programming with the intent of building community
    through fostering social interaction and mobilizing local resources to address local needs. The extent of social
    programming will be dependent upon capacity of the store, community buy-in, and funding.
    Bartering System: Local artisans and manufactures have the ability to trade items that can be sold in the
    store for other items to assist them in their craft such as art supplies or gardening supplies.
    Coordinated Exchanges: Provide a set day and time for exchanges of specific items. For example, on the
    first Saturday of March, residents are invited to bring their unwanted used books for a book exchange.
    TimeBanking System: Timebanking is a form of bartering where residents ear time dollars by helping
    each other. They can then use those time dollars to receive needed services from other residents. For
    instance, one person helps a neighbor paint her kitchen and earns two time dollars for helping. He then
    cashes in those two dollars to have another resident help him clean out his shed. The store could host
    this system.
    Free Store (Reuse Center): Depending on the square footage and layout of the store, The Common Good
    could host a free store or reuse center. The free store will be a space set aside where residents can
    donate items and they will be given away for free. The purpose of the free store will be to help those in
    need and to share usable items that would ordinarily be thrown away.
    Meeting Space: Depending on the square footage and layout of the store, community groups such as
    support groups, neighborhood associations, or nonprofit boards could use the space for evening or
    weekend meetings or events.
    Educational Opportunities: Because of the civic nature of the store, it is poised to sponsor educational
    talks, lectures, and workshops. As part of showcasing local talent, residents will be invited to teach
    others. Examples could include organic gardening, making rain barrels, knitting, etc.
    Entertainment (music, movies, demonstrations): Entertainment is a way to foster social interaction and
    build community. These events could include performances by local bands, film showings, or
    performance art. Provide opportunities for interest groups such as a summer reading program.
    Few stores that sell local or sustainable products
    3/22/12 DRAFT
    Various empty store fronts Vibrant arts community Fast growing population
    POTENTIAL BUSINESS MODELS B-Corps (when available) L3C Sole Proprietorship Cooperative Community Owned
  4. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

    I think it would be great to have one somewhere in downtown Clayton,preferably on Main Street.
  5. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    There are already two general stores in Clayton. I'm sure you've seen them. They have a big sign that says "Wal*Mart"
  6. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

  7. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

    Thanks but no thanks :lol:
  8. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Technically there is a general store right off of Main Street.....the Super 10 or what ever it is now.
  9. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    That's not technically a general store, it's more like a five and dime (or today's "dollar" store).

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