Sprint calls getting crossed?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by 2not2, May 29, 2012.

  1. 2not2

    2not2 Well-Known Member

    Last week my husband and I had this issue a few times. When I called him, it shows his number but the person who answers is not him. On his end, it shows me calling, but when he answers it is someone else. Same thing happened Saturday night when my son called me. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this...:?
  2. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    We're on Sprint. While we haven't made a call that got mis-directed, we have gotten more than a couple of "wrong numbers" in the past few days. Perhaps it's related.

    Have you called Sprint and let them know of the issue?

    On a side note, Love the Peanut avatar (his "comment" is perfect)!
  3. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    After YEARS of being a Sprint customer I finally had enough and changed carriers 2 weeks ago. We are talking at least a dozen dropped calls per day. Crazy. I have been in lots of different places in the past 2 weeks and have had service every single place!! Love it!:hurray:
  4. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    unfortinately I don't have a choice in carriers (Company phone) but there is a strong possibility that we might start looking else where as there are alot of complaints in the last few weeks from our sales staff about missed/dropped calls.

    Even my Airave at the house has gone to crap.
  5. happy128

    happy128 Active Member

    We are having the same issues and use our cells as our primary home phones. We have called and they "reset" our network over and over again. It is crazy.. we will both be on 70 trying to talk to each other in the mornings and the calls will drop over and over as long as we keep calling each other back. LOL. I am glad you are happy with your new service. We are looking to get out soon!
  6. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Good to hear it's not just us with the dropped calls. I swear, I've been ready to throw my phone out the car window and drive over it repeatedly for months. WTH has Sprint done to their service?
  7. happy128

    happy128 Active Member

    We feel the same way. I want to say it has just started the past few months.. definitely just this year. When we call, they act like it is no big deal....
  8. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I thought it had something to do with my new phone, I got the EVO 4G late last summer and as far as being a phone goes.............I hate it. I mean, it's awesome for internet, FB, apps, etc. but making a phone call? Not so much. Perhaps it's the service and not the phone. I'm going to call them this week. Probably won't get me anywhere, but I've about had it. :cheers:
  9. happy128

    happy128 Active Member

    Oh, I don't know. We have EVOs too.. but I don't remember it happening this bad before this year. I am with you though, I have about had it!
  10. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    We did the whole calling them thing and all of that. We finally got sick of paying around $160 a month for something we couldn't use! Now, for a little less than $100 a month, we each have unlimited talk, text, data! NO CONTRACT either! WHoohooo!
  11. LittleMama

    LittleMama Active Member

    We have the same problem! I called sprint and, of course, it's not a big deal to them. They offer me a device to put in my yard that will boost my signal. It's free with a catch. I would have to sign a 2 year contract. No thanks! My contract is up in July, and we are most definitely changing cell carriers.
  12. irishluck

    irishluck Well-Known Member

    Where I work there is this guy who has been calling about every other day for 2 weeks now INSISTING someone just called him from our number when I know no one has. Perhaps he has Sprint? He called today, so I'll be sure to ask him Thursday.
  13. JustAnotherMom

    JustAnotherMom Well-Known Member

    DH has Sprint, DS virgin mobile and I'm on Verizon. Week before last DH was at volleyball with DD and kept texting me asking where I was, he was really texting DS, but for some reason all the texts to DS kept coming to me. I thought he was doing something wrong, but when he came home I looked at his phone and it was texts to DS's number.
  14. SledgeGPS

    SledgeGPS Well-Known Member

    Im on AT&T and my phone rings the caller ID says someone i know, caller is a stranger....same thing happening with another friend I know. Been happening 2 weeks. Im betting there is an issue with a cell towers transmission and something up there.
  15. mparkins7103

    mparkins7103 Well-Known Member

    Who did you go with? We have had Sprint for yrs but the last yr has been really bad with calls and drop calls...we have an airwave and it hardly helps...
  16. LovingLife10

    LovingLife10 Well-Known Member

    My husband just came home saying that he and his mother had the same issue today. Both have Sprint. She called him and a stranger answered. His phone rang and when he picked up there was a stranger on the other end.
    I'm thinking that it is a Sprint issue and if one caller has Sprint it is likely to get crossed. In Sledge's case with AT&T, it's probably the other caller who has Sprint.

    I have noticed that my Sprint service has been really shotty lately. It will go in and out of service very abruptly in places where I have had fine service in the past. I have been dropping calls much more than usual. With this many people complaining on an local forum such as this, you would think that Sprint has received many complaints from all over. One thing I can't stand is paying for a service that doesn't work properly (ie. Sprint, Time Warner, etc.) I hope they fix this problem soon!
  17. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    Believe it or not, we went with the Wal-Mart Straight Talk....and y'all know how bad I hate Wally World! lol BUT if you go w/ an Android phone, it's Sprint service. We went non-android and it's Verizon service w/o the Verizon price or contract. We have the Blackberry-typish model phone and love the service...not crazy about the phone because it doesn't do as much as the old phones "could" do...only w/ Sprint service it did nothing! We can talk, text, and go on the internet, etc. Works for us! Still no dropped calls or "can you hear me" or "huhs"! :)
  18. pocahontas

    pocahontas Well-Known Member

    I. Hate. My. Sprint. Phone.
    Never again. Worst phone EVER.
    It just plain old doesn't work...randomly.
    And it makes me lose at Scramble W/Friends.:evil:
  19. hhicshg

    hhicshg Well-Known Member

    We changed to Straight Talk about 6 weeks ago. I have no complaints yet.
    DS is pretty techie savvy and he has no problems so must be okay.

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