new candidates for school board election?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by tryingtomakeadifference, Apr 3, 2012.

  1. tryingtomakeadifference

    tryingtomakeadifference Active Member

    Anyone got any information on the 3 "new" candidates up for school board election? Any of the board members you want to see go? Stay?

    I'd love to see Keith Branch replaced as well as Butler Hall.
  2. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    I really like Donna White. She has a backbone and has always responded to me whenever I have emailed her.
  3. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    I agree with Donna being great, she was very active with her kids while we were in school and has continued to do so

    Personally knowing Keith and Butler I have no problem with them staying as well!! They have both been helpful with a few situations for some friends of ours!

    Will have to look and see what the options are as always but pretty good with those :)
  4. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    There is a good chance that alot of information about the actions of the school board over the past several years, especially behind the scenes, that will be coming out very shortly.

    Might change a few opinions on a few board members.
  5. tryingtomakeadifference

    tryingtomakeadifference Active Member

    Looking forward to reading up on that. It's always nice to have as much info as you can, whether it's good, bad or plain ole' ugly.

    I have had to be involved with the school board this year and found a few to be passionate, a few others to act like they don't care and a few others who were so far up Dr. Croom's behind that they no longer have a voice to speak.

    Anyone have info on the 3 "newer" candidates? One woman, who seems to have run last year, and 2 men? All 4 current seat holders up for re-election are running again, so just trying to feel out the likelihood of them getting replaced.
  6. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    just FYI the (I) are incumbants..

    Board of Education
    Name Address Party Date Filed
    Keith Branch (I) 65 Powell Drive
    Smithfield, NC 27577 2/13/12

    Jamie B. Guerrero 34 Castlewood Drive
    Clayton, NC 27520 2/24/12

    Dade Sherman 5 Afton Lane
    Smithfield, NC 27577 2/28/12

    Peggy D. Smith (I) 202 Stancil Road
    Angier, NC 27501 2/15/12

    Dave Tuttle 109 Lynn Hills Drive
    Zebulon, NC 27597 2/29/12

    Donna White (I) 1330 W. Main Street
    Clayton, NC 27520 2/13/12

    Mike Wooten (I) 224 Cedar Springs Drive
    Princeton, NC 27569 2/13/12
  7. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    Think that might be an old list?

    Current members currently serving are Larry Strickland, Board Chairman; Dorothy Johnson, Vice Chairman; Donna White, Butler Hall, Keith Branch; Dr. Peggy Smith; and Mike Wooten.
  8. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    these are who filed for the upcoming election according to the websidte, sorry should have made that more clear in my post!
  9. momtofive

    momtofive Well-Known Member

    Personally, I think we need a whole new board. Our current board members are all talk, do not stand behind what they say, will only help you out if they were buddies with you before getting elected or you can in some way help them get re-elected, will tell you what you want to hear (if they bother responding to you at all), will talk tough but then vote with the majority so that they look like a board that works well together and doesn't have the problems that other counties boards have (told this by a board member) . . . I could go on.

    This goes for all current board members. During the years my kids were in the public schools, I dealt, or tried to deal, with the board and the superintendent (who also needs to go, in my opinion) to no avail. Our board is a joke and is accomplishing nothing for our schools.

    I have hope in Jamie Guerrero. He said during the last election what no other candidate will say because it might lose them votes, and I believe he will stand behind what he says and try his best to make it happen. We need Jamie and others like him on the board. Then I believe we will see true change that will benefit our kids.

    As for the other candidates not currently on the board, I don't know anything about them. Hopefully they'll start putting out what their ideas are soon.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2012
  10. tryingtomakeadifference

    tryingtomakeadifference Active Member

    From my dealings with them this year, I wholeheartedly agree with you. I think some have the right heart, but poor follow-through. They are also very easily silenced once Dr. Croom decides to flex his muscles. I wish, wish, wish he was leaving or could get booted.
  11. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    Just wanted to say that I have sought assistance from Donna White in the past two years and she was extremely helpful, answered the original email the next day, and spoke with me on the phone as well as my husband to be sure she had addressed our concerns. She also followed up later after her assistance was given in the situation. I had never even met her before this request for assistance, but I was extremely happy with the help that she provided to my family.

    The only two times I have emailed Dr. Croom, he replied the same day. One time I disagreed with what he said, but he did reply. I have no argument with him. As for the other board members, I have no opinion because I have had no dealings with them, but I think Donna White is a good choice.
  12. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    New board, entirely. Need new blood, not the same old retreaded leadership. Dr Croom is effective.
  13. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    If the Board was as competent as some think, then the Canally case would not be where it is today. The Board was made aware of complaints back when all this started happening yet they did what they continue to do today. Ignore it and hope it goes away, or cover it up. This is their history and they will have to answer for all of it very soon. There are going to be a lot of examples coming out shortly of their mis-deeds and actions and how they operate.

    Should be quite entertaining.
  14. tryingtomakeadifference

    tryingtomakeadifference Active Member

    I'm on the docket to speak at the meeting on Tuesday about our issues this year and cover-up/silence is the number one problem I have with them. Unless I get denied by Monday, then I'll get my chance to discuss my issues. May not do a bit of good, but I know I am trying.
  15. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    Ask them how its possible that a teacher gets caught with another teacher having "relations" in a trailer, on school grounds, and the female teacher even gets a promotion to become a vice principal at a local area high school.
  16. MamaApe

    MamaApe Well-Known Member

    I continue to be impressed with Donna White! I have not had any issues to have to deal with the school board thank goodness but I cant say enough good things about Donna! Keith is a great guy as well & Jaime was impressive when I spoke with him last year.
  17. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    Actually, that is one of the reasons I really like White. She does not vote with the majority or do what the super tells her to do. From what I have observed, she votes as to how she feels is right and. Whether I agree or disagree with her logic, at least she stands for something. ;) And no...I do not know her personally in any way...only know her as a school board member.
  18. tryingtomakeadifference

    tryingtomakeadifference Active Member

    I thought she was great, too. She promised to help my son get education pieces in place within his classroom and she promised to make sure the Superintendent helped us within our classroom issues with the teacher...sadly, she very abruptly stopped communicating with me after these promises were made. She told me to let her know by a Friday if nothing had been done and after that Friday she never has returned an email or phone call. So much for follow through.
  19. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member my experiences that is unlike her. Have you contacted her again?
  20. tryingtomakeadifference

    tryingtomakeadifference Active Member

    I tried for 2 weeks with no responses. It was extremely disappointing to say the least. She seemed so very upset by our issues and so willing to help.

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