Sick of barking dogs

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by JoCoREZ, Apr 18, 2012.

  1. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    REALLY? :boxing:

    I like my dog better than most people AND he behaves better! :p
  2. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Ain't that the truth!! :cheers:
  3. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    I don't have kids ... I don't have family in this part of the country. That means I can't love my critters, and treat them -as- family? Sorry, not that cold-hearted. My pets ARE my kids. And I don't have to pay to put them through college, don't have to worry about them doing drugs, stealing, drinking, smoking, getting arrested for driving over 15MPH over the speed limit, getting bad grades, lying, screaming and crying and pitching fits in public ... the benefits go on.

    I agree, I prefer my dogs over most humans that I know!

    Bring on the bull whip!
  4. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    I haven't seen you act obnoxious over your pet like a lot of the cat people on here. I think it just goes to far. They remind me of the hoarders on tv but with cats. I love dogs but Cats are nasty stinky creatures.

    p.s. You are such a tease asking for the whip!!
  5. oggsmash

    oggsmash Well-Known Member

    People who would shoot a cat for being on their cars should have their stones kicked up into their throats. But then again I do not understand the sort of people who would hurt something just because they can knowing it belongs to someone, but we all have flaws I guess.
  6. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Here's my stones. Come pull back a nub.
  7. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    We have dogs and kids... We do not live in a subdivision though. So our dogs, even though they rarely bark at all and are kept fenced in, are no trouble at all. We love them and would take NOTHING for them!

    And while the above descriptions for kids can be true, I would not call them "benefits". That stuff comes with the territory... The REAL benefits for kids are:

    Love at first sight (birth), first words, first "i love you, mama/daddy", being able to brush your daughters beautiful hair, play catch with your son, watch him make his first touchdown, train them to act like and be productive members of society, help them learn from the mistakes that they will make (we ALL made the same ones ourselves for the most part), watch them light up as they make GOOD grades and get on the honor roll, beam when they make the right choices in their lives and DON'T do drugs or steal or lie), shed tears as they walk across the platform to get their diploma, shed more when they go off to college or the military, be exhilerated when they are stable and have their own families and give you grandkids to treasure....And these benefits go on and on...

    Ahhhh, elims... I respect you and your choices and agree that it is to each his own... But IMHO only, the "benefits" are in MY list... And FAR outweigh the hard times......
  8. oggsmash

    oggsmash Well-Known Member

    if you would shoot a cat on your car, I have zero doubts you would ventilate me if I was coming to slap you around, so I have to pass.
  9. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    Thank you for being one of those GOOD parents who appreciate what their kids (talking about the 2-legged variety *grin*) bring in to their lives. Don't get me wrong - I love kids. I also realize that my critters (two dogs and cat) are just that ... dogs and cats, and should be respected as such. They are NOT little humans ... but they're still my best friends and my family. ;)
  10. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    ...and what should happen to those who blow up cats with m-80's?
  11. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I have one kid and a dog and a cat. I love my son more than life itself. I love my little dog like crazy too, and like you, realize she is a dog, not a little person, much as she acts like one. She brings a lot of joy to my life and if I can make her happy, all the better. :cheers: She's a lot less demanding than the kid for sure. :mrgreen:

    With that said, I don't like our cat much. LOL. She's a hateful little thing. My son does love her though, so I tolerate her and her weirdness. I even pet her once in a while, when she deigns to allow it. :lol:
  12. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Watch it on youtube:hurray:
  13. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    That would be a good assumtion...
  14. oggsmash

    oggsmash Well-Known Member

    Cant blame you I am certain you think a fist fight is life threatening.
  15. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    People who get any kind of pleasure out of watching a living creature of any kind suffer really have a sad, pathetic life...not to mention they definitely have some sort of mental disability.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2012
  16. Savealot

    Savealot Well-Known Member

    Our dog was barking so much when he was outside we bought a bark collar and it has been wonderful. We do take it off when he is in the house because he snores so loud he will shock himself in his sleep!
  17. newmom5497

    newmom5497 Well-Known Member

    I agree with the original post....there have been SO MANY early weekend mornings when I could be sleeping in but was awakened by the barking dog(s) in Island Creek..which is a whole subdivision over from annoying and disrespectful.
  18. lgb0250

    lgb0250 Well-Known Member

    I live in Island Creek and agree 100%. It's so bad that we can't even sleep with the windows open. What's really perturbing is that we have a provision in our CCR's prohibiting this but the board and property managers are just plain useless in enforcing it.
  19. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Not for me...I am open to hand to hand anyday.
  20. Josey Wales

    Josey Wales Well-Known Member

    Another thing dogs do is eat little pieces of poison laced hamburger tossed into their yard.
    Actually, there's a law that says he can't.
    This is the problem: Arrogant people who feel they don't have to follow laws and law enforcement who won't do their job. That leaves poisoning and/or shooting as the only other alternatives.
    I agree if someone is doing it just for fun, but pet owners like KellBell are the ones to blame.

    In KellBell's defense, I don't know anything about her neighborhood. If she lives out in the country, or if her neighbors enjoy barking dogs, her situation may be fine ...and any offense from my comments would be unintentional. But there are too many people like this living in subdivisions.

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